


阳性的人:~性。~人。~孩。~女平等。儿子:长(zhǎng )~。封建制度五等爵位的第五等:~爵。……


1. 仆 [pū]2. 仆 [pú]仆 [pū]向前跌倒:~倒。前~后继。仆 [pú]被人雇佣差遣服务的人,与“主”相对:~人。~从。旧谦称“我”。……



汉语拼音:nán pú






  1. 男性的仆人。如: 张先生 家中有一个男仆,名叫 阿福 。



  1. The female teacher in her tenure, she was the former and the ghost manor manservant often appear in the estate.


  2. If I was still his valet, I'd get it out of him.


  3. The next afternoon Colin was carried downstairs by a man servant, and put in his wheelchair outside the front door.


  4. It was long past noon when he awoke. His valet had crept several times on tiptoe into the room to see if he was stirring.


  5. They were admitted by the old Negro into a dim hall from which a staircase mounted into still more shadow.


  6. Not long afterward Utterson was sitting by his fireside when Poole, Dr. Jekyll's manservant , sought entrance.


  7. As well as the paid help, Darwin could also rely on the college "gyp" , the Cambridge nickname for a valet or servant.


  8. I located a domestic agency in Beverly Hills13 on my own, but its best price for a footman in a morning coat was $500, minimum.


  9. One side a few lusty men servants protect in two sides, the behind is one along one in order three sumptuous wagons.


  1. 男侍男仆, 如男侍

    A male servant, such as a valet.

  2. 男侍男仆,如男侍。

    A male servant, such as a valet.

  3. 男仆, 尤指贴身男仆

    A male servant, especially a valet.

  4. 男仆,尤指贴身男仆。

    A male servant, especially a valet.

  5. 做为贴身男仆工作

    To work as a valet.

  6. 男仆家中的男性仆人。

    Houseboy A male servant in a house.

  7. 看见你把行李交给男仆。

    Saw that truck you gave to the valet.

  8. 有个男仆把饭菜端上来。

    The meal was served by the butler.

  9. 有一名男仆为他们服务。

    They were waited on by a manservant.

  10. 那男仆顶着飓风继续前进。

    The footman went ahead against the hurricane.

  11. 男仆的眼睛瞄着克丽丝

    The valets eyes flickered to Christine.

  12. 他们由男仆毕恭毕敬地送出去。

    They were bowed out by the footman.

  13. 男仆的眼睛瞄着克丽丝汀。

    The valet's eyes flickered to christine.

  14. 瘸着个脚怎么做贴身男仆

    How can a valet do his work if hes lame

  15. 我正是一个法国来的男仆。

    I come from a long line of French valets.

  16. 一个男仆等着搬我的行李。

    A man was waiting to take my luggage.

  17. 我属于主管酒水的男仆同业公会。

    I belong to a guild of wine butlers.

  18. 由穿制服的男仆为客人倒茶。

    The tea was served to guests by liveried footmen.

  19. 住在雇主家的男仆和司机

    My husband, acting as the gobetween and chauffeur, set down one basic rule We had to be on the road by 9 a. m. each morning.

  20. 如果我是贴身男仆就能问出来

    If I was still his valet, Id get it out of him.

  21. 男仆被雇为佣人或随从的年轻人

    A youth employed as a servant or page.

  22. 我属于主管酒类的男仆同业公会。

    I belong to a guild of wine butlers.

  23. 就没有勇敢者愿意做我的男仆了?

    Is there no man brave enough to be my valet

  24. 麦克是个既漂亮又和善的男仆。

    Mac, as the President called him, was the valet, a handsome and congenial man.

  25. 她们有一个穿着号衣的男仆人照应着。

    They had a footman in livery with them.

  26. 任何人在他的贴身男仆眼里都不是英雄。

    A male servant, such as a valet.

  27. 一个被他的雇主看作为私人侍从的男仆。

    A manservant who acts as a personal attendant to his employer.

  28. 这位绅士有一个男仆照顾他的衣食住行。

    The gentleman had a valet to wait on him hand and foot.

  29. 男仆和厨师在一起已有好几个月了。

    The footman and the cook have been walking out for several months now.

  30. 荷马扬叔叔和他的男仆占着整个顶楼。

    Uncle Homayoun and his manservant occupied the entire upstairs.


  1. 问:男仆拼音怎么拼?男仆的读音是什么?男仆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:男仆的读音是nánpú,男仆翻译成英文是 A male servant.



【拼音】nán pú

【注音】ㄣㄢˊ ㄆㄨˊ


【解释】 男仆nánpú [servingman] 古代对男性奴隶的称谓。泛指供手主人役使的男性奴隶 男性的仆人。如: 张先生 家中有一个男仆,名叫 阿福 。