


1. 血 [xuè]2. 血 [xiě]血 [xuè]人或动物体内循环系统的不透明液体,大多为红色,主要成分为“血浆”、“血细胞”和“血小板”。味咸而腥:~型。~脂。~压。~糖。~迹。~汗。~泪。~洗。~书。~雨腥风。~海深仇。人类因生育而……


1. 色 [sè]色 [sè]由物体发射、反射的光通过视觉而产生的印象:颜~。~彩。~相(xiàng )。~调(diào )。脸上表现出的神气、样子:脸~。气~。~厉内荏。情景,景象:行~匆匆。景~宜人。种类:各~用品。品质,质量:音~。成……



汉语拼音:xuè sè







  1. 暗赤或鲜红的颜色。

    唐 白居易 《琵琶引》:“鈿头云篦击节碎,血色罗裙翻酒污。” 宋 张先 《南乡子·送客过馀溪听天隐二玉鼓胡琴》词:“天碧染衣巾,血色轻罗碎摺裙。”

  2. 指皮肤健康红润的颜色。

    《红楼梦》第八三回:“看他那个病,竟是不好呢,脸上一点血色也没有。” 鲁迅 《彷徨·祝福》:“脸色青黄,只是两颊上已经消失了血色。”

  3. 指血迹。

    鲁迅 《华盖集续编·记念刘和珍君》:“造化又常常为庸人设计,以时间的流驶,来洗涤旧迹,仅使留下淡红的血色和微漠的悲哀。” 鲁迅 《华盖集续编·记念刘和珍君》:“苟活者在淡红的血色中,会依稀看见微茫的希望;真的猛士,将更奋然而前行。”



  1. The men were happy again , the color back in their faces as they talked together and began to walk on .


  2. m . de villefort a second time raised his head , looked at benedetto as if he had been gazing at the head of medusa , and became livid.


  3. And it suddenly struck me that she had grown so delicate-looking, so thin, that her face was pale, her lips were white.


  4. The trying nature of his position drove the blood from his cheek, and made his lips tremulous.


  5. When he stuck in his arm, his face suddenly lost all its color and he let out a bellow like a wounded bull.


  6. The last time he had seen her, just before they left port, her eyes had been raw from crying, two ghastly red holes in a wan, pale face.


  7. Maxim had not moved. He looked up at me, his glass in his hand. All the colour left his face.


  8. Noticing that his hair had turned grayer and that he looked wan, reporters speculated that he was being ushered out the door.


  9. There was a little color in her cheeks, now, and her hair no longer looked so straggly .


  1. 鼻衄血色鲜红

    epistaxis with bright red blood

  2. 被血色染红

    from turning red!

  3. 脸色苍白, 没有血色

    pale and wan

  4. 继发性血色病

    secondary hemochromatosis.

  5. 因疾病而无血色

    a sickly pallor.

  6. 一种血色的浪漫。

    What a stupid lamb!

  7. 苯乙基咪唑血色原

    phenylethylimidaszole hemochromogen

  8. 脸色苍白的无血色的

    Having a pale face pallid.

  9. 血色玫瑰银色的荆棘

    The silver thorn of bloody rose lie

  10. 他脸色苍白, 没有血色。

    His face was white and colorless.

  11. 猪骨血色病二例

    Two examples of pig bone hemochromatosis

  12. 他脸上几乎没有血色。

    You have a high color on the face.

  13. 塔尔奎斯特血色标度

    Tallquist scale

  14. 悲伤吸食了我们的血色。

    Dry sorrow drinks our blood.

  15. 他应该得了血色沉着病。

    He could have had hemochromatosis.

  16. 我看到了血色的云海

    These sanguine clouds I saw.

  17. 她因恐怖而面无血色。

    She went white with fear.

  18. 他脸上的血色在好转。

    Color was coming back to his face.

  19. 酒精使你的皮肤失去血色。

    Alcohol etiolates your skin.

  20. 唉!我的面颊冰冷没有血色!

    My cheek is cold and white, alas!

  21. 她脸上逐渐恢复了血色。

    Little by little a healthy complexion came back to her face.

  22. 她凝视着他, 脸上毫无血色。

    She looked at him with the color gone from her face.

  23. 鱼一般的脸, 铁青而毫无血色。

    fish s face , bloodless and livid

  24. 遗传性血色病五例临床分析

    Study of clinical characteristics of hereditary hemochromatosis

  25. 血色得花瓣飘散在纯洁得雪地上。

    Lie crushed and broken on the virgin snow.

  26. 看得出来你脸上有了血色。

    I can see you've got some color back in your cheeks.

  27. 他毫无血色,因为他患疾两周了。

    He is of no colour, for he has been ill for two weeks.

