




1. 乐 [lè]2. 乐 [yuè]乐 [lè]欢喜,快活;快~。~境。~融融。~不可支。其~无穷。~观(精神愉快,对事物的发展充满信心)。~天(安于自己的处境而没有任何忧虑)。使人快乐的事情:取~。逗~。对某事甘心情愿:~此不疲。~善好……



汉语拼音:lǐ yuè






  1. 礼节和音乐。古代帝王常用兴礼乐为手段以求达到尊卑有序远近和合的统治目的。

    《礼记·乐记》:“乐也者,情之不可变者也;礼也者,理之不可易者也。乐统同,礼辨异。礼乐之説,管乎人情矣。” 孔颖达 疏:“乐主和同,则远近皆合;礼主恭敬,则贵贱有序。”《吕氏春秋·孟夏》:“乃命乐师习合礼乐。” 高诱 注:“礼所以经国家,定社稷,利人民;乐所以移风易俗,荡人之邪,存人之正性。” 唐 杜甫 《秋野》诗之三:“礼乐攻吾短,山林引兴长。”



  1. These rite-music graved and could be used as etiquette, ceremonies and education, but they had not value of appreciation.


  2. "Benevolence" is the music's core, there is no "benevolence" of the music, but the form of body, the hypocrisy of the instrument section.


  3. Zhou Dynasty ritual music culture begin from "beauting music" and concluding in the time of the court music secularization.


  4. The concept of elegant legitimism is the value goal of Tang Taizong s etiquette-music cultural view and literary thought.


  5. Every person of each grade in the hierarchy enjoyed the type of rites and music assigned to his particular grade.


  6. The music culture of the Zhou Dynasty looks on the relationship between the voice and qi with rational spirit, stresses the rule of will.


  7. As a ruling measure an instrument of education, the status and function of music and dance art were given unprecedented attention.


  8. The concrete show of academic spirit is a new spirit that "music system" open "acquisition, line, move, with" a new spirit.


  9. The next word, opera, the Silk Road, the four major music performers to make the opening ceremony reached a climax in part.


  1. 礼乐射御书数

    rites, music, archery, driving a chariot, learning and mathematics

  2. 礼乐之说, 管乎人情矣。

    Lile says that he favors peace pipe.

  3. 论楚辞与礼乐文化

    Songs of the South and the Rites and Music

  4. 论礼乐制度的实践本性

    On the Practicality Of the System of Rite and Music

  5. 国家礼乐制度与民间仪式音乐

    Power and Folk Ritual Music

  6. 青铜礼器与礼乐制度的历史沿革

    Bronze sacrificial vessel and the historical evolution of rites and music system

  7. 礼乐制度与十国时期的南方文化

    The Rite System and the South Culture of Ten Countries

  8. 韩诗外传的神话与儒家礼乐思想

    The Myths in Han Shi Wai Zhuan and the Confucian Thought of Courtesy and Music

  9. 孔子诗学的礼乐传统与政教倾向

    The Tradition of Ceremonial Rites and the Civilizing Tendency in Confucius Poetics

  10. 钟是古代礼乐制度得重要载体之一。

    Chime was one of importance carrier on ancient ceremony and music system.

  11. 钟是古代礼乐制度的重要载体之一。

    Chime was one of importance carrier on ancient ceremony and music system.

  12. 这部统考记录了唐代的礼乐制度。

    This historical book recording systems and institutions of different dynasties also has the Rite System of the Tang Dynasty in it.

  13. 这部统考记录了唐代的礼乐制度。

    This historical book recording systems and institutions of different dynasties also has the Rite System of the Tang Dynasty in it.

  14. 因为礼乐完全是局限于社会上层的活动

    Because activities involving the system of rites and music was restricted to the upper echelons of society

  15. 在西周,德融于礼乐制度之中,与礼为一体。

    In Western Zhou Dynasty, De consists into the ritual system, with Li as a whole.

  16. 某一等级的人,才能目享用这一等级的礼乐。

    Every person of each grade in the hierarchy enjoyed the type of rites and music assigned to his particular grade.

  17. 郭店楚简与儒家礼乐教化美育观的发展

    Guodian Chujian and the Development of Li and Yue Cultivation Aesthetic Education Thought of Confucianism

  18. 编钟作为周代的礼乐重器,是周代礼乐制度的具体体现。

    The chime, as one national jewels for rites and music, is the embodiment of the system of the Zhou Dynasty.

  19. 商周时期, 礼器和乐器是礼乐制度的物化形态。

    The ritual and musical instruments in the Shang and Zhou period embodied the institution of rites and music.

  20. 因袭夏、商的礼仪乐制,建立了周王朝的礼乐制度。

    The rite and music system of the Zhou Dynasty was thus founded on the heritage of the preceding systems of the Xia and Shang dynasties.

  21. 绪论还对前人对礼乐文化的研究成果进行了总结。

    It is also summarized our predecessors the results of research on the propriety and music culture in the introduction.

  22. 礼乐制度, 正是对于这个严密的宗法等级网的强调和固定。

    The system of rites and music reinforced and stabilized this strict patriarchal clan hierarchy.

  23. 礼乐教化思想在后世儒家学说中得到了充分的表述。

    The thoughts of using rites and music to educate people received plenty of explanation among works of later Confucian scholars.

  24. 引述孔孟仁义礼乐的言语,透露出一股浓郁的儒家气息。

    To quote the words of Confucius and Mencius, revealing a surge of fresh the Confucian breath.

  25. 其内容和音乐都吻合西周之端肃典正的礼乐精神。

    Both its meaning and the matched music refer to the spirit of culture of the Western Thou dynasty.

  26. 孔子诗教正是对西周以来礼乐教化传统的继承与发展。

    Confucius'Songs enlightenment is the inheritance and development of traditional morals from Western Chou Dynasty.


  1. 问:礼乐站拼音怎么拼?礼乐站的读音是什么?礼乐站翻译成英文是什么?

    答:礼乐站的读音是,礼乐站翻译成英文是 Lile Railway Station