




1. 个 [gè]2. 个 [gě]个 [gè]量词:三~月。洗~澡。单独的:~人。~性。~位。人或物体的大小:高~子。加在“昨儿”、“今儿”、“明儿”等后面,与“某日里”相近。个 [gě]〔自~儿(個)gěr〕自己。亦作“自各儿”。……



汉语拼音:zhī gè






  1. Period for which indemnity is required consecutive months following the date of the damage.


  1. 主席赞成之个建议。

    The chairman saaented to the proposal.

  2. 他们一年的节日有12个之多。

    They observe as many as twelve festivals a year.

  3. 练习者留在雪地上的应该是个之字形的痕迹。

    The trace that the rider will leave on the snow will be a zigzag pattern.

  4. 他们所掌握的内幕新闻之多个马丁震惊。

    Martin was struck by the inside knowledge they possessed.

  5. 这是他四分之三个世纪来的第一次婚姻。

    This was his first marriage for three quarters of a century.

  6. 这是他四分之三个世纪来得第一次婚姻。

    This was his first marriage for three quarters of a century.

  7. 参议员之死是个悲剧

    The senators death was a tragic affair.

  8. 他的巨富之梦是个幻想。

    His dreams of vast wealth are a hallucination.

  9. 考试之後放个假有助於弛缓紧张情绪。

    A holiday will help you relax after your exams.

  10. 在一天工作之後洗个热水澡真是舒畅。

    A hot bath is a great refreshment after a days work.

  11. 那个温布利之夜是个梦幻般的时刻。

    Wembley was a fantastic moment.

  12. 那个温布利之夜是个梦幻般得时刻。

    Wembley was a fantastic moment.

  13. 跳个求偶之舞。

    Dance that courtship dance.

  14. 所有参加者均获得礼品丰富之福袋乙个。

    All participants will get a lucky bag with plenty of gifts.

  15. 我是个说书之人。

    I'm a storyteller.

  16. 他是个无能之辈。

    He is an incapable person.

  17. 就是个烧烤之夜而已

    It's just grill night.

  18. 四个一组之物四个一组,如音乐四重奏,四缸发动机等

    Something having four parts, units, or members, such as a musical quartet or a four cylinder engine.

  19. 点燃六个忏悔之火焰

    Light The Six Fires of Penance

  20. 过了个不眠之夜

    to have a sleepless night

  21. 再来个红州之旅

    get the whole Redstate tour.

  22. 你是个无用之人。

    You're a worthless man.

  23. 这是个多事之年。

    This is an eventful year.

  24. 那是个暴风雨之夜。

    It was a dirty night.

  25. 他有三个女儿之多。

    He has no less than three daughters.

  26. 我们得办个女生之夜

    We need to have a girls'night out.

  27. 这趟摄影之旅是个持续系列得最新装置品。

    The photography trip was the latest installment in a continuing series.

  28. 这趟摄影之旅是个持续系列的最新装置品。

    The photography trip was the latest installment in a continuing series.

  29. 张操志是个勇武之人。

    Zhang was a powerful man.

  30. 他只是个吹牛之辈, 经常吹牛。

    He is nothing but a big bluffer. He always talks big.