







汉语拼音:shā lún






  1. It is not allowed to clean up cooling fluid and abrasive dust or to replace work-piece before the grinding wheel comes to a standstill.


  2. As you can see, this method can be applied only when the surface to be ground is shorter than the width of the grinding wheel used.


  3. An appropriate trimming and adjustment for a grinding surface can obtain a steady efficiency for the early installation of a wheel.


  4. He had learned to read the millionths of an inch on the micrometer and to shape the grinding wheel with an instrument set with a diamond.


  5. Appearance of CBN wheel leads to grinding technology's revolution, hence grinding machining enter into a new stage of high efficiency.


  6. Do not exceed the speed in revolutions per minute (RPM) rating of any grinding wheel or disk.


  7. The second balance should be very strict . after the second balance, all the direction of the wheel will be balance.


  8. The results show that the motion error of grinding wheel circling C-axis rotation has a bigger influence on the surface error.


  9. For further information regarding the dresser, reference should be made to the CNC Profiler manual supplied as a supplement to this manual.


  1. 砂轮线速度

    grinding speed.

  2. 倾斜型砂轮

    inclined wheel.

  3. 砂轮整形器

    emery wheel dresser.

  4. 砂轮的修整

    Trimming of Grinding Wheels PVA.

  5. 精密金刚石砂轮

    diamond grinding wheel

  6. 砂轮进给量

    wheel traverse.

  7. 电镀金刚石砂轮

    electroplated diamond wheel

  8. 砂轮锯断机

    abrasive sawing machine.

  9. 薄片切割砂轮

    cutting discs.

  10. 以砂轮当笔,

    The grinding wheel serves as brush

  11. 无心磨削砂轮

    centreless grinding wheel.

  12. 金刚玉树脂砂轮

    emery resin wheel

  13. 碟型金刚石砂轮

    diamond dish wheel

  14. 砂轮的线速度

    Circumferential speed of grinding wheel.

  15. 落地砂轮机

    floor type grinding wheel.

  16. 磨玉器专用砂轮

    PVA Abrasive Wheels for Jade ware

  17. 重荷砂轮切割片

    Hiavy loaded grinding wheel cutting blade

  18. 树脂结合剂砂轮。

    For making resin bond grinding wheels.

  19. 打磨玉器的砂轮

    An emery wheel for cutting or polishing jade

  20. 杯碗碟型砂轮

    Cup unusual type grinding wheel.

  21. 砂轮最大线速度

    maximum peripheral speed of grinding wheel

  22. 砂轮横移进给量

    cross feed

  23. 加砂轮形状代号

    Plus grinding wheel shape code

  24. 风动磨钎机用砂轮

    grinding wheel for pneumatic bit grinder

  25. 碟型砂轮磨齿机

    gear grinding machine with dish grinding wheel

  26. 钻石砂轮规格标示方法

    Specification Marking for Diamond Wheel

  27. 带槽筒形砂轮

    cylinder wheel with dovetail groove.

  28. 玻璃纤维增强砂轮网布。

    Fiberglass cloth reinforced for grinding whee.

  29. 砂轮是现代的磨石。

    An emery wheel is the modern variation of a grindstone.

  30. 宽砂轮外圆磨床

    cylindrical grinder with wide grinding wheel


  1. 问:砂轮拼音怎么拼?砂轮的读音是什么?砂轮翻译成英文是什么?

    答:砂轮的读音是shālún,砂轮翻译成英文是 emery wheel; abrasive wheel

  2. 问:砂轮头拼音怎么拼?砂轮头的读音是什么?砂轮头翻译成英文是什么?

    答:砂轮头的读音是shā lún tóu,砂轮头翻译成英文是 wheelhead

  3. 问:砂轮座拼音怎么拼?砂轮座的读音是什么?砂轮座翻译成英文是什么?

    答:砂轮座的读音是shā lún zuò,砂轮座翻译成英文是 grinding wheel head

  4. 问:砂轮罩拼音怎么拼?砂轮罩的读音是什么?砂轮罩翻译成英文是什么?

