







汉语拼音:nuò mǐ






  1. 糯稻碾出之米。富于黏性,可做糕点,亦可酿酒。

    宋 司马光 《涑水记闻》卷十三:“ 守陵 喜,运糯米以餉 智高 。”《儒林外史》第三一回:“这酒是二斗糯米做出来的二十斤酿,又对了二十斤烧酒,一点水也不搀。” 老舍 《四世同堂》三八:“北方人对糯米已经有些胆怯,再放上火腿什么的,就更害怕了。”



  1. Though calling it a local deals business in a mega-city like Beijing, for example, is a little bit of a misnomer, Chao says.


  2. The half-cooked glutinous rice is then scooped in alternating fashion into the original tray to give it a marble effect of blue and white.


  3. Make glutinous rice flour used in cakes thin and sweet, color BAI Liang, made of steamed rice cakes can be fried, tastes fragrant and sweet.


  4. Since the first night to see full moon people hang out colorful lanterns, eat glutinous rice balls and enjoy the day with their families.


  5. The old woman felt sorry for the child. She gave the girl small pieces of steamed sticky rice and warmed her up when it was cold.


  6. Meanwhile, it was the only material for making the famous Yellow Wine.


  7. Extremely wet sticky glutinous rice flour, a small group had to hand-pulling the wet surface, extruded into a wafer shape.


  8. The Chinese have been building with mortar made from sticky rice and limestone since the time of the Ming Dynasty.


  9. Up at 6 am, pack, enjoy some nice instant coffee Arlyne brought, some sticky rice with chicken left over from last night, and ready to go!


  1. 糯米三角糍

    trangular glutinous rice cake.

  2. 糯米蜂蜜酒

    glutinous rice mead.

  3. 那是糯米糍。

    That is the Glutinous Paste.

  4. 小豆糯米饭

    cooked bean and glutinous rice.

  5. 奶皇糯米糍

    Glutinous Rice Balls Suffed with Cream Custard.

  6. 椰丝糯米糍

    Glutinous Rice Balls Stuffed with Coconut and Sugar.

  7. 粽香糯米翅

    Steamed Chicken Wings with Glutinous Rice in Leaves.

  8. 黄皮糯米酒

    the wampee rice wine

  9. 生炒糯米饭

    Fried glutinous rice.

  10. 杜仲糯米酒

    cortex eucommiae glutinous rice wine.

  11. 桂花糯米红枣

    Sauteed Glutinous Rice Filled in Red Dates topped with Osmanthus.

  12. 八宝糯米卷

    Eight precious ingredients glutinous rolls.

  13. 碧绿竹香糯米肉

    Steamed glutinous rice stuffed bamboo

  14. 桂圆糯米滋补酒的研究

    Research on the Sticky Rice Tonic Wine with Longan

  15. 非常有名的糯米饭炮台。

    Very famous gun battery made of glutinous rice.

  16. 那粮店现在正需要糯米。

    The grain shop is now in need of glutinous rice.

  17. 罗勒子糯米酒的研制

    Study on the basil glutionous rice wine

  18. 糯米糕小吃也有象征意义。

    Snacks such as rice cake have symbolic significance as well.

  19. 汤圆是由糯米粉做成的。

    Tangyuan is made from glutinous rice flour.

  20. 面囊剂,糯米纸包剂,扁囊剂,胶囊剂

    cachet wafer capsule.

  21. 苦菜黑糯米酒的加工工艺

    Processing technique of sowthistle and black rice wine

  22. 黑血糯米粉的物化性质研究

    Study on the properties of black glutinous rice

  23. 采用抑制式工艺酿制糯米香醋

    Application of restrainable technology in brewing glutinous rice savory vinegar

  24. 本公司专心致力于供应糯米肠。

    Our company is one of the leading manufacturers of glutinous rice sausage.

  25. 加入砂糖及糯米粉搓成粉团。

    Add sugar and glutinous rice flour to form dough.

  26. 选用优质糯米浸透琼干炊熟。

    Joan selected quality glutinous rice soaked and cooked dry cooking.

  27. 主要产品品王酒, 糯米陈酒, 冰雪酒。

    Products Pinwang spirit, mellow wine, Binxue spirit.

  28. 糖, 糯米粉加猪油蒸制而成。

    Sugar, lard steaming glutinous rice flour from Canada.

  29. 我喜欢把糯米团弄在我牙齿上。

    I love to let rice stick to my teeth.

  30. 请给我一份糯米糍,一份蟹黄烧卖。

    Please give me one portion of the Glutinous Paste and one portion of the Steamed Crab Dumplings.


  1. 问:糯米拼音怎么拼?糯米的读音是什么?糯米翻译成英文是什么?

    答:糯米的读音是nuòmǐ,糯米翻译成英文是 glutinous rice

  2. 问:糯米饭拼音怎么拼?糯米饭的读音是什么?糯米饭翻译成英文是什么?

    答:糯米饭的读音是nuòmǐfàn,糯米饭翻译成英文是 glutinous rice; sticky rice; Khao Niao

  3. 问:糯米条拼音怎么拼?糯米条的读音是什么?糯米条翻译成英文是什么?

