






处理:~公。~事。~理。处分:惩~。法~。首恶必~。置备:~置。~货。创设:创~。兴(xīng )~。……








  1. She does not like me to use any of her orifices except her vagina, even though i figured out a way to do that.


  2. When you realize that "truth" is often symbolic, you'll often find that you are actually free to come up with alternatives.


  3. All we have to do is figure out a way to enjoy some of the profits of summer and avoid freezing to death when winter comes.


  4. "Let me think, " he said. "I'll figure out something. "


  5. Even if a nation found a way around such obstacles, officials could face a backlash from voters who believe gold prices will keep rising.


  6. Things in Sophie's life have become completely insane but she and Alberto know they must figure out a way to do something.


  7. And the only person with the tactical wits to puzzle it out has been isolated.


  8. Since the animals have grown very timid and difficult to get at, few people ever manage to see them.


  9. Are they willing to brainstorm with you about possible ways to improve the situation, without anyone having to take on the boss alone?


  1. 我们总能想出办法的

    We always have.

  2. 我会想出办法来的。

    I'll be able to think of a way.

  3. 但我们肯定能想出办法

    But I'm sure we can find an arrangement.

  4. 我会想出办法解决好的

    I will figure out a way to make things better.

  5. 我会想出办法解决好的。

    I will figure out a way to make things better.

  6. 我们只要想出办法就行了

    We just need to figure it out, that's all.

  7. 他总是能想出办法逃避惩罚。

    He always finds a way to wriggle out of punishment.

  8. 是啊,我应该能想出办法的。

    Well, yeah, I guess I could work something out.

  9. 我已想出办法不使伤口感染。

    I have tried to keep the wound free of infection.

  10. 他会想出办法应付这个局面的。

    He would contrive some way of dealing with the situation.

  11. 我确信你会想出办法应付这个局面。

    I'm sure you'll contrive some way of dealing with the situation.

  12. 听好,在我回来时你们最好想出办法

    Look, try and come up with something before I get back.

  13. 他们想出办法把它们制成小小的药片。

    They have found a way to prepare them in the form of small tablets.

  14. 别担心,威尔基和我会想出办法的

    Well, don't. Wilke and I will figure something out.

  15. 人们如果想出办法的话就一定会去得到它。

    They would go for it if they could figure out how.

  16. 我知道你会想出办法来把样样事情都办好。

    I know you will contrive it all.

  17. 他是个老于世故的人,会想出办法来安慰她的。

    He is a knowing fellow, and he will invent something to comfort her.

  18. 难道计算机程序员不会想出办法使软件正常的工作?

    Can't computer programmers figure out ways to make software plain work ?

  19. 难道计算机程序员不会想出办法使软件正常得工作?

    Can't computer programmers figure out ways to make software plain work ?

  20. 任何聪明的政治家通常都能想出办法能使选民相信他的话。

    Any clever politician can usually rig up a way to make the voters believe what he says.

  21. 唯一一个拥有战略头脑, 能想出办法的人也已经被孤立。

    And the only person with the tactical wits to puzzle it out has been isolated.

  22. 这伙人中的三个守卫着那些财宝,直到想出办法搬走为止。

    Three of the party stood guard over the treasure until they could find some means of removing it.

  23. 这伙人中得三个守卫着那些财宝, 直到想出办法搬走为止。

    Three of the party stood guard over the treasure until they could find some means of removing it.

  24. 我会想出个办法的。

    And I'll come up with something.

  25. 我会想出个办法的。

    And I'll come up with something.

  26. 我们需要想出解决办法。

    We need to think about how to address it.

  27. 我们会想出其他办法的

    We will figure something else out.

  28. 我们会想出其他办法的。

    We will figure something else out.

  29. 我们想出不少办法保护自己

    We have come up with ways to protect ourselves against these diseases.

  30. 想不出办法来筹集一万美元。

    There is no conceivable way to raise ten thousand dollars.