


与客观事实相符合,与“假”、“伪”相对:~诚。~谛。~挚。~心。逼~。认~。~才实学。~知灼见。确实,的确:~好。~正。~切。清楚,显明:看得~。咬字很~。本性,本原:纯~。天~。人的肖像:传(chuán )~。写~。汉字的楷书:~字。~书……




与客观事实相符合,与“假”、“伪”相对:~诚。~谛。~挚。~心。逼~。认~。~才实学。~知灼见。确实,的确:~好。~正。~切。清楚,显明:看得~。咬字很~。本性,本原:纯~。天~。人的肖像:传(chuán )~。写~。汉字的楷书:~字。~书……





汉语拼音:zhēn dāo zhēn qiāng








  • 【解释】:①真实的刀枪。②比喻毫不作假,实实在在。
  • 【出自】:老舍《龙须沟》第二幕:“他们在这儿,不是先给孩子们糖吃,然后才真刀真枪的一杀杀一大片?”欧阳山《苦斗》三八:“你知道么?人家是拿真刀真枪的。不比我们光拿铁笔、扁担。”
  • 【示例】:我的意思是大敌当前,民族危亡,一个热血男儿就应当~地干,光搞这些意思不大!


  1. "Come off it, Brod, " Luke was beginning ready to settle down to a good harsh scientific argument.


  2. They awesome thing to see the demeanor may not joking, nothing so much on!


  3. FACED with "a partisan knife fight" , explained Claire McCaskill, a Democratic senator from Missouri, the Senate balked.


  4. After months of shadow-boxing, several of the main contenders for the Republican nomination are declaring their hand.


  5. I saw them actually fighting with real swords, not the fakes ones like on television.


  6. His "Huns" were not foreign invaders, nor was he intending to take up sword and spear to slay them on a battlefield.


  7. Then I thought about the craziest idea of all the ideas: to actually do it.


  8. Now, there are plenty of other Republicans who think that way. There are real debates now about war funding and debt default.


  9. Fight with the gloves off


  1. 真刀真枪地打仗找上了他,他倒也惬意。

    The real war has caught him up agreeably.

  2. 一场光荣的真刀真枪的较量,变成了一场嘲弄的事情。

    An honorable contest of arms becomes a mockery.

  3. 我看到他们真刀真枪地打起来了,而不是像电视上演的那种假刀假枪。

    I saw them actually fighting with real swords, not the fakes ones like on television.

  4. 然后就真枪实战了哦

    Hit the next one.

  5. 是啊,那把刀真是太锋利了

    Yeah, that was a wicked sharp knife.

  6. 用真枪肯定不行, 用彩弹枪呢?

    Certainly not with genuine, exotic shells with the gun?

  7. 谁能知道它们是不是真枪呢?

    Who's to know if they're real guns or not?

  8. 你摆弄那支枪可要当心。那是真枪啊。

    Careful how you handle that gun. It's the real McCoy.

  9. 还好他拿的不是真枪, 温斯顿暗忖。

    It was a good job it was not a real pistol he was holding, Winston thought.

  10. 一把真枪 就在据你几英尺的地方

    A real gun at a few feet's distance.

  11. 磨刀容易,清理简单,你们的刀真乃厨师之福。

    Easy to sharpen and easy to clean. Your knives are a blessing.

  12. 用刀/ 枪威胁某人

    to threaten somebody with a knife/ gun

  13. 他们装备着刀和枪。

    They are armed with swords and guns.

  14. 平面型后刀面枪钻钻尖的几何设计

    Geometric design of gun drill point with planar flanks

  15. 纵然这样我们决不能重新耍刀弄枪。

    But we can't go out there with knives.

  16. 别人给你贴标签的时候,你就拿刀舞枪?

    But somebody stereotypes you, and there's gunplay?

  17. 精致的小刀啊, 真是刀不可貌相啊!夹钢还是嵌钢啊?

    A refined small Dao!Is it steel or embed steel

  18. 你看, 他没有带刀带枪, 空手来了。你们绝不能辜负他的信任。

    See, he has come without knife or gun. You must not betray his trust.

  19. 他真的有枪,好的

    He does own guns. Okay.

  20. 我的天,还真是把枪。

    Oh,my god.It is a gun.

  21. 我的天,还真是把枪。

    Oh, my god. It is a gun.

  22. 如果你真地用枪打过我。

    If shoot you with a BB gun.

  23. 菲比,盖瑞有真得中枪过吗

    Has Gary ever been shot at for real.

  24. 菲比, 盖瑞有真的中枪过吗?

    Has Gary ever been shot at for real

  25. 他真想亲手枪崩了那个十恶不赦的罪犯。

    He really wants to shoot the heinous criminal himself.

  26. 我真该一枪崩了那该死的马,帕尔马说。

    I ought to shoot that damn horse, Palmer said.

  27. 我无从知道他手中的枪是真是假。

    I had no way of knowing if the gun in his hand was a fake or was real.

  28. 果真如此,总有一天,假李向阳会缴了真李向阳得枪。

    Counterfeit parts,in fact,could one day over whelm genuine parts.

  29. 果真如此,总有一天,假李向阳会缴了真李向阳的枪。

    Counterfeit parts, in fact, could one day overwhelm genuine parts.

  30. 那个抓着一名妇女挡在身前的人真拿着枪吗?

    Does the man holding a woman in front of him really have a gun or not