    答:糯米条的读音是nuòmǐtiáo,糯米条翻译成英文是 Abelia chinensis

  4. 问:糯米糍拼音怎么拼?糯米糍的读音是什么?糯米糍翻译成英文是什么?

    答:糯米糍的读音是,糯米糍翻译成英文是 Nuomici

  5. 问:糯米糕拼音怎么拼?糯米糕的读音是什么?糯米糕翻译成英文是什么?

    答:糯米糕的读音是nuòmǐ gāo,糯米糕翻译成英文是 Sweet Rice Cake

  6. 问:糯米纸拼音怎么拼?糯米纸的读音是什么?糯米纸翻译成英文是什么?

    答:糯米纸的读音是nuòmǐzhǐ,糯米纸翻译成英文是 The wafer; the rice-paper; edible, paper-thin fi...

  7. 问:糯米肠拼音怎么拼?糯米肠的读音是什么?糯米肠翻译成英文是什么?

    答:糯米肠的读音是nuòmǐ cháng,糯米肠翻译成英文是 Korean Sausage with Sweet Rice

  8. 问:糯米香拼音怎么拼?糯米香的读音是什么?糯米香翻译成英文是什么?

    答:糯米香的读音是nuòmǐxiāng,糯米香翻译成英文是 Semnostachya menglaensis

  9. 问:糯米烧麦拼音怎么拼?糯米烧麦的读音是什么?糯米烧麦翻译成英文是什么?

    答:糯米烧麦的读音是nuòmǐshāomài,糯米烧麦翻译成英文是 glutinous rice dumpling

  10. 问:糯米糖饼拼音怎么拼?糯米糖饼的读音是什么?糯米糖饼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:糯米糖饼的读音是nuòmǐ táng bǐng,糯米糖饼翻译成英文是 Sweet Rice and Sugar-filled Korean Pancake...

  11. 问:糯米香属拼音怎么拼?糯米香属的读音是什么?糯米香属翻译成英文是什么?

    答:糯米香属的读音是nuòmǐxiāng shǔ,糯米香属翻译成英文是 Semnostachya

  12. 问:糯米麻花拼音怎么拼?糯米麻花的读音是什么?糯米麻花翻译成英文是什么?

    答:糯米麻花的读音是nuòmǐ máhuā,糯米麻花翻译成英文是 Twisted Sweet Rice Bread

  13. 问:糯米甜甜圈拼音怎么拼?糯米甜甜圈的读音是什么?糯米甜甜圈翻译成英文是什么?

    答:糯米甜甜圈的读音是nuòmǐ tián tián quān,糯米甜甜圈翻译成英文是 Sweet Rice Doughnut

  14. 问:糯米糖醋肉拼音怎么拼?糯米糖醋肉的读音是什么?糯米糖醋肉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:糯米糖醋肉的读音是nuòmǐ táng cù ròu,糯米糖醋肉翻译成英文是 Sweet and Sour Pork

  15. 问:糯米纸囊剂拼音怎么拼?糯米纸囊剂的读音是什么?糯米纸囊剂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:糯米纸囊剂的读音是nuò mǐ zhǐ náng jì,糯米纸囊剂翻译成英文是 wafer

  16. 问:糯米面片汤拼音怎么拼?糯米面片汤的读音是什么?糯米面片汤翻译成英文是什么?

    答:糯米面片汤的读音是nuòmǐ miàn piàn tāng,糯米面片汤翻译成英文是 Sweet Rice Handpulled Dough Soup

  17. 问:糯米团菌绒孢拼音怎么拼?糯米团菌绒孢的读音是什么?糯米团菌绒孢翻译成英文是什么?

    答:糯米团菌绒孢的读音是nuòmǐtuánjūn róngbāo,糯米团菌绒孢翻译成英文是 Mycovellosiella gonostegiae

  18. 问:糯米芝麻糖饼拼音怎么拼?糯米芝麻糖饼的读音是什么?糯米芝麻糖饼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:糯米芝麻糖饼的读音是nuòmǐ zhīma táng bǐng,糯米芝麻糖饼翻译成英文是 Sweet Rice and Sesame Seed Korean Pancake...

  19. 问:糯米海鲜锅巴汤拼音怎么拼?糯米海鲜锅巴汤的读音是什么?糯米海鲜锅巴汤翻译成英文是什么?

    答:糯米海鲜锅巴汤的读音是nuòmǐ hǎixiān guōbā tāng,糯米海鲜锅巴汤翻译成英文是 Scorched Sweet Rice Soup with Seafood

  20. 问:糯米冬冬酒(米酒)拼音怎么拼?糯米冬冬酒(米酒)的读音是什么?糯米冬冬酒(米酒)翻译成英文是什么?

    答:糯米冬冬酒(米酒)的读音是nuòmǐ dōng dōng jiǔ (mǐ jiǔ),糯米冬冬酒(米酒)翻译成英文是 Sweet Rice Dongdongju


