


1. 远 [yuǎn]2. 远 [yuàn]远 [yuǎn]距离长,与“近”相对:~方。~道。~程。~景。~足(较远的徒步旅行)。~见(远大的眼光)。~虑。~谋。~客。遥~。~走高飞。舍近就~。时间长:~古。~祖。长~。永~。关系疏,不亲密……





汉语拼音:yuǎn jìn








5.附近。 6.指才智程度的高低。



  1. 远方和近处。

    《易·繫辞上》:“其受命也如响,无有远近幽深,遂知来物。”《后汉书·刘虞传》:“ 虞 虽为上公,天性节约,敝衣绳履,食无兼肉,远近豪俊夙僭奢者莫不改操而归心焉。”《古今小说·杨谦之客舫遇侠僧》:“ 杨知县 随后起身,路上打着些蛮中鼓乐,远近人听得新知县到任,都来看。” 沈从文 《从文自传·我所生长的地方》:“落日黄昏时节,站到那个巍然独在万山环绕的孤城高处,眺望那些远近残毁碉堡,还可依稀想见当时角鼓文炬传警告急的光景。”

  2. 特指所居官位接近或远离帝王。


  3. 指远方近处的人。

    《吕氏春秋·简选》:“遂其贤良,顺民所喜,远近归之,故王天下。”《北齐书·神武帝纪上》:“远近闻之,皆称 高仪同 将兵整肃,益归心焉。” 唐 元稹 《赠左散骑常侍薛公神道碑》:“及为大官,远近多归之。” 宋 曾巩 《<强几圣文集>序》:“ 几圣 为属稿草,必声比字属,曲当绳墨。然气质浑浑,不见刻画,远近多称诵之。”

  4. 指路程的距离。

    晋 陶潜 《桃花源记》:“ 晋 太元 中, 武陵 人捕鱼为业,缘溪行,忘路之远近,忽逢桃花林。” 唐 元稹 《估客乐》诗:“通筭衣食费,不计远近程。”《二刻拍案惊奇》卷十八:“一向不曾问得:仙庄在何处?有多少远近?老汉可去得否?”《说唐》第十八回:“ 云召 闻报,便上城一看,果然退去有三里远近。” 沙汀 《丁跛公》:“这里离城只有七八里远近,除了快近市街时有一片沙坝,其馀是山沟路。”

  5. 附近。

    《警世通言·崔衙内白鹞招妖》:“ 崔丞 相来到 定州 中山府 远近,接入进府,交割牌印了毕。”

  6. 指才智程度的高低。

    宋 司马光 《<冯亚诗集>序》:“文章之精者尽在於诗,观人文者,观其诗斯知其才之远近矣。”



  1. Very easy to get started, super fun, move the mouse to control the direction, distance from the figures in efforts to control the center.


  2. Long ago a great mountain began to rumble and shake. People came from far and near to see what would happen.


  3. I walked as if for a wager, mile after mile, till a turn brought me in view of the Heights; but no Catherine could I detect far or near.


  4. I don't know at the time, I hear the train whistle sounds, far and near, like the music of the birds, marked forest distance.


  5. There was no distinction between the near and the far, and an auditor felt close to everything within the horizon.


  6. Since the speed of light is well known, any delay in receiving the satellite's signal can be converted into a distance.


  7. a. Uncle Tom is known as a nice softie and he's always ready to help others in need.


  8. Powerful bronzed arms. Whiskers. A pair of blazing eyes. This was Gu Yanlong, known far and wide as the king of the cattle butchers.


  9. After the news spread to attract people and the distance of the Wuhan cities for visitors, to come and shop to see Huang dance.


  1. 股骨远近段

    Distal and proximal femur.

  2. 浓淡远近法

    aerial perspective.

  3. 不论远近我都去。

    I'll go no matter how far it is.

  4. 东京的樱花远近驰名。

    Tokyo is celebrated for cherry blossoms.

  5. 英汉远近称指示词

    English and Chinese distance demonstratives

  6. 山峰远近都能看到。

    The peak of the mountain can be seen far and near.

  7. 不论远近车费一律拾元。

    A uniform fare of ten dollars any distance.

  8. 我们货物的优越性远近驰名。

    The superiorty of our goos is known far and near.

  9. 出口增长应该远近超过进口增长。

    Export growth should far outstrip import growth.

  10. 近缘脉距离叶缘远近不一。

    Submarginal vein at irregular distances from leaf margin.

  11. 不论远近一律一元的车票。

    A uniform fare of one yuan for any distance.

  12. 你的行程远近而有所不同。

    Depending on the distance you want to travel.

  13. 无论远近,人们都往家里赶。

    People will rush back home from near and far.

  14. 我朋友的才智远近闻名。

    My friend is famous for his wit.

  15. 他酷爱英国文学远近皆知。

    His fondness for English literature is known everywhere.

  16. 他因吹牛皮而远近闻名。

    He was notorious for drawing a long bow.

  17. 他可是远近闻名的大人物。

    He's known of far and wide.

  18. 这所学校教学优秀, 远近驰名。

    This school teaching excellence and very famous.

  19. 这所学校教学优秀,远近称誉。

    The school is widely admired for its excellent teaching.

  20. 远近的人都赶来看演出。

    People came from far and near to see the performance.

  21. 远近农民的慰问信大量涌来。

    Letters of encouragement came pouring in from peasants far and near.

  22. 远近农民得慰问信大量涌来。

    Letters of encouragement came pouring in from peasants far and near.

  23. 按距离远近发出不同频率警示音。

    According to a distance of different frequency sound warning.

  24. 这个镇子瓷画工艺远近闻名。

    The porcelain painting techniques of this town are known far and wide.

  25. 这个镇子瓷画工艺远近闻名。

    The porcelain painting techniques of this town are known far and wide.

  26. 无论远近,人们都要往家里赶的。

    People will rush home from near and far.

  27. 无论远近,人们都要往家里赶得。

    People will rush home from near and far.

  28. 我们来到了远近闻名的惠安。

    We came to the famous county.

  29. 耐用的6055瓦远近光卤素前大灯。

    Endurostyle, 6055watt halogen headlight features highlow beams.

  30. 是的,布里非常能干,远近皆知。

    Yes, Bree's many talents were known throughout the neighborhood.


  1. 问:远近拼音怎么拼?远近的读音是什么?远近翻译成英文是什么?

    答:远近的读音是yuǎnjìn,远近翻译成英文是 distance; far and near

  2. 问:远近极萌发孔拼音怎么拼?远近极萌发孔的读音是什么?远近极萌发孔翻译成英文是什么?

    答:远近极萌发孔的读音是yuǎn jìn jí méng fà kǒng,远近极萌发孔翻译成英文是 anacatatreme, distal -oproximalo-aperture...