







汉语拼音:piān yè






  1. 篇和页。

    巴金 《灭亡》第十九章:“他还要翻下去,忽然那些已经翻过的篇页,竟不待他底手动,自己一页一页地翻回去。” 郭沫若 《沸羹集·新文艺的使命》:“《旧约》的废除是历史的成果,也是历史的开端,我们要以今天为基点,继进地创造出更辉煌的历史的篇页。” 峻青 《秋色赋·故乡杂记》:“历史的篇页不必翻得太远,我们经常谈起的是抗 日 战争刚刚结束之后的那一段日子。”



  1. His gifted pen transmutes every thing into gold, and his own genial nature reflects its sunshine through his pages.


  2. In the "stone book" there is recordation of the era of the human history.


  1. 未完, 人像篇请点击第二页。

    To be continued, please click the next page.

  2. 这篇寓言登在下一页上。

    The fable is given on the next page.

  3. 第十六页上有一篇好文章。

    There is a good article on page sixteen.

  4. 篇页间可见其温文尔雅, 光彩熠熠得秉性。

    His own genial nature reflects its sunshine through his pages.

  5. 在石书的篇页上记载着人类历史的时代。

    In the stone book there is recordation of the era of the human history.

  6. 这篇文章被简缩成两页。

    The article was condensed into just two pages.

  7. 这篇文章长得足够排满两页版面。

    This article is long enough to fill in two pages.

  8. 每周,学生提交一篇一页得读后感。

    Each week, students submit a one page essay with their reactions to the reading.

  9. 我们在那篇论动物得文章前增添了几页。

    We prefixed a few pages to the article on animals.

  10. 我们在那篇论动物的文章前增添了几页。

    We prefixed a few pages to the article on animals.

  11. 往我在杂志上发表的那篇文章中再加上一页晚不晚?

    Is it too late to insert a new page into my magazine article ?

  12. 这篇评论也得到了诸多豆友的支持,被顶上豆瓣首页。

    This comment has been a lot of beans Friends of the support was top of watercress Home.

  13. 为了读一篇文章而翻了很多页到那里是浪费你的时间。

    You waste time flipping through the same pages to get to the one article you want to read.

  14. 这篇报道转到第4页继续。

    The story is continued on page4.

  15. 每周, 学生提交一篇一页的读后感。

    Each week, students submit a one page essay with their reactions to the reading.

  16. 这是一篇关于18世纪奴隶制得总计600页得长篇记述。

    This is a 600 page saga about 18th century slavery.

  17. 这是一篇关于18世纪奴隶制的总计600页的长篇记述。

    This is a 600 page saga about 18th century slavery.

  18. 我需要完成一篇五页的论文,可是我已经耽误了

    Need to finish up my 5 page essay, but I’ve been procrastinating.

  19. 笔头作业针对大学部学生, 要求提交一篇810页的论文。

    The writing assignment is an 810 pager and is a requirement for the undergraduate students.

  20. 但是财经却刊出了一篇12页长的校舍质量详尽调查。

    But it was Caijing that produced a detailed 10page investigation into the shoddy school buildings.

  21. 课程要求还包含了三篇7页的论文和一次期末考试。

    Course requirements also include three 7 page papers, and a final exam.

  22. 课程要求还包含了三篇7页得论文和一次期末考试。

    Course requirements also include three 7 page papers, and a final exam.

  23. 爱情就像一页空白的诗篇, 用你的心去谱写她的旋律吧。

    Love is a blank poetry, rhyme it with your heart.

  24. 我周一要上交一篇十页的论文,但现在我连一半都还没有完成。

    I have a 10 page paper due on Monday and I’m not even halfway finished yet, FML.



篇页 piānyè [sections and pages] 指篇幅与页码。巴金 《灭亡》第十九章:“他还要翻下去,忽然那些已经翻过的篇页,竟不待他底手动,自己一页一页地翻回去。” 郭沫若 《沸羹集·新文艺的使命》:“《旧约》的废除是历史的成果,也是历史的开端,我们要以今天为基点,继进地创造出更辉煌的历史的篇页。” 峻青 《秋色赋·故乡杂记》:“历史的篇页不必翻得太远,我们经常谈起的是抗 日 战争刚刚结束之后的那一段日子。”