







汉语拼音:tān kāi








  1. 敞开;铺开。

    《水浒传》第十四回:“ 晁盖 披着衣裳,前襟摊开,从大路上赶来。” 丁玲 《韦护》第二章六:“他抽了几枝烟,但将稿纸摊开好久之后,还不能写一个字。”

  2. 分摊。

    清 江日昇 《台湾外记》卷上:“今之 日本 ,凡船隻到港,人都入在班中拘束,不许四处散歇,交易只许六十万两,各船摊开,数足,将餘货发还,给水米蔬菜驾回。”

  3. 摆明。

    柳青 《狠透铁》九:“一切事情当着群众的面办,就任何人也蒙蔽不了他们了。必须打通 来娃 他妈这一关,然后把事情摊开。” 沙汀 《困兽记》二七:“现在,问题的复杂、困难,已经全部摊开在眼前了!”



  1. A rollaway can be moved into a room to sleep an extra person, and a hide-a-bed is a sofa that folds out to make a bed.


  2. At a meeting with him at his office this past fall, he unrolled one of his countless maps of the Sphinx on a table.


  3. When I was about to put it in an envelope I was called into my back office, and without thinking I left the paper lying open on my desk.


  4. There was another communing silence, broken at intervals by muffled sobs, and then the minister spread his hands abroad and prayed.


  5. We made it all the way home and in the front of our house my mom opened up the paper this woman had put into her hands.


  6. One morning as the expert approached and beckoned for him to hold out his hand, he was about to blurt out that he could go on no longer.


  7. Jim had not yet seen his beautiful gift. She happily held it out to him in her open hands. The silver chain seemed so bright.


  8. He spread the photostatted military map out on the forest floor and looked at it carefully.


  9. She flat on her left arm to me, shrug torch-like glare out there in her palm, jump burning, never leave the potential field of her palm.


  1. 摊开一本书

    to open a book.

  2. 他们摊开手脚烤火。

    They were sprawled out in front of the fire.

  3. 他摊开一幅地图。

    He spread out a map.

  4. 皮剥下来, 摊开晾干。

    The skins are removed and laid out to dry.

  5. 皮剥下来,摊开晾干。

    The skins are removed and laid out to dry.

  6. 我们把问题摊开来解决。

    In order to solve a problem we need to air it.

  7. 我们把问题摊开来解决。

    In order to solve a problem we need to air it.

  8. 她把衣服摊开晒干了。

    She spread the clothes to dry.

  9. 切开, 摊开并铺平, 如虾

    To cut and spread open and flat, as shrimp.

  10. 她手脚摊开趴在床上。

    She lay sprawled across the bed.

  11. 她四肢摊开躺在床上。

    She lay on the bed, her arms and legs splayed out.

  12. 他手脚摊开趴在书桌上。

    He lay in a sprawl over the desk.

  13. 他手脚摊开躺在草地上。

    He lay outstretched on the grass.

  14. 他并说,他摊开他披着祈祷。

    He spread out his cloak and said his prayers.

  15. 他们摊开披着奠定了他。

    They spread out a cloak and laid him on it.

  16. 四肢摊开地坐, 卧或倒下

    Sit, lie or fail with the arms and legs spread out loosely

  17. 她急切地把手摊开伸向他。

    She held it out to him eagerly upon her open palm.

  18. 咱们把地图摊开铺在地上吧。

    Let's spread the map out on the floor.

  19. 我们把午饭摊开摆在了草地上。

    We spread our lunch on the grass.

  20. 把手拿出来放在身前,并且摊开

    Hands out in front of you. Palms up. Together.

  21. 你摊开手, 让我看看你拿的是什么。

    Open your hand and let me see what you have in it.

  22. 我一手的坏牌有一天总要摊开

    The losing cards are some day lay

  23. 我们双方只有摊开来说才能达成协议。

    We can only reach agreement if we both put our cards on the table.

  24. 你可以教我如何摊开这张沙发床吗?

    Could you show me how to open this sofa bed?

  25. 我不再感到害怕了。我坐下来, 摊开笔记本。

    I was not afraid any more. I sat down and opened my notebook.

  26. 累坏了得男孩摊开四肢躺在草地上。

    The tired boy sprawled on the grass.

  27. 与此同期, 卫星们摊开了它们的展销铺子。

    At the same time, the satellites are laying out their wares.

  28. 我们在地上摊开一条草垫作为临时床铺。

    We shook down a straw mattress as an improvised bed.

  29. 罗兰多趴着睡着了, 四肢摊开, 打着呼噜。

    Rolando lay sprawled on his stomach, snoring.

  30. 请把你想带去度假的衣服摊开看看。

    Please lay out all the clothes you want to take on holiday.


  1. 问:摊开地图拼音怎么拼?摊开地图的读音是什么?摊开地图翻译成英文是什么?

    答:摊开地图的读音是tānkāi dìtú,摊开地图翻译成英文是 spread out a map



tān kāi ㄊㄢ ㄎㄞ 摊开(摊开)