




对着,朝着,与“背”相对:~背(bèi )。~北。目标,意志所趋:志~。方~。偏袒,袒护:偏~。近,临:~晚。秋天漠漠~昏黑。从前:~日。~者。从开始到现在:~例。一~。姓。……



汉语拼音:qù xiàng








  1. 去的方向。

    元 杨显之 《潇湘雨》第一折:“我那 翠鸞 女孩儿,不知去向。”《醒世恒言·卖油郎独占花魁》:“﹝ 邢权 和 兰花 ﹞双双的桃之夭夭,不知去向。” 茅盾 《残冬》四:“ 六宝 的哥哥 福庆 ,和镇上 张剥皮 闹过的 李老虎 ,还有 多多头 ,忽然都不知去向。”

  2. 线索;门路。




  1. What you think, affects where your life goes. For each thought is magnified and manifested through the whole of your existence.


  2. First off, the whole idea of budgeting is to get a very clear picture of where your money is going every month.


  3. The battle for Yahoo ended in a truce yesterday, with the direction of the company still likely to be a source of future conflict.


  4. Then I went to say goodbye to her. At first she was cold with me. She did not understand why I wanted to leave her.


  5. Prudence wanted to ask your father's friend for money, but I said no.


  6. Dandelion determine the whereabouts of the wind, and you decide to me, dawn, I'll start, whereabouts you said forever inaccessible.


  7. A good first step, therefore, is to take a "water audit" to examine how much the company is using, how much it costs and where it is going.


  8. And may be Blair running out of her royal wedding into Chuck's arms will be the best ending to her fairytale.


  9. Yang Shi, a man in the Song Dynasty, once went together with a schoolmate to ask their teacher, Cheng Yi, for advice.


  1. 毕业生去向

    student placement.

  2. 小偷不知去向

    the thief was nowhere to be seen

  3. 去向增音机

    outgoing repeater.

  4. 二十人不知去向。

    Twenty men are missing.

  5. 他昨天不知去向。

    His whereabouts yesterday were unknown.

  6. 但他将去向天堂

    but he gets to go to heaven.

  7. 勒奈特去向汤姆求助。

    Lynette went to Tom for help.

  8. 勒奈特去向汤姆求助。

    Lynette went to Tom for help.

  9. 你可以去向她求爱。

    You can go and woo her.

  10. 然后你去向他道歉?

    And then you apologize to him?

  11. 她去向人事局抱怨

    She went and complained to Personnel.

  12. 问我风去向何方

    Ask me whither goes the wind

  13. 他去向经理提出进谏。

    He went to the manager to remonstrate.

  14. 养老保险基金投资去向

    The way of Pension Fund Investment

  15. 它销声匿迹、不知去向了。

    He just fades out of the story.

  16. 你该去向工厂订货了。

    You should order more from the factory.

  17. 我被吩咐去向经理接洽。

    I was referred to the Manager.

  18. 受害人去向警方告发了。

    The victim beefed and went to the police.

  19. 去向隔壁的女士要点糖。

    Go cadge some sugar from the lady next door.

  20. 以后少不得要去向您讨教。

    I may have to ask for your advice later on.

  21. 你最好去向老师解释清楚。

    You'd better go and explain to the teacher.

  22. 你将去向何处,你知道吗?

    Where are you going to? Do you know?

  23. 你去向老师认个错吧。

    Go and tell the teacher you admit you were wrong.

  24. 你去向老师认个错吧。

    Go and tell the teacher you admit you were wrong.

  25. 老五甑工艺投入淀粉去向

    Amylum Consumption Channels in Multiple Feedings Solid Fermentation Technology

  26. 他多年以前就不知去向。

    He disappeared many years since.

  27. 你明天得去向会计报账。

    You have to account to the accountant tomorrow.

  28. 我得去向那男人详细解释

    I have to go and explain in detail.

  29. 约翰逊先生去向国王献殷勤。

    Mr Johnson went to pay his court to the king.

  30. 他探过身去向洞里看。

    He leaned forward and looked into the hole.


  1. 问:去向拼音怎么拼?去向的读音是什么?去向翻译成英文是什么?

    答:去向的读音是qùxiàng,去向翻译成英文是 whereabouts

  2. 问:去向发射器拼音怎么拼?去向发射器的读音是什么?去向发射器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:去向发射器的读音是qù xiàng fā shè qì,去向发射器翻译成英文是 outgoing sender

  3. 问:去向增音机拼音怎么拼?去向增音机的读音是什么?去向增音机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:去向增音机的读音是qù xiàng zēng yīn jī,去向增音机翻译成英文是 outgoing repeater

  4. 问:去向发射器端子拼音怎么拼?去向发射器端子的读音是什么?去向发射器端子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:去向发射器端子的读音是qù xiàng fā shè qì duān zǐ,去向发射器端子翻译成英文是 outgoing sender connector

  5. 问:去向发射器连线拼音怎么拼?去向发射器连线的读音是什么?去向发射器连线翻译成英文是什么?

    答:去向发射器连线的读音是qù xiàng fā shè qì lián xiàn,去向发射器连线翻译成英文是 outgoing sender link

  6. 问:去向发射器中继线拼音怎么拼?去向发射器中继线的读音是什么?去向发射器中继线翻译成英文是什么?

    答:去向发射器中继线的读音是qù xiàng fā shè qì zhōng jì xiàn,去向发射器中继线翻译成英文是 outgoing sender trunk




【读音】qù xiàng



【示例】茅盾《残冬》四:“ 六宝的哥哥福庆,和镇上张剥皮闹过的李老虎,还有多多头,忽然都不知去向。”