  28. 彻底煮熟的肉不会带有血色。

    Meat which has been cooked thoroughly shows no traces of pinkness.

  29. 苍白的皮肤在针管下, 愈加没有血色

    The pale skin under needle was paler

  30. 苍白得皮肤在针管下, 愈加没有血色

    The pale skin under needle was paler


  1. 问:血色拼音怎么拼?血色的读音是什么?血色翻译成英文是什么?

    答:血色的读音是xuèsè,血色翻译成英文是 redness of the skin

  2. 问:血色素拼音怎么拼?血色素的读音是什么?血色素翻译成英文是什么?

    答:血色素的读音是xuèsèsù,血色素翻译成英文是 haemochrome; haemoglobin

  3. 问:血色原拼音怎么拼?血色原的读音是什么?血色原翻译成英文是什么?

    答:血色原的读音是xuè sè yuán,血色原翻译成英文是 hemochromogen

  4. 问:血色病拼音怎么拼?血色病的读音是什么?血色病翻译成英文是什么?

    答:血色病的读音是xuè sè bìng,血色病翻译成英文是 hemochromatosis

  5. 问:血色的拼音怎么拼?血色的的读音是什么?血色的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:血色的的读音是xuè sè de,血色的翻译成英文是 cruentate, sanguinolent

  6. 问:血色计拼音怎么拼?血色计的读音是什么?血色计翻译成英文是什么?

    答:血色计的读音是,血色计翻译成英文是 hemochrometer

  7. 问:血色指数拼音怎么拼?血色指数的读音是什么?血色指数翻译成英文是什么?

    答:血色指数的读音是xuèsè zhǐshù,血色指数翻译成英文是 color-index

  8. 问:血色栒子拼音怎么拼?血色栒子的读音是什么?血色栒子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:血色栒子的读音是xuèsèxúnzi,血色栒子翻译成英文是 Cotoneaster sanguineus

  9. 问:血色正常拼音怎么拼?血色正常的读音是什么?血色正常翻译成英文是什么?

    答:血色正常的读音是,血色正常翻译成英文是 orthochromia

  10. 问:血色浪漫拼音怎么拼?血色浪漫的读音是什么?血色浪漫翻译成英文是什么?

    答:血色浪漫的读音是Xuèsèlàngmàn,血色浪漫翻译成英文是 Romantic Life, a Chinese television series base...

  11. 问:血色玻璃拼音怎么拼?血色玻璃的读音是什么?血色玻璃翻译成英文是什么?

    答:血色玻璃的读音是,血色玻璃翻译成英文是 haematinum

  12. 问:血色病肝拼音怎么拼?血色病肝的读音是什么?血色病肝翻译成英文是什么?

    答:血色病肝的读音是xuè sè bìng gān,血色病肝翻译成英文是 liver in hemochromatosis

  13. 问:血色童话拼音怎么拼?血色童话的读音是什么?血色童话翻译成英文是什么?

    答:血色童话的读音是,血色童话翻译成英文是 Let the Right One In

  14. 问:血色花园拼音怎么拼?血色花园的读音是什么?血色花园翻译成英文是什么?

    答:血色花园的读音是,血色花园翻译成英文是 Red Garden

  15. 问:血色蛋白拼音怎么拼?血色蛋白的读音是什么?血色蛋白翻译成英文是什么?

    答:血色蛋白的读音是xuè sè dàn bái,血色蛋白翻译成英文是 hemochromoprotein

  16. 问:血色裸藻拼音怎么拼?血色裸藻的读音是什么?血色裸藻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:血色裸藻的读音是xuèsèluǒzǎo,血色裸藻翻译成英文是 Euglena haematodes

  17. 问:血色过浓拼音怎么拼?血色过浓的读音是什么?血色过浓翻译成英文是什么?

    答:血色过浓的读音是xuè sè guò nóng,血色过浓翻译成英文是 hemachrosis

  18. 问:血色面包拼音怎么拼?血色面包的读音是什么?血色面包翻译成英文是什么?

    答:血色面包的读音是xuè sè miàn bāo,血色面包翻译成英文是 Blood bread

  19. 问:血色啄木鸟拼音怎么拼?血色啄木鸟的读音是什么?血色啄木鸟翻译成英文是什么?

    答:血色啄木鸟的读音是xuèsèzhuómùniǎo,血色啄木鸟翻译成英文是 Blood-colored Woodpecker; Veniliornis sangu...

  20. 问:血色悦茧蜂拼音怎么拼?血色悦茧蜂的读音是什么?血色悦茧蜂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:血色悦茧蜂的读音是xuèsèyuèjiǎnfēng,血色悦茧蜂翻译成英文是 Charmon cruentatus

