




1. 羊 [yáng]2. 羊 [xiáng]羊 [yáng]哺乳动物,反刍类,一般头上有一对角,品种很多:绵~。黄~。羚~。~羔。~毫。~肠线。~肠小道。姓。羊 [xiáng]古同“祥”,吉祥。……



汉语拼音:tuó yáng






  1. 兽名。有肉峰,似骆驼。

    《明一统志·凤翔府·土产》:“驼羊, 郿县 出,有峰,类驼。” 明 董越 《朝鲜赋》:“麒麐尚餘乎石窟,驼羊半弃於山腰。”



  1. She has a long neck and white feathers and wings. I don't think a llama has all of those things.


  1. 骆驼或大羊驼或小羊驼。

    camels and llamas and vicunas.

  2. 驼羊放牧采食选择性的研究

    Research of Intake Selectivity of Alpaca on Pastureland.

  3. 电刺激对驼、马、羊肌肉氨基酸含量影响的研究

    The Contents of Amino Acid in The Muscles of Camel, Horse and SheeP under Electrial Stimulation

  4. 另外,研究还表明驼羊对其它牧草的采食程度也不一样。

    On the other hand, results also showed that the degree of enjoyment to Alpaca grazing other pasture was different in this research.

  5. 青年公羊驼

    young male alpaca

  6. 霍奎耶羊驼

    Huacuya alpacas

  7. 羊驼呢外衣。

    an alpaca coat.

  8. 羊驼毛织物

    Cloth made from alpaca.

  9. 羊驼染色体的研究

    Study on the Chromosome of Alpacas

  10. 羊驼染色体的研究。

    Study on the Chromosome of Alpacas.

  11. 羊驼是南美洲特有动物。

    Alpaca is a unique animal of South America.

  12. 羊驼胚胎移植研究动态

    Dynamic in Research on Alpaca Embryonic Transfer

  13. 羊驼纤维及其产品开发

    Alpaca fiber and the development of its production

  14. 羊驼前肢骨的解剖学研究

    The study on the Forelimb Bone of Alpaca

  15. 羊驼的研究现状及应用前景

    Study Situation and Use Prospect of Alpaca

  16. 小羊驼被毛的物理性能

    The Physical Parameters of Alpaca Hair

  17. 宝石蓝羊驼皮毛领羊毛长款大衣

    MaxMara Blue Fur Collar Wool Coat

  18. 羊驼禽传染性支气管炎样病毒的研究

    Study on Avian Infectious Bronchitis Virus Like in Alpaca

  19. 有两个品种的羊驼,两个类型的羊毛。

    There are two breeds of alpacas, and two types of fleece.

  20. 表面有光泽的织物,如羊驼毛织品

    A fabric, such as alpaca, having a glossy surface

  21. 南美羊驼采食习性观测与分析

    Observation and Analysis on Grazing Behavior of Alpaca

  22. 茂盛得草地养肥了大批羊驼和美洲驼。

    Gold and silver veined the mountains, and herds of alpacas and llamas fattened in lush meadows.

  23. 茂盛的草地养肥了大批羊驼和美洲驼。

    Gold and silver veined the mountains, and herds of alpacas and llamas fattened in lush meadows.

  24. 用小羊驼的羊毛制成的柔软的毛纺纤维。

    A soft wool made from the fleece of the vicuna.

  25. 小羊驼是骆驼家族中体型最小的成员。

    The vicuna is the smallest member of the camel family.

  26. 有光呢表面有光泽的织物, 如羊驼毛织品

    A fabric, such as alpaca, having a glossy surface.

  27. 一例死亡羊驼的病理变化及死因分析

    The Pathological Findings of an Alpaca Died of Illness and its Causes

  28. 羊驼壁外消化腺的组织学结构研究

    Study on Histological Structure of Digestive Glands Outside of the Digestive Duct in Alpacas

  29. 羊驼系统发育和种群内亲缘关系的研究

    Studies on System Phylogeny of Alpaca and Its Genetic Relationship in Population

  30. 雌性羊驼生殖器官解剖构造与繁殖生理特征

    Reproductive Anatomy and Physiology of Female Alpaca