











汉语拼音:miàn rú sǐ huī







  1. Lestrade's face, when I turn back, is ashen, crumpled, and I wonder, dispassionately, if he might faint.


  2. Francis was as pale as death.


  3. She had a cadaverous face .


  4. Not till the dawn he heard it, his face grew grey to hear


  5. his face grew grey to hear


  6. and you were white as snow I was white as a sheet


  7. as white as a sheet


  1. 目瞪口呆, 面如死灰, 好像我向他捅了一刀似的。

    Stunned. All colour draining away. It was as though I'd sliced into him with a knife.

  2. 他们吓得扔了水罐,一个个面如死灰,浑身发抖。

    The waterpot fell from their hands, the blood left their cheeks, they trembled in every limb.

  3. 他们吓得扔了水罐,一个个面如死灰,浑身发抖。

    The waterpot fell from their hands, the blood left their cheeks, they trembled in every limb.

  4. 目瞪口呆,面如死灰,好像我向他捅了一刀似得。

    Stunned. All colour draining away. It was as though I'd sliced into him with a knife.

  5. 他面如死灰。

    He went deathly pale.

  6. 他面如土色。

    His face was ashy grey.

  7. 她面如死灰。

    She had a cadaverous face.

  8. 我就心如死灰

    I just want to die.

  9. 我已心如死灰

    There's nothing left to keep breaking.

  10. 面如狮子,快鹿

    Grim as lions and swift as gazelles on the hills

  11. 他面如土色, 汗如雨下。

    His face was ashen and wet with sweat.

  12. 他面如土色,说明他多么惊骇。

    His ashen face showed how shocked he was.

  13. 他得知这一消息後, 吓得面如土色。

    He went turned deathly pale at the news.

  14. 她如死灰般苍白的皮肤开始现出淡淡的血色。

    The deathly pallor of her skin had been replaced by the faintest flush of color.

  15. 一看到柯帕乌,他真是面如纸色了。

    At the sight of Cowperwood he actually blanched.

  16. 那窗口后面坐着一个面如镔铁的胖妇女。

    Sitting behind the window was a corpulent woman with a face of steel.

  17. 那窗口后面坐着一个面如镔铁得胖妇女。

    Sitting behind the window was a corpulent woman with a face of steel.

  18. 然而, 分离才是永恒, 男人爱并痛着, 也快心如死灰了。

    However, the separation is eternal, a man love and pain, and quick mind as a cult.

  19. 资料用作参考的点, 线或面, 如在调查, 制图或地理中

    A point, line, or surface used as a reference, as in surveying, mapping, or geology.

  20. 她进医院时面如死灰。

    She looked as pale as death when she went into hospital.

  21. 她进医院时面如死灰。他面色苍白,象死灰一样。

    She looked as pale as death when she went into hospital. His face was gray as ashes.

  22. 而如辣椒面、皮带等则不在此范围之内。

    And as red pepper, belts, etc. are not in this range.

  23. 某些特异性传染病, 如麻风性面神经炎也属于此类。

    Certain particularity contagion, if leprosy sex facial nerve is phlogistic, also belong to this kind.

  24. 越显得面如敷粉,唇若施脂

    His face looked as fair as if powdered, his lips red as rouge.

  25. 只见老妇人吓的面如土色道厉害, 厉害。

    See the look ashen that old woman person frightens only Fierce, fierce.

  26. 湖面如镜, 把岸上得树木照得清清楚楚。

    The water of the lake mirrored all the trees on the bank.

  27. 诸山见耶和华得面, 就是全地之主得面, 便消化如蜡。

    The mountains melt like wax before the LORD, before the Lord of all the earth.

  28. 诸山见耶和华的面,就是全地之主的面,便消化如蜡。

    The mountains melt like wax before the LORD, before the Lord of all the earth.

  29. 诸山见耶和华得面, 就是全地之主得面, 便消化如腊。

    The hills melted like wax at the presence of the LORD, at the presence of the Lord of the whole earth.

  30. 平行线,平行面如直线或平面等一组平行的几何图形之一

    One of a set of parallel geometric figures, such as lines or planes.


  1. 问:面如死灰拼音怎么拼?面如死灰的读音是什么?面如死灰翻译成英文是什么?

    答:面如死灰的读音是miànrúsǐhuī,面如死灰翻译成英文是 the face truned ashy; as pale as dying embers —...