


1. 体 [tǐ]2. 体 [tī]体 [tǐ]人、动物的全身:身~。~重。~温。~质。~征(医生在检查病人时所发现的异常变化)。~能。~貌。~魄(体格和精力)。~育。~无完肤。身体的一部分:四~。五~投地。事物的本身或全部:物~。主~。群……





汉语拼音:tǐ lì








  1. 著作的编写格式;文章的组织形式。

    《宋书·傅隆传》:“ 汉 兴,始徵召故老,搜集残文,其体例紕繆,首尾脱落,难可详论。” 清 恽敬 《答来卿书》:“而其用意用法之巧胜,有不可胜求者,略举数篇,以为体例。” 王鹏运 《<彊邨词>序》:“拙集既用《味梨集》体例,则《春明花事》诸词,其题目拟《金明池》下书《扇子湖荷花》,题序则另行低一格,而去其‘第一’、‘第二’等字,似较大方。”

  2. 纲领制度和内容细则。


  3. 成规;惯列。

    宋 苏轼 《相度准备赈济第一状》:“欲乞检会去年体例,更赐加数。” 元 马致远 《陈抟高卧》第三折:“无那舞蹈扬尘体例,只打个稽首权充拜礼。” 郭沫若 《今昔集·论儒家的发生》:“ 正考父 的《鼎铭》是法诫语,不合体例,不能认为它是真的。”



  1. Take a moment to think about this. Each of us possesses a tangible, living soul. The System has no such thing.


  2. He thought he could use his kownledge to find out the best ways for farmers to grow crops and then write a book to help them.


  3. I won't bore you with the details of every plan or proposal, but basically, the debate has centered around two different approaches.


  4. Any man of insight wanting to join-in, please send your Chinese&English resume, education certificate and contact ways to the address.


  5. Kissing as means of expressing affection appears to have developed more extensively in Western cultures than in Eastern ones.


  6. Of course, if you spend time doing all that, you might not get wealthy.


  7. I especially believe that for you, and for me, it is most efficient to write papers from outlines.


  8. Post enumeration survey is one of the effective approaches to examine and evaluate the quality of census registration.


  9. A standard, unified, integrated and scientific layout is an absolutely necessary condition for a good dictionary.


  1. 体例繁多。

    Regulations are numerous.

  2. 体例前后不一致。

    The style is inconsistent.

  3. 物权立法体例论

    On the Legislation System of Real Right

  4. 请按体例修改这份手稿。

    Please style this manuscript.

  5. 字形铅字的某种特定印刷体例

    A specific style of type.

  6. 时候和日期以尺度体例标出。

    Time and date with standard way line out.

  7. 唐代判牍体例文辞研究

    A Study of the language in Court Verdicts of the Tang Dynasty

  8. 推延是掩埋您庶獗能最佳的体例。

    Procrastination is the best way to bury your potential.

  9. 你建议我们用什么运输体例呢?

    What mode of transportation do you suggest we use?

  10. 铅字字体铅字某种印刷体例中的字符

    The characters in one style of type.

  11. 她苦思冥想, 终于找到了一个体例。

    She thought hard, and she found a way at last.

  12. 我们还斥地了新的互动体例。

    But we also broke ground on new ways to interact.

  13. 古悲剧体古典悲剧的古老体例

    The ancient style of classical tragedy.

  14. 古代文学评点体例与方式的承传

    The Connecting Link of Style and Mode of Ancient Literary Criticism and Punctuating

  15. 唐代拟判体例文辞探析

    On the Organization and Language of the Mimic Documents of Court Decision in Tang Dynasty

  16. 综合性译学词典的编排体例探讨

    A Discussion on the Layout of Comprehensive Translatological Dictionary.

  17. 解读美国民事诉讼的立法体例和立法技术

    Understanding of Legislative System and Technique of Civil Procedure of America

  18. 解读近思录结构体例的范本效应

    Study of the Model for Calligraphy or Painting Effect of the Structure of Jin Si Lu

  19. 关于空间权的性质与立法体例的探讨

    On the Nature of Air Space Right and the Legislative Issues thereof

  20. 你能做的最好体例, 是和他们敬而远之。

    The best thing you can do is stay away from every one you encounter.

  21. 她以一种我们大未料到的体例讲话。

    She spoke in a way that we had never expected.

  22. 清末刑法典编纂体例和结构的变化

    The Changes and Effects of the Framework of the Criminal Code Compilation at the End of Qing Dynasty

  23. 他人从来没有以这类体例和他说过话。

    He has never been spoken to in this way.

  24. 在现代社会,这种编年体体例仍是必要的。

    As an important form of history work, the chronological form is still necessary even in modern society.

  25. 准确体现结构体例的表达功能及其层次关系。

    Second, it can express the structure's function and the relations between the layers exactly.

  26. 请告诉我你解决这类问题得体例好吗?

    Can you show me the way you solve the problem like this?

  27. 请告诉我你解决这类问题的体例好吗?

    Can you show me the way you solve the problem like this?

  28. 咱们不能让体系体例现出它自己的一壁。

    We must not allow the System to take on a life of its own.

  29. 纯正得收集零售店以因特网为其首要得零售体例。

    A pure play etailer uses the Internet as its primary means of retailing.

  30. 纯正的收集零售店以因特网为其首要的零售体例。

    A pure play etailer uses the Internet as its primary means of retailing.


  1. 问:体例拼音怎么拼?体例的读音是什么?体例翻译成英文是什么?

    答:体例的读音是tǐlì,体例翻译成英文是 style



