


1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……





汉语拼音:bù huì








  1. 不隐讳。

    《楚辞·卜居》:“寧正言不讳以危身乎?将从俗富贵以媮生乎?” 汉 王充 《论衡·效力》:“ 谷子云 、 唐子高 章奏百上,笔有餘力,极言不讳,文不折乏,非夫才知之人,不能为也。” 宋 苏轼 《上韩枢密书》:“盖尝深言不讳矣,明公不以为过。” 清 赵翼 《瓯北诗话·白香山诗》:“惟因家事落然,不能无藉於禄仕,其见之吟咏者亦自不讳。”

  2. 不避尊长的名字。


  3. 死亡的婉辞。

    《管子·戒》:“ 管仲 寝疾, 桓公 往问之曰:‘ 仲父 之疾甚矣,若不可讳,不幸而不起此疾,彼政我将安移之?’”《汉书·丙吉传》:“君即有不讳,谁可以自代者?” 颜师古 注:“不讳,言死不可復讳也。”《西游记》第十回:“皇上脉气不正,虚而又数,狂言见鬼;又诊得十动一代,五臟无气,恐不讳只在七日之内矣。” 叶圣陶 《穷愁》:“倘以奉养有缺,致促其残年,一旦不讳,吾罪当入何等地狱耶?”



  1. He is considerate and polite. His salute never lacks anything; he never declines what he should do.


  2. 'No one at this level of executive was going to admit it blatantly, ' he said.


  3. Fireworks production company admitted that a limb, refers to "entertainment. "


  4. If I catch you doing it again, I won't let you go.


  5. How bluntly said, the girl is beautiful, there is no attraction, the dress is not outstanding, dedication at the back


  6. To express at the risk of denial, criticism, or censure:


  1. 她面对罪证供认不讳。

    When confronted with the evidence of her guilt, she confessed.

  2. 你会对你的过错供认不讳么?

    Will you admit to what you've done?

  3. 他对绑架的指控供认不讳。

    He admitted the charge of kidnap.

  4. 对自己所犯罪行供认不讳。

    To make a full confession of one's crimes.

  5. 面对罪证迈克维供认不讳。

    When confronted with evidence of his guilt. Mc vigh confessed.

  6. 姐妹俩对这些罪行都供认不讳。

    The two pleaded no contest to the charges.

  7. 对于所有这些罪行, 他都供认不讳。

    Of all these crimes the accused has made a full spontaneous confession.

  8. 昨日,吴某等3人犯罪事实供认不讳。

    Yesterday, Wu and so on3 person of delinquent accounts confessed fully.

  9. 经审讯,犯罪嫌疑人对犯罪事实供认不讳。

    After the interrogation, the suspect confessed fully to the delinquent account.

  10. 这位发言人说,裴?皓对所有指控供认不讳。

    The spokesman said that Bae had confessed to all the charges.

  11. 这位发言人说, 裴埈皓对所有指控供认不讳。

    The spokesman said that Bae had confessed to all the charges.

  12. 金某,潘某均对其犯罪事实供认不讳。

    Jin Mou, Pan Mou all is admitted to its crime fact.

  13. 根据政府的说法, 杨被逮捕后, 供认不讳。

    Yang arrested, and according to the government, he confessed.

  14. 根据政府得说法,杨被逮捕后,供认不讳。

    Yang arrested,and according to the government,he confessed.

  15. 经审讯,孙某,陈某对犯罪事实供认不讳。

    After the interrogation, Sun, Chen Mou confessed fully to the delinquent account.

  16. 对毒打苏某的事情,林某等3人均供认不讳。

    Sumou of beating things, Lin and3 per confessed.

  17. 有人对自己为了钱而工作直认不讳。

    Some people readily admit they work for a paycheck.

  18. 经审讯,犯罪嫌疑人丁某对其犯罪事实供认不讳。

    After the interrogation, the crime suspicion person some confessed fully to its delinquent account.

  19. 法庭在审理中,谢远田对其犯罪事实供认不讳。

    In court hearing, Tian Yuan XIE candidly confessed their crimes.

  20. 她的犯罪手段很残忍,但她的供认不讳还是可以认可的。

    Although the offences were horrific it was to her credit that she had owned up.

  21. 对自己的罪过供认不讳在讯问中他供认了犯罪。

    Make a full admission of one's guilt He confessed to the crime during his interrogation.

  22. 孔某对其挪用公司巨额资金的犯罪事实供认不讳。

    Kong diverts the company large amount fund to it the delinquent account to confess fully.

  23. 男孩供认不讳随后称他很饿、盗窃是为了寻刺激。

    He confessed and said he was hungry and did it for the thrill.

  24. 在审讯中,傅某,刘某对于强奸孙洁的犯罪事实供认不讳。

    In the interrogation, Fu, Liu regarding rapes Sun Jie the delinquent account to confess fully.

  25. 他对此供认不讳,并主动揭发了其他人的一些犯罪活动。

    He made a confession and took the initiative to expose some criminal activities committed by others.

  26. 任何犯错误的人, 只要他不讳疾忌医, 我们都要帮助他。

    Whoever has made mistakes will receive our help if he does not conceal his error for fear of criticism.

  27. 卫报是一个宣扬自由主义的报刊,从不讳言谈论时事。

    The Guardian is a liberal and makes no bones about it.

  28. 当犯罪证据摆在被告的面前时, 他一下子垮了, 只得供认不讳。

    When the accused was confronted with the proof of his crime, he broke down and confessed.


  1. 问:不讳拼音怎么拼?不讳的读音是什么?不讳翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不讳的读音是búhuì,不讳翻译成英文是 without hiding anything; die


《楚辞·卜居》:“宁正言不讳以危身乎?将从俗富贵以媮生乎?” 汉 王充 《论衡·效力》:“谷子云、 唐子高章奏百上,笔有馀力,极言不讳,文不折乏,非夫才知之人,不能为也。” 宋 苏轼 《上韩枢密书》:“盖尝深言不讳矣,明公不以为过。”《