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1. 邪 [xié]2. 邪 [yá]3. 邪 [yé]4. 邪 [yú]5. 邪 [xú]邪 [xié]不正当,不正派:~恶(è)。~念。~说。中医指引起疾病的环境因素:寒~。风~。迷信的人指鬼神给予的灾祸:中(zhòng)~。妖异怪诞:……
1. 术 [shù]2. 术 [shú]3. 术 [zhú]术 [shù]技艺:技~。艺~。武~。学~。不学无~。方法:战~。权~。心~。古代城市中的道路。术 [shú]古同“秫”,黏高梁。术 [zhú]〔白~〕多年生草本植物,根状茎可入药……
汉语拼音:xié shù
《晏子春秋·外篇下一》:“积财不能赡其乐,繁饰邪术以营世君,盛为声乐以淫愚其民。” 晋 葛洪 《抱朴子·汉过》:“左道邪术,假託鬼怪者,谓之通灵神人。”《花月痕》第四八回:“ 剑秋 、 小岑 起先道是妖妇有些邪术。” 巴金 《长生塔》:“他们一定在暗中用邪术诅咒皇帝。”
And he said, What peace can there be, so long as the harlotries and sorceries of Jezebel your mother are so many?
耶户说,你母亲耶洗别的淫行邪术这样多,还能有什么平安?Ancient creatures fallen from what was once great power, eldritch giants spend countless years seeking out fragments of arcane knowledge.
古老的生物从一度强盛的国家消失,邪术巨人们年复一年的四处寻找奥术知识散落的碎片。But the magicians did the same by their secret arts and made frogs come up on the land of Egypt.
行法术的也用他们的邪术照样而行,叫青蛙上了埃及地。' 'How can there be peace, ' Jehu replied, 'as long as all the idolatry and witchcraft of your mother Jezebel abound?
耶户说,你母亲耶洗别的淫行邪术这样多,焉能平安呢?an eldritch giant's ability to use dimension door makes it capable of devastating hit-and-run tactics.
但是邪术巨人能够使用任意门进行破坏力惊人的游击战。An eldritch giant uses its spell-like abilities to strip opponents of their magical enhancements before entering melee combat.
一个邪术巨人会在近身战斗前,使用它的类法术能力剥夺对手的魔法效果。Eldritch giants dwell in isolated mountaintop towers or in deep caverns near wellsprings of arcane power.
邪术巨人居住在孤立山顶的塔上或是附近有奥术能量温泉的洞穴深处。Nor did they repent of their murders, their magic arts, their sexual immorality or their thefts .
又不悔改他们那些凶杀,邪术,奸淫,偷窃的事。Eldritch giant confessors carefully enhance their own abilities with spells before and during a fight.