











汉语拼音:shéng zhī yǐ fǎ








  • 【解释】:根据法律制裁。
  • 【出自】:《后汉书·冯衍传》:“以文帝之明,而魏尚之忠,绳之以法则为罪,施之以德则为功。”
  • 【示例】:对于那些目无法纪的人,必须~,才能维护社会的正常秩序。
  • 【语法】:偏正式;作谓语、宾语;含褒义


  1. From being a shoo-in at the next election, the man who was supposed to have tamed the terrorists is now looking more like a has-been.

  2. As rebel leaders vowed to hunt him down and put him on trial, few imagined that he would surrender or flee the country.

  3. Castresana realized that he could not bring criminals to justice before he had removed at least some of the most corrupt officials.

  4. In Washington, U. S. State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said the United States wants al-Senussi brought to justice.

  5. It may even be the beginning of the end of a long, hellish period of impunity in the tragic heart of Africa.

  6. Over the years judges have put together various cases in an attempt to finger Mr Chirac.

  7. No decent person can fail to hope for an end to the suffering and for those responsible to be brought to justice.

  8. That is often the way with people brought to justice long after their alleged crimes were committed.

  9. "We will stand behind efforts to hold war criminals accountable, " he said, without naming names.


  1. 名誉扫地, 直至绳之以法

    Have their credibility ruined and are even punished according to law

  2. 罪犯被绳之以法。

    The criminals were brought to book.

  3. 犯人均已绳之以法。

    Justice was meted out to the offenders.

  4. 一定要把罪犯绳之以法。

    The criminals must be brought to justice.

  5. 依据法治将恐怖份子绳之以法

    Bringing Terrorists to Justice Under the Rule of Law

  6. 法庭将对罪犯绳之以法。

    The Court will administer the punishment of the criminal by law.

  7. 交出这些凶手,把他们绳之以法。

    Get those who killed this guy to just bring them to justice.

  8. 好了,兔子大盗已经被绳之以法。

    Well, a bunny gone bad is going away.

  9. 这个警察终于把那个凶手绳之以法。

    The policeman finally brought the murderer to justice.

  10. 只有触犯了国家法律,才被绳之以法。

    Only those who have violated state law are dealt with according to law.

  11. 我们再次要求将所有肇事者绳之以法。

    We once again call for bringing all perpetrators to justice.

  12. 她需要有证据才能将贾森绳之以法。

    She'd need proof to bring Jason to justice.

  13. 我们还要提出将违法者绳之以法的问题。

    We would also like to raise the issue of bringing violators to justice.

  14. 我应该告诉老公并把那个男人绳之以法吗?

    I should tell her husband and to bring to justice the man do?

  15. 警方必须竭尽全力追捕罪犯,将他们绳之以法。

    The police must do all they can to bring criminals to justice.

  16. 我是来告诉你我们会把罪人绳之以法的。

    I wanted you to know that we're going to make an arrest.

  17. 所有参与谋杀他的人都会被绳之以法。

    Each and every person responsible for his murder will be brought to justice.

  18. 你可以根据商品说明法将他们绳之以法。

    You could get them under the Trade Descriptions Act for that!

  19. 将那些负有责任的人们绳之以法的可能性如何?

    What are the possibilities of bringing to justice those who are responsible?

  20. 应将对这一可怕罪行负责者绳之以法。

    Those responsible for this horrendous crime should be brought to justice.

  21. 应该要求警方介入调查,以将罪犯早日绳之以法。

    Police should be asked to investigate so that the guilty can be brought to book soon.

  22. 必须授权留守机制审判尚未被绳之以法的已知罪犯。

    The residual mechanism must be authorized to try known criminals who have yet to be brought to justice.

  23. 必须将参与,宽恕或协助这种行为的人绳之以法。

    People who perpetrate, condone or facilitate it must be brought to justice.

  24. 必须将这种暴力和恐吓行径的肇事者绳之以法。

    The perpetrators of such acts of violence and intimidation must be brought to justice.

  25. 警方正竭尽全力要把爆炸案的作案者绳之以法。

    The police are doing all they can to bring those responsible for the bombing to justice.

  26. 将3月暴力事件的肇事者绳之以法的工作取得相当进展。

    Considerable progress has been made to bring to justice those responsible for the violence in March.

  27. 要求政府有关部门彻查此事,并将犯案者绳之以法。

    To demand thorough investigation by relevant departments to arrest the culprit.

  28. 我呼吁国际刑事法庭将这些罪行的罪魁祸首绳之以法。

    I call on the International Criminal Court to bring to justice those responsible for these crimes.

  29. 必须将恐怖主义分子及其支持者绳之以法,对他们严惩不贷。

    Terrorists and their supporters must be brought to justice and held fully accountable for their crimes.

  30. 这一带有很多毒贩,我们一定要把他们绳之以法。

    There are a great number of drug traffickers in this place, and we are determined to bring them to justice.


  1. 问:绳之以法拼音怎么拼?绳之以法的读音是什么?绳之以法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:绳之以法的读音是shéngzhīyǐfǎ,绳之以法翻译成英文是 be dealt with according to law; punish some...


