







汉语拼音:wù xìng







  1. 对事物理解和分析的能力。

    宋 赵师秀 《送汤干》诗:“能文兼悟性,前是 惠休 身。” 明 谢榛 《四溟诗话》卷四:“诗固有定体,人各有悟性。” 林纾 《闽中新乐府》:“儿童初学,骤语以六经之旨,茫然当不一觉;其点诵经文,力图强记,则悟性转窒。”



  1. it decides by a new and wholly original insight it had never tried before, and would have never thought to try.


  2. If I had not adopted the mysterious implication, that meant I was deficient in the perception of life.


  3. And he said: No man can reveal to you aught but that which already lies half asleep in the dawning of our knowledge.


  4. Tsai, 55, was widely praised for a savvy campaign, but announced that she was standing down as she conceded defeat.


  5. Pet understanding of the skills of its decision to understand, and the intrepid pet skills can be of great benefit to the players fighting.


  6. And once you've done all that, just sit back, relax and soak up all the praise for your newfound football savvy.


  7. She had the aptitude of the struggler who seeks emancipation. The glow of a more showy life was not lost upon her.


  8. For God did not endow her with wisdom or give her a share of good sense.


  9. In spite of his inborn disability, Eddie seems to have a good sense of music.


  1. 她的表演很有悟性。

    She played with great sensitivity.

  2. 他学钢琴很有悟性。

    He has picked up the piano very quickly.

  3. 他学钢琴很有悟性。

    He has picked up the piano very quickly.

  4. 这孩子对数学悟性极高。

    The boy has an exceptional talent for mathematics.

  5. 我想他已经有点悟性了。

    I think he's got what it takes.

  6. 我女儿在音乐上很有悟性。

    My daughter has an aptitude in music.

  7. 什么新悟性教某一新诀窍?

    What new perception teaches some new knack?

  8. 语文学习中悟性的培养途径。

    The cultivating ways of comprehension in Chinese study.

  9. 传授她认知能力, 价值观, 启发她的悟性。

    to impart to her the perceptions and values of a truly original mentality.

  10. 悟性是才情的标志, 而个性则是先天的。

    Comprehension indicates the talents of a person, but personality is innate.

  11. 一位具有高度感知力和悟性的作家。

    A writer of high sensibility and intelligence.

  12. 如果你有足够的悟性来认识自己的缺点。

    If you are sensitive enough to realise your own shortcomings.

  13. 一个有悟性的人会让人觉得很舒服。

    A sensitive person would make everyone feel comfortable.

  14. 基督信仰有理性和悟性两个本质层面。

    The Christian faith has an essentially rational and intellectual dimension.

  15. 企业如人生,成功的关键是悟性和韧性。

    Enterprise is like our life and the key of success is savvy and tenacity.

  16. 论述了语文学习中悟性的具体特征。

    It discusses the concret character of comprehension in Chinese study.

  17. 论语文教学对学生审美悟性的培养

    On the Training of Students Power of Aesthetic Understanding in Chinese Teaching

  18. 世界的领导人们最近对互联网的悟性越来越高。

    World leaders are becoming ever more internet savvy these days.

  19. 这是人人都能养成的眼力,悟性,逸兴。

    This is insight, perceptivity, the exaltation of spirit that is possible for everyone.

  20. 还要合理的运用商城的功倍和悟性卷。

    Also wants the reasonable utilization commercial city the merit time and the perception volume.

  21. 还要合理得运用商城得功倍和悟性卷。

    Also wants the reasonable utilization commercial city the merit time and the perception volume.

  22. 当代语文教师应加强自身悟性与个性。

    The present age Chinese teacher should reinforce oneself comprehension and individuality.

  23. 我若用方言祷告,我的灵祷告。我的悟性没有果效。

    For if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays, but my mind is unfruitful.

  24. 或许这个悟性才是激发他天分的真正动因。

    Perhaps this insight was the real power of his genius.

  25. 他的作品具细节, 有悟性, 照亮着他研讨的问题。

    His writing is detailed, perceptive and illuminates the questions he discusses.

  26. 因为神是全地的王。你们要用悟性歌颂。

    For God is the King of all the earth sing to him a psalm of praise.

  27. 我已听见那羞辱我, 责备我的话。我的悟性叫我回答。

    I hear a rebuke that dishonors me, and my understanding inspires me to reply.

  28. 马锦仪凭着过人的悟性,不断地超越自己。

    Ma Kamyee With extraordinary savvy and constantly surpass themselves.

  29. 马锦仪凭着过人得悟性,不断地超越自己。

    Ma Kamyee With extraordinary savvy and constantly surpass themselves.

  30. 因为神使它没有智慧, 也未将悟性赐给它。

    Because God hath deprived her of wisdom, neither hath he imparted to her understanding.


  1. 问:悟性拼音怎么拼?悟性的读音是什么?悟性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:悟性的读音是wùxìng,悟性翻译成英文是 intelligence

  2. 问:悟性好的拼音怎么拼?悟性好的的读音是什么?悟性好的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:悟性好的的读音是,悟性好的翻译成英文是 comprehensiv


