




1. 子 [zǐ]子 [zǐ]古代指儿女,现专指儿子:~女。~孙。~嗣。~弟(后辈人,年轻人)。植物的果实、种子:菜~。瓜~儿。~实。动物的卵:鱼~。蚕~。幼小的,小的:~鸡。~畜。~城。小而硬的颗粒状的东西:~弹(dàn )。棋~儿。与“……



汉语拼音:shā zi






  1. It cannot be done by the eye alone, since sand which locks firm may suddenly break down and trap anyone who ventures out on it.


  2. If there were no friction, then nothing--be it a huge slab of stone or a tiny grain of sand--would have its stable position.


  3. People from said the gold could in a easily be pan of picked up by washing sand river water.


  4. As these rise, they latch on to dust in the air and become particulates, a quarter the size of a grain of sand.


  5. Loose sand or ore used to line the hearth of a reverberatory furnace in preparation for pouring molten metal.


  6. His shoulders must have been burning as though there were hot sand in the joints.


  7. Use a filter funnel and paper to filter the mixture of copper sulphate, sand and water into a second jar.


  8. And his subjects. We must not imagine that there is nothing at the.


  9. After vibration time gets to certain value, delaying vibration time again is of no service to more compaction of sand.


  1. 砂子炉裂解

    sand cracking.

  2. 砂子存放期

    bench life of a sand mix.

  3. 卡车装运着一车砂子。

    The lorry was carrying a load of sand.

  4. 砂吹进食物中, 里边尽是砂子。

    The sand blew into the food and made it gritty.

  5. 我们已经不在乎眼睛中的砂子。

    We did not care about the grit in our eyes.

  6. 同时也可防止砂子的返混。

    They also impede backmixing of sand.

  7. 我的鞋子里弄进了一些砂子。

    I've got some grit in my shoe.

  8. 我的鞋子里弄进了一些砂子。

    I've got some grit in my shoe.

  9. 卡车经过时,我进了满眼的砂子。

    As the lorry went past, I got an eyeful of grit.

  10. 这里有充足得砂子铺盖不整合面。

    There is sufficient sand available to smooth the unconformity.

  11. 这里有充足的砂子铺盖不整合面。

    There is sufficient sand available to smooth the unconformity.

  12. 这里有充足的砂子铺盖不整合面。

    There is sufficient sand available to smooth the unconformity.

  13. 他躺在沙滩上用手筛砂子玩。

    He lay on the beach, sifting the sand through his fingers.

  14. 以后又建了几个别的砂子裂解炉。

    Several other sand crackers have been built since then.

  15. 你应按正确的比例混合砂子和水。

    You should mix the sand, the water in just proportions.

  16. 铀矿床被砂子,泥炭和冰碛物所覆盖。

    The uranium deposits are obscured by sand, peat and glacial drift.

  17. 消防方法用砂子,水,及二氧化碳灭火器灭火。

    Methods on fire Use sands, water and Bicarbonate oxide extinguisher.

  18. 你有眼药水吗?我觉得眼里进砂子了。

    Do you have some eyewash? I think I have some grit ill my eye.

  19. 混凝土是由水泥, 砂子石头和水混合做的。

    Concrete is made of cement, sand, stone and water.

  20. 院子里堆放了很多盖房要用的砂子。

    In the courtyard, there are piles of a lot of sand for house construction.

  21. 迟早雷要把柯奇维斯塔都埋进砂子。

    Because sooner or later, ray will bulldoze Keiki Vista under the sand.

  22. 砂子粒径是影响射孔侵彻深度的重要因素。

    Sand grain size is the main effect factor on perforation penetration depth.

  23. 砂子粒径是影响射孔侵彻深度得重要因素。

    Sand grain size is the main effect factor on perforation penetration depth.

  24. 砾石通常是经过筛析和粒度分级的袋装砂子。

    The gravel frequently is sieved and graded sand that is packed in bags.

  25. 砾石通常是经过筛析和粒度分级得袋装砂子。

    The gravel frequently is sieved and graded sand that is packed in bags.

  26. 大多数类型的砂子取大约100g就足够进行筛选分析了。

    For most types of sand about 100g of material is adequate for sieving analysis.

  27. 它们自然会感到好奇,所以会走来走去,一边动一边抓抓砂子。

    They are naturally curious so they will walk and scratch at the clay as they move.

  28. 砂子像海绵一样,将积水进行过滤,并减缓蒸发的进程。

    The sand acts like a sponge and filters the water and slows evaporation.

  29. 砂子像海绵一样,将积水进行过滤,并减缓蒸发得进程。

    The sand acts like a sponge and filters the water and slows evaporation.

  30. 地上全是最细的砂子,但是蓝得像硫黄发出的光焰。

    The earth itself was the finest sand, but blue as the flame of burning sulphur.


  1. 问:砂子拼音怎么拼?砂子的读音是什么?砂子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:砂子的读音是shāzi,砂子翻译成英文是 Now usually written as "沙子".

  2. 问:砂子濑拼音怎么拼?砂子濑的读音是什么?砂子濑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:砂子濑的读音是Shāzǐlài,砂子濑翻译成英文是 Sunagose

  3. 问:砂子田拼音怎么拼?砂子田的读音是什么?砂子田翻译成英文是什么?

    答:砂子田的读音是Shāzǐtián,砂子田翻译成英文是 Isakota; Sunagota

  4. 问:砂子田隆拼音怎么拼?砂子田隆的读音是什么?砂子田隆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:砂子田隆的读音是Shāzǐ Tiánlóng,砂子田隆翻译成英文是 Isakota Yutaka

  5. 问:砂子粒径拼音怎么拼?砂子粒径的读音是什么?砂子粒径翻译成英文是什么?

    答:砂子粒径的读音是shā zǐ lì jìng,砂子粒径翻译成英文是 particle size

  6. 问:砂子粒度级配拼音怎么拼?砂子粒度级配的读音是什么?砂子粒度级配翻译成英文是什么?

    答:砂子粒度级配的读音是shā zǐ lì dù jí pèi,砂子粒度级配翻译成英文是 sand gradation


