


1. 只 [zhī]2. 只 [zhǐ]只 [zhī]量词:一~鸡。单独的,极少的:~身。片纸~字。只 [zhǐ]仅仅,惟一:~是(a.仅仅是;b.表示强调限于某个情况或范围;c.但是)。表示限于某个范围:~顾。~管。~见树木,不见森林。……


1. 从 [cóng]2. 从 [zòng]从 [cóng]依顺:顺~。盲~。~善如流。采取,按照:~优。跟随:愿~其后。跟随的人:侍~。仆~。参与:~业。~政。投笔~戎。由,自:~古至今。~我做起。次要的:主~。~犯。宗族中次于至亲的亲属……



汉语拼音:zhī cóng






  1. 自从。

    金 元好问 《归舟怨》诗:“只从问得狂夫处,夜夜梦到 洛阳 城。” 金 元好问 《薛明府去思口号》之一:“只从明府到,人信有清官。”



  1. How on earth did you guess his nationality, occupation and all those other things about him just from his appearance?


  2. moving away from a siloed organizational structure, which tends to limit thinking within the scope of individual projects.


  3. You have to understand the environment, and if you just see it from the American viewpoint, that's all you know.


  4. He would only chisel from a widow he might have married.


  5. The entire arrangement makes it easy for this bifocal fish to spot a tasty bug flying above the water, or a bit of algae below.


  6. In the last month, China shipped $25 billion in goods to the U. S. and bought only $7 billion in return, he said.


  7. I had so long viewed the world with external vision only, and so had been unable to see its universal aspect of joy.


  8. He said you could see criminal faces, judging them just on the photographs that were showed.


  9. Coughlin says not to kick from the knees or feet. "It's an entire body movement, like you're snapping a whip, " she said.


  1. 我只从远处看到过他。

    I only saw him from a distance.

  2. 而你也只从高中毕业一次

    And you only graduate from high school once.

  3. 我认为你只从侧面看才美。

    And I yours you look nice from the side.

  4. 他只从自己的立场看这个问题。

    He looked at the problem only from his own angle.

  5. 只从他走后, 我没收到他的信。

    I have not heard from him since he left.

  6. 我们只从火灾中抢出两幅画。

    We only managed to salvage two paintings from the fire.

  7. 节约不只从一种危险夺取某物。

    Saving does not only snatch something from a danger.

  8. 我只从声誉好的商人那里买东西。

    I only buy from reputable dealers.

  9. 我只从道场周围的相片中看过他。

    I knew him only from photographs around the Ashram.

  10. 我们刚刚只从分析法的角度来研究。

    We looked at it from an analytical standpoint.

  11. 不要只从数字上看问题,要会从结构看问题。

    Dont analyze a problem by the numbers. Learn to dissect it from its structure.

  12. 其中一只从床上掉下来,伤了脑袋。

    One fell off and bumped his head.

  13. 只从服务器上只返回纯数据有时简单些。

    Sometimes it is easier to just return pure data from the server.

  14. 爬上你的屋顶!他们只从地底过来。

    Up on your roofs! They come through the floor.

  15. 划算不划算,不能只从本单位的利益考虑。

    One mustn't consider whether or not it pays simply from the standpoint of one's own unit.

  16. 只从膝盖关节以下滑动你的脚向前

    Just slide your foot forward from your knee joint

  17. 碗被一只从窗口跳进来的猫打翻。

    The bowl was tipped over by the cat which jumped in through the window.

  18. 儿时只从形式上学习英雄,而没有从精神上。

    Learning the hero just from the form, not from his spirt when I was a child.

  19. 看问题要从各方面去看,不能只从单方面看。

    We should look at problems from different aspects, not from just one.

  20. 只从背景中伸出很少的一种浮雕

    a relief in which forms extend only slightly from the background

  21. 他只从自己有可能娶的女人那里弄钱。

    He would only chisel from a widow he might have married.

  22. 记者很少会只从你希望的角度来报道。

    Journalists will very rarely simply push the angle you want.

  23. 如果只从金融方面讲, 有钱是比没钱好。

    Money is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons.

  24. 这只从他早上吹得口哨里就听得出来。

    His morning whistling alone betrayed it.

  25. 他射中了一只从沼泽地里飞起的野鸭。

    He picked off a wild duck rising from the marsh.

  26. 一只从养熊场内逃出黑熊被警察击毙。

    One bear apparently escaped and been shot by police.

  27. 倒满彼此的杯子但不可只从一个杯子啜饮。

    Fill each other's cup but drink not form one cup.

  28. 但是, 可以只从默认的应用程序域执行此操作。

    However, you can do this only from default application domain.

  29. 这只从他早上吹的口哨里就听得出来。

    His morning whistling alone betrayed it.

  30. 它保证只从所处理的元素中提取文字内容。

    Which ensures that textual content is only picked up specifically for the element being dealt with.