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1. 属 [shǔ]2. 属 [zhǔ]属 [shǔ]同一家族的:亲~。眷~。烈~。类别:金~。吾~。有管辖关系的,归类:~于。~下。~地。归~。直~。附~。隶~。生物群分类系统上,“科”下有“属”,“属”下有“种”。系,是:~实。纯~谣言……
有效验:~验。~丹妙药。聪明,不呆滞:~巧。机~。~慧。敏捷的心理活动:~机。~感。~性。精神:~魂。心~。英~。旧时称神或关于神仙的:神~。精~。反映敏捷,活动迅速:~活。~犀。~便(biàn )。关于死人的:幽~。~魂。~柩。……
Does it matter to you at all that God's spiritual Jerusalem, the church, is now married to the world?
如今,上帝心仪的耶路撒冷、属灵的教会嫁给了这个世道,完全不关你的事吗?Lord, destroy the enemy's work, the work of darkness, the work of the spiritual forces in the air.
主,毁坏仇敌的工作,就是黑暗的工作,也就是空中属灵权势的工作,捆绑所有邪恶的灵!I believe this one built-in spiritual discipline has done more for our marriage and family than any other single thing we have done.
我相信这个内在的属灵操练给我们婚姻与家庭带来的益处超过任何其他我们所做所为所带来的。His intention was that these stories should only yield their meaning to those whose spiritual eyes and ears were open to his message.
他的用意是希望所讲的故事,只有那些愿意张开属灵眼睛及耳朵的人,才能明白当中的含意。To know Him is life's highest attainment; and at all costs, every Christian should strive to be "on the same old terms with Him. "
与主欢聚是属灵生活中的最高点;每一个基督人,该不惜任何代价,寻求与主“又是一次欢聚”。Brother Lawrence found it easy to worship God through the common tasks of life; he didn't have to go away for special spiritual retreats.
劳伦斯弟兄发觉,通过日常生活中的琐事敬拜神是一件轻松容易的事,他无须放下工作去做特别的属灵退修。Here we have one of the texts in which the great truth of the blessed Trinity is seen to lie at the very root of our spiritual life.
在这里我们看见这伟大的三而一的神的真理是我们属灵生命的根基。He knew that he had not " arrived " spiritually, and that he had a long way to go in becoming like Christ.
他知道在属灵的道路上,他还有一段遥远的路程要走,仍朝著学习基督的方向前进,并未「抵达终点」。The way to do that is to stay intimate with him and to let the Holy Spirit direct our sight, both our physical eyes and our spiritual eyes.