


抢,强取:抢~。掠~。巧取豪~。强(qiāng )词~理。争先取到:~得最后胜利。~魁。~冠(guàn )。冲开:~门而出。丧失,削除:剥~。褫~(剥夺)。~志(改变志向或意愿)。晃动:光彩~目。决定如何处理:请予裁~。漏掉(文字):第八行……


建筑物的出入口,又指安装在出入口能开关的装置:~儿。~口。开~见山。形状或作用像门的东西:电~。途径,诀窍:~径。~道儿。旧时指封建家族或家族的一支,现亦指一般的家庭:~第。~风。~婿。长(zhǎng )~长子。事物的分类:分~别类。宗教的……


1. 而 [ér]而 [ér]古同“尔”,代词,你或你的:“~翁归,自与汝复算耳”。连词(a.表平列,如“多~杂”。b.表相承,如“取~代之”。c.表递进,如“~且”。d.表转折,如“似是~非”。e.连接肯定和否定表互为补充,如“浓~不烈”……





汉语拼音:duó mén ér chū







  • 【解释】:夺门:破门,奋力冲开门。猛然奋力冲开门出去。形容迫不及待。
  • 【示例】:轻轻拨开门闩,拿在手中,预备当作兵器,可以~。


  1. It has always been that you make money and then you run like hell and try to get out of the way.


  2. I bumped him on the head with my broom and he went running out the door.


  3. At this, the boy leaped from his chair and bolted out the door, running headlong into his little brother.


  4. Our hero stormed out of the room with a newfound determination, ranting to anyone who might be listening in the arenas empty hallways.


  5. Sit by the back door of a young man immediately Duomen out, faces only a flash, the old road to react immediately.


  6. Olivier declares that the sonnet was written for the countess and recites it again, which inspires Flamand to rush off to set it to music.


  7. Cause when you walked out that door, I knew I needed you more Than to take a chance on losing you.


  8. Nutritious morning meals you can eat while driving, walking, or sprinting out the door.


  9. I hurried out the door and took off toward the parking lot on a dead run.


  1. 仓里满急忙夺门而出。

    Cang Li Man rushes out of the door.

  2. 那人一壁招架,一壁夺门而出。

    The man forced his way out as he warded off the blows.

  3. 我们争执了起来,她夺门而出。

    We had words and she stormed out.

  4. 她夺门而出,丢下酒吧不管。

    She dashed through the door, leaving the bar unattended.

  5. 我从他身边跑过,夺门而出。

    I dashed past him and out of the door.

  6. 我夺门而出,向停车场狂奔而去。

    I hurried out the door and took off toward the parking lot on a dead run.

  7. 我夺门而出,开始发疯似的往街上跑去。

    I rash out, runing on the street as crazy.

  8. 铁男再也受不了的跟父亲大吵,夺门而出。

    Iron man can't stand the big fight with his father, make a dash for the door.

  9. 小明上学快迟到了, 他心里着急, 夺门而出。

    Anxious that he is going to be late for school, Xiaoming rushes out of the house.

  10. 小明上学快迟到了,他心里着急,夺门而出。

    Anxious that he is going to be late for school, Xiaoming rushes out of the house.

  11. 她和埃迪大吵一架后怒气冲冲地夺门而出。

    She had a blazing row with Eddie and stormed out of the house.

  12. 我用扫把猛抽了他脑袋一下,然后他夺门而出,逃之夭夭。

    I bumped him on the head with my broom and he went running out the door.

  13. 这一来我火了,便夺门而出。我怕控制不住自己。

    Then I got angry and bolted, for fear I should forget myself.

  14. 我会想要装成我看到有人在偷我的车然后夺门而出。

    I like to pretend I see someone stealing my car and just run out the door.

  15. 我给了他狠命的一拳, 然后夺门而出, 留下她在后面呻吟。

    I gave him a sharp blow in the stomach, rushed out and left him moaning behind.

  16. 因为自从那天你夺门而出,我就晓得真得是离不开你了。

    Cause when you walked out that door, I knew I needed you more Than to take a chance on losing you.

  17. 他们当真夺门而出,把那阵臭不可闻的蓝色的毒气放了出来。

    They had actually forced their way out and released a cloud of that smelly poisonous blue stuff.

  18. 他生气地摔门而出。

    He slamed the door and went out with anger.

  19. 瞥见警察向屋子走来,嫌疑犯便欲夺门而逃。

    At the sight of the policemen coming towards the house, the suspect made a bolt for the door.

  20. 瞥见警察向屋子走来, 嫌犯便欲夺门而逃。

    At the sight of the policemen came towards the house, the suspect made a bolt for the door.

  21. 不可从所入的门而出, 必要直往前行, 由对门而出。

    No one is to return through the gate by which he entered, but each is to go out the opposite gate.

  22. 托雷斯接阿贝罗阿传球后得头槌, 也滑门而出。

    Torres then Abeiluoe header after the ball, and slip out the door.

  23. 我就是要破门而出

    I just gotta break through the door

  24. 我打开门时那只猫飞奔而出。

    When I opened the door, the cat streaked out.

  25. 王进入的时候必由这门的廊而入,也必由此而出。

    And when the prince shall enter, he shall go in by the way of the porch of that gate, and he shall go forth by the way thereof.

  26. 那时, 我已出离惊讶和恼怒, 我唯一的反映就是摔门而去。

    At that moment, I was so dumfounded that my only reaction was to slam the door and rush out.

  27. 但他没有因此而闭门不出。

    However, he did not lock himself inside.

  28. 有人坐在门外看体育报 并为他支持的球队胜出而高兴。

    One neighbor was out reading the sports section, Delighted to see that his team had won.

  29. 而强大的社会力量可能会火上浇油,让他继续闭门不出。

    And powerful social forces can conspire to keep him there.

  30. 最后一道门随着他们走出而关闭了。

    The last door shuts behind them.


  1. 问:夺门而出拼音怎么拼?夺门而出的读音是什么?夺门而出翻译成英文是什么?

    答:夺门而出的读音是duómén'érchū,夺门而出翻译成英文是 To rush forcefully out from a door.


