




1. 内 [nèi]2. 内 [nà]内 [nèi]里面,与“外”相对:~部。~外。~定。~地。~阁。~行(háng )。~涵。称妻子或妻子家的亲戚:~人。~亲。~弟。亲近:~君子而外小人。内 [nà]古同“纳”,收入;接受。……




1. 胺 [àn]胺 [àn]氨NH3分子中部分或全部氢原子被烃基取代后而成的有机化合物,胺类大都具有碱性,能与酸结合而成盐,是制作合成染料、药物等的原料。……



汉语拼音:jǐ nèi xiān àn



  1. The production, consumption status of caprolactam and its development prospect at home and abroad are analysed.


  2. The influence of the dosage of additives ( propanetriol, caprolactam, diglycol) on ink viscosity, surface tension was discussed.


  3. The producing processes and the trends of consumption market of caprolactam at home and abroad have been analyzed in the paper.


  4. The upper is Nylon 6 that can go back to caprolactam, the bottom, a polyolephine -- infinitely recyclable thermoplastic.


  5. The block copolymerization of caprolactam by anionic initiator with polymeric activators is studied.


  6. The results showed that the caprolactam-platinum complex had some anticancer activity.


  7. latest design can recycle caprolactam directly and remove residue automatically.


  8. The price fluctuation of caprolactam was narrowed and the difference of price with benzene was tended towards stable.


  9. Production and consumption of caprolactam at home and abroad are analyzed and forecast.


  1. 己内酰胺碱金属盐

    alkali metal caprolactamate

  2. 己内酰胺生产技术及应用

    CPL Production Process and Market Analysis

  3. 己内酰胺肟化塔改造的技术性探讨

    Discussion about Technical Renovation of Caprolactam Oximation Reaction Tower

  4. 己内酰胺硫铵新装置中和反应结晶技术

    Technique of crystallizing neutralization reaction applied in the new caprolactam ammonium sulfate unit

  5. 对苯酚和己内酰胺制备的新型离子液体的研究

    Study of New Type Ionic Liquid Prepared by Phenol and Caprolactam

  6. 这是尼龙还原为己内酰胺后再制成地毯。

    Here's nylon going back to caprolactam back to carpet.

  7. 不同助催化剂对己内酰胺阴离子聚合及产物的影响

    Effect of Different Catalysts on Anionic Polymerization of Caprolactam and its Production

  8. 循环加氢精制替代氧化精制己内酰胺的工业应用

    Commercial Application of a New Recycled Hydrofining Process Substituting for Oxidative Purification of Epsilon Caprolactam.

  9. 己内酰胺的价格波动幅度在收窄, 与纯苯的价差趋于平稳。

    The price fluctuation of caprolactam was narrowed and the difference of price with benzene was tended towards stable.

  10. 并探讨了己内酰胺作为电子给体添加剂对接枝反应的影响。

    The effects of hexanolactam as electron donor on graft reaction was investigated.

  11. 研究了阴离子引发己内酰胺与聚合物活性剂的嵌段共聚合。

    The block copolymerization of caprolactam by anionic initiator with polymeric activators is studied.

  12. 相转移催化剂1丁基己内酰胺正溴丁烷

    Keywords the phase transfer catalystNbutyl caprolactamnbromide butane.

  13. 对芳纶浆粕与聚己内酰胺复合进行了初步研究。

    The compound of PPTA pulp and nylon 6 is studied in this paper.

  14. 加巴喷丁内酰胺

    lactamase gabapentin

  15. 单环内酰胺类抗生素

    monobactam antibiotics

  16. 内酰胺类抗生素的合理应用

    on the rational application of acyl amine kind s antibiotic in

  17. 含双键的聚己内酯

    poly containing bond

  18. 己立在房内, 样子很尴尬。

    She paused a moment and looked at the boy standing awkwardly as near the door as he could be.

  19. 由环己酮生物合成己内酯的研究

    Study on Biosynthesis of Caprolactone from Cyclohexanone

  20. 辐照改性对聚己内酯的影响

    Effect of Irradiation Modification on PCL

  21. 壳聚糖与己内酯接枝材料膜的制备及性能研究

    Properties and preparation of connect films of chitosan and caprolactone

  22. 反应挤出合成带不饱和官能团端基的聚己内酯

    Preparation of Polycaprolactone with Unsaturated Group by Reactive Extrusion

  23. 聚己内酯微球具有大形态和骨生物活性的表面已经拟定。

    PCL microspheres featuring a macroporous morphology and a bonebioactive surface have been prepared.

  24. 聚亚戊基己二酰胺

    polypentamethylene adipamide

  25. 红树林内生真菌2524号中分离的新神经酰胺

    The Novel Ceramides from a Mangrove Endophytic Fungus No.2524

  26. 红树林内生真菌2524号中分离得新神经酰胺

    The Novel Ceramides from a Mangrove Endophytic Fungus No.2524

  27. 乙酰谷酰胺葡萄糖注射液的细菌内毒素量的测定

    Determination of Bacterial endotoxin quantity in Acetyl Glutamine Glucose Injection

  28. 转化酶和己糖激酶调控草莓聚合果内糖积累

    The Control of Sugar Accumulation within Strawberry Aggregate Fruit by Invertase and Hexokinase

  29. 只要在你份内的工作上尽好一己之责就好了。

    Just forgive him if he is wrong, and do your best in your job.

  30. 目前,对聚己酸内酯的性质和应用的研究日益增多。

    Nowdays,there are more and more researches on characters and applications of polycaprolactone.


  1. 问:己内酰胺拼音怎么拼?己内酰胺的读音是什么?己内酰胺翻译成英文是什么?

    答:己内酰胺的读音是jǐ nèi xiān àn,己内酰胺翻译成英文是 caprolactam

  2. 问:己内酰胺聚合拼音怎么拼?己内酰胺聚合的读音是什么?己内酰胺聚合翻译成英文是什么?

    答:己内酰胺聚合的读音是jǐ nèi xiān àn jù hé,己内酰胺聚合翻译成英文是 caprolactam polymerization