    答:砂轮罩的读音是shā lún zhào,砂轮罩翻译成英文是 wheel guard

  5. 问:砂轮虫拼音怎么拼?砂轮虫的读音是什么?砂轮虫翻译成英文是什么?

    答:砂轮虫的读音是shālúnchóng,砂轮虫翻译成英文是 Trochammina sp.; A

  6. 问:砂轮主轴拼音怎么拼?砂轮主轴的读音是什么?砂轮主轴翻译成英文是什么?

    答:砂轮主轴的读音是shā lún zhǔ zhóu,砂轮主轴翻译成英文是 grinding wheel spindle

  7. 问:砂轮修正拼音怎么拼?砂轮修正的读音是什么?砂轮修正翻译成英文是什么?

    答:砂轮修正的读音是shā lún xiū zhèng,砂轮修正翻译成英文是 wheel dressing

  8. 问:砂轮学会拼音怎么拼?砂轮学会的读音是什么?砂轮学会翻译成英文是什么?

    答:砂轮学会的读音是Shālún Xuéhuì,砂轮学会翻译成英文是 Grinding Wheel Institute

  9. 问:砂轮整形拼音怎么拼?砂轮整形的读音是什么?砂轮整形翻译成英文是什么?

    答:砂轮整形的读音是shā lún zhěng xíng,砂轮整形翻译成英文是 grinding wheel truing

  10. 问:砂轮虫属拼音怎么拼?砂轮虫属的读音是什么?砂轮虫属翻译成英文是什么?

    答:砂轮虫属的读音是shālúnchóng shǔ,砂轮虫属翻译成英文是 Trochammina

  11. 问:砂轮虫科拼音怎么拼?砂轮虫科的读音是什么?砂轮虫科翻译成英文是什么?

    答:砂轮虫科的读音是shālúnchóng kē,砂轮虫科翻译成英文是 Trochamminidae

  12. 问:砂轮修整器拼音怎么拼?砂轮修整器的读音是什么?砂轮修整器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:砂轮修整器的读音是shā lún xiū zhěng qì,砂轮修整器翻译成英文是 abrasive dresser

  13. 问:砂轮切割机拼音怎么拼?砂轮切割机的读音是什么?砂轮切割机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:砂轮切割机的读音是shā lún qiē gē jī,砂轮切割机翻译成英文是 abrasive sawing machine

  14. 问:砂轮切断机拼音怎么拼?砂轮切断机的读音是什么?砂轮切断机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:砂轮切断机的读音是shā lún qiē duàn jī,砂轮切断机翻译成英文是 abrasive cut off machine

  15. 问:砂轮虫亚科拼音怎么拼?砂轮虫亚科的读音是什么?砂轮虫亚科翻译成英文是什么?

    答:砂轮虫亚科的读音是shālúnchóng yàkē,砂轮虫亚科翻译成英文是 Trochammininae

  16. 问:砂轮虫总科拼音怎么拼?砂轮虫总科的读音是什么?砂轮虫总科翻译成英文是什么?

    答:砂轮虫总科的读音是shālúnchóng zǒngkē,砂轮虫总科翻译成英文是 Trochamminacea

  17. 问:砂轮修整装置拼音怎么拼?砂轮修整装置的读音是什么?砂轮修整装置翻译成英文是什么?

    答:砂轮修整装置的读音是shā lún xiū zhěng zhuāng zhì,砂轮修整装置翻译成英文是 wheel dresser

  18. 问:砂轮式清理机拼音怎么拼?砂轮式清理机的读音是什么?砂轮式清理机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:砂轮式清理机的读音是shā lún shì qīng lǐ jī,砂轮式清理机翻译成英文是 wheel abrator-type machine

  19. 问:砂轮修整器砂轮整形器拼音怎么拼?砂轮修整器砂轮整形器的读音是什么?砂轮修整器砂轮整形器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:砂轮修整器砂轮整形器的读音是shā lún xiū zhěng qì shā lún zhěng xíng qì,砂轮修整器砂轮整形器翻译成英文是 grinding wheel dresser


