




1. 上 [shàng]2. 上 [shǎng]上 [shàng]位置在高处的,与“下”相对:楼~。~边。次序或时间在前的:~古。~卷。等级和质量高的:~等。~策。~乘(佛教用语,一般借指文学艺术的高妙境界或上品)。由低处到高处:~山。~车……




物件:物~。产~。赠~。战利~。等级,种类:~名。~类。~色。~位。性质:~质。~行(xíng )。~节(指人的品行节操)。人~。体察出好坏、优劣等:~评。~第(品评优劣而定其等级)。~味(品尝)。指吹弄乐器:~箫。姓。……



汉语拼音:chuáng shǎng yòng pǐn



  1. She went into the bed-room, took all the bedding off the bedstead, and laid a pea on the bottom.


  2. Chen counsel believes that the right to ask Miss quarter of the home stores to replace or refund the new bedding bedding section 298 yuan.


  3. The queen went into the bedrooms. She took all the bedding off the beds. She laid a pea on the bottom of each bed.


  4. Since the features of good bedding are subjective, choose what feels most comfortable to you.


  5. "Life Luck" series healthy bedding aims at creating best sleeping state for you and changing your bad habits.


  6. Sheets, blankets, and other bedclothes go on sale in most communities twice a year.


  7. The invention discloses a health-care bedding article and a manufacture method thereof, belonging to a daily product.


  8. I changed the bedclothes after I had slept in them for a week .


  9. Applicable scope: Inspection on dress, towel, glove, knitted sweater, down and feather garment, bedding as well as plush mid and small toys.


  1. 床上用品厂

    Bedclothes Factory.

  2. 丝绸剌绣床上用品

    embroidered silk bed necessities

  3. 请客人自带床上用品。

    Visitors are requested to bring their own bedding.

  4. 双人床, 橱柜床上用品齐全干净。

    Double bed, cabinet bedding complete clean.

  5. 床上用品林林总总,怎么来挑选呢

    Bedding Lin Lin always, how will choose

  6. 种麻布适合做床上用品的面料。

    Linen clothes are suitable for beddings.

  7. 种麻布适合做床上用品的面料。

    Linen clothes are suitable for beddings.

  8. 种麻布适合做床上用品得面料。

    Linen clothes are suitable for beddings.

  9. 抽纱刺绣工艺品、服装、床上用品加工销售。

    Embroidery embroidery crafts, clothing, bedding processing and sales.

  10. 床上用品也是打造卧室风格的好工具。

    Bedding also is the good tool that makes bedroom style.

  11. 海棉制品,床上用品制造,销售,塑料包装制品销售。

    Cardinal products, bedding manufacture, marketing, sales of plastic packaging products.

  12. 我们销售各种布帘,工程卷帘,百叶帘,床上用品。

    We sell all kinds of curtains, engineering shutter, Bai Yelian, bedding.

  13. 我每周都换一次我睡过的床上用品。

    I changed the bedclothes after I had slept in them for a week.

  14. 本公司得床上用品,与您共度最美好得时光。

    Our company's Bedclothes will Be with you in spending the finest hours.

  15. 本公司的床上用品,与您共度最美好的时光。

    Our company's Bedclothes will Be with you in spending the finest hours.

  16. 本公司生产得粗布床上用品就有保健作用。

    This company produces the gingham bedding have health care function.

  17. 本公司生产的粗布床上用品就有保健作用。

    This company produces the gingham bedding have health care function.

  18. 主要产品有玩具,床上用品,工艺品 ,面料等纺织品。

    Their primary Products are toys, bedding, artwork, lining and so on.

  19. 将床上用品,衣物和地毯尽快晾干,避免发霉。

    Dry and air bedding, clothing and rugs as soon as possible to prevent mildew.

  20. 也可以选择深浅不一的蓝色床上用品,穿上蓝色的睡衣。

    Choose bedding in shades of blue and wear blue pajamas.

  21. 每周接触似乎已成为美国床上用品的编年史。

    In Touch apparently has become the Official Chronicler of American Bedding.

  22. 为您提供各类床上用品, 家居布置, 厨房工具。

    Give your boudoir the chic look of a boutique hotel with this set of soft, single ply 420TC cotton sateen sheets.

  23. 在起居室有一个放在床上用品及毛巾的壁橱。

    Then there's a storage closet in the living room and a linen closet in the bathroom.

  24. 所有床上用品全部用未经处理的天然棉花制成。

    All the bedding is made of simple, untreated cotton.

  25. 她喜欢批量购买东西,比如床上用品,面巾纸和气球。

    She prefers buying things like beddings, tissues and balloons in bulk.

  26. 床上用品作为室内软装饰越来越受到新人们的重视。

    Bedding serves as indoor soft adornment more and more get of new people take seriously.

  27. 睡眠接近您的吉普尽可能与这些吉普床上用品的设计。

    Sleep at close to your Jeep as possible with these Jeep bedding designs.

  28. 羽毛褥垫,豪华床上用品,羽绒被和精致纯棉床罩

    Feather mattress pad, luxurious sheets with a light, feather duvet and fine cotton bedcovers

  29. 请你将需要更换床上用品时,请将此卡放于枕头上。

    Please put the card onto the pillow when bed stuff change is not necessary.

  30. 克莱尔进城去买了窗帘,坐垫。地毯和床上用品。

    Claire went into the city and bought curtains, cushions, a carpet and bedding.



床上用品是家纺的重要组成部分,按照中国家纺协会的分类:包括 1,套罩类 2 枕类 3 被褥类 4、套件