




1. 转 [zhuǎn]2. 转 [zhuàn]3. 转 [zhuǎi]转 [zhuǎn]迁徙;流亡:老弱~乎沟壑。不直接的,中间再经过别人或别的地方:~送。~达。~发。~运。周~。改换方向:~弯。向左~。改变位置:~移。改变形势、情况:~……



汉语拼音:zuǒ zhuǎn








  1. 向左方旋转。

    《楚辞·离骚》:“路 不周 以左转兮,指西海以为期。”《周礼·春官·大宗伯》“以实柴祀日月星辰” 唐 贾公彦 疏:“二十八宿随天左转为经,五星左旋为纬。”

  2. 降官;贬职。

    《后汉书·陈蕃传》:“ 蕃 怒,笞杀之。坐左转 脩武 令。”《后汉书·周荣传》:“﹝ 周荣 ﹞出为 潁川 太守,坐法,当下狱, 和帝 思 荣 忠节,左转 共 令。”

  3. 歌舞中失律曰左转。

    宋 曾慥 《类说》引《教坊记》:“ 魏二 容色粗美,歌舞甚拙,尝与同类宴集起舞。 杨家生 者笑视之。须臾,歌次,架上鸚鵡初移足右转,俄復左转。 家生 顾曰:‘左转也。’意指鸚鵡,实无他也。 魏 以为斥己,輟歌,极駡,罢乐。人呼失律为左转。”



  1. he must be a batter . he made a home run , then left home plate and made three left turns and met the catcher who with a mask on.


  2. If it had occurred to them to separate into two squads, and to go in both directions, Jean Valjean would have been captured.


  3. B: Turn left when you get out of the building, go along the street and turn right at the first crossing.


  4. Abner said to him, "Turn aside to your right hand or to your left, and seize one of the young men and take his spoil. "


  5. After he had been chasing them for a while, they came to a crossroads and three went left and three went right.


  6. Turn left at the next corner and then go through the bridge, and you will see the bank on your left.


  7. Anchorage, Alaska: Ask for directions at this airport and somebody might just tell you to take a left at the polar bear.


  8. Down one long dusty road, a left turn, and down another, through the green and white gates of the State Hospital, and she had arrived.


  9. According to the result of simulation, the relationship between widened length of left-turn lane and delay can be proved.


  1. 左转,露露。

    Let's turn left, Lulu.

  2. 打这儿左转。

    Turn left just here.

  3. 在街角左转。

    Turn left at corner.

  4. 然后向左转。

    Then make a left turn.

  5. 士兵们向左转。

    The soldiers wheeled to the left.

  6. 假想左转时相

    Phantom Left Turn.

  7. 往左拐弯,再往左转。

    Turn left and left again.

  8. 行进旁步左转

    Progressive Side Step Reverse Turn

  9. 他开车向左转。

    He turned the car to the left.

  10. 一直走,向左转。

    Has been taking, in the end turn left.

  11. 然后他必须左转。

    And then he has to turn left.

  12. 在信号灯处左转。

    Turn left at the signal light.

  13. 下楼后向左转。

    Go downstairs and turn tothe left.

  14. 在这儿直向左转。

    Turn sharp left here.

  15. 在这儿左转还是右转?

    Do I turn left or right here?

  16. 请在交叉处左转。

    Please turn left at the intersection.

  17. 我告诉你向左转!

    I am telling you to turn to the left!

  18. 到了大街向左转。

    Turn left when you reach the main road.

  19. 然后左转去因果巷。

    Lane then turn left to the cause and effect.

  20. 过一会儿通知你左转。

    Will advise later for left turn.

  21. 向右急转再向左转回

    zig to the right and zag back

  22. 出门往左转就行了。

    Go out and turn left.

  23. 到公共汽车站再向左转。

    Fork left at the bus station.

  24. 把它再向左转一点。

    Turn it more to the left.

  25. 下降到4500英尺,等待左转。

    Descend to 4500 feet standby for left turn.

  26. 并退左转和盘旋步,

    Fallaway Reverse and Hover Telemark

  27. 在第三个街角左转。

    Turn to the left at the third corner.

  28. 一直向前走并向左转。

    Just go straight and turn left.

  29. 向左转,继续走主道。

    Turn left to continue on the main route.

  30. 在前面拐角处向左转。

    Hang a huey at the next corner.


  1. 问:左转弯拼音怎么拼?左转弯的读音是什么?左转弯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:左转弯的读音是zuǒ zhuǎn wān,左转弯翻译成英文是 left-hand bend

  2. 问:左转的拼音怎么拼?左转的的读音是什么?左转的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:左转的的读音是zuǒ zhuǎn de,左转的翻译成英文是 laeotropic

  3. 问:左转风机拼音怎么拼?左转风机的读音是什么?左转风机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:左转风机的读音是zuǒ zhuǎn fēng jī,左转风机翻译成英文是 left-hand rotating fan

  4. 问:左转向信号拼音怎么拼?左转向信号的读音是什么?左转向信号翻译成英文是什么?

    答:左转向信号的读音是zuǒ zhuǎn xiàng xìn hào,左转向信号翻译成英文是 left turn signal

  5. 问:左转磁电机拼音怎么拼?左转磁电机的读音是什么?左转磁电机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:左转磁电机的读音是zuǒ zhuǎn cí diàn jī,左转磁电机翻译成英文是 left lock magneto

  6. 问:左转螺旋桨拼音怎么拼?左转螺旋桨的读音是什么?左转螺旋桨翻译成英文是什么?

    答:左转螺旋桨的读音是zuǒ zhuàn luó xuán jiǎng,左转螺旋桨翻译成英文是 left hand propeller

  7. 问:左转推进式螺旋桨拼音怎么拼?左转推进式螺旋桨的读音是什么?左转推进式螺旋桨翻译成英文是什么?

    答:左转推进式螺旋桨的读音是zuǒ zhuǎn tuī jìn shì luó xuán jiǎng,左转推进式螺旋桨翻译成英文是 left handed pusher


