







汉语拼音:shěn shen






  1. 婶母。

    《二十年目睹之怪现状》第二三回:“他两位知道我母亲和婶婶、姊姊都到了,不胜之喜。” 王莹 《宝姑》二六:“大表哥连忙点头站起来,客气地笑着说:‘婶婶,请你不要挂虑,我已经麻烦你们太多了!’”

  2. 兄、嫂称弟之妻。

    《水浒传》第二四回:“ 武松 道:‘深谢嫂嫂。’那妇人道:‘莫不别处有婶婶,可取来厮会也好。’”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第十八回:“我母亲听了,对着我婶娘道:‘婶婶,这可又是他们作怪的了。’”



  1. Uncle Brendan and Aunt Anne have agreed to let me stay and help out on the farm.


  2. His aunt was sitting at the table, eating. "Your uncle left for the day, " she said, licking her lips with her forked tongue.


  3. But just as he picked it up, he heard the door open downstairs, and he knew that his aunt and uncle were home.


  4. He had a terrifying nightmare in which his aunt was trying to choke him.


  5. My uncle and aunt took her in a year ago, after her mother died. Her job is to take care of the yaks.


  6. "But I wasn't bitten by a snake, " said the young man. "Those marks were made by my aunt's fingernails. "


  7. Jason: I'm beginning to understand why Uncle George might have left aunt Harried .


  8. I don't think I can bear it, but I'll try, ' thought Amy, as she was left alone with Aunt March.


  9. 'We have to have something to unwrap, even if it's just the ribbon, ' one of her daunts told her.


  1. 加布婶婶。

    Hey,aunt gaby.

  2. 我跟婶婶很亲。

    I'm very close to my aunt.

  3. 我跟婶婶很亲。

    I'm very close to my aunt.

  4. 你与你婶婶合得来吗?

    Do you get along well with your aunt?

  5. 他的婶婶待他很好。

    His aunt is very kind to him.

  6. 我是莎伦婶婶的侄女。

    I'm Aunt Sharon's niece.

  7. 我继承了我婶婶的遗产。

    I inherited from my aunt.

  8. 现在叫我加布婶婶了?

    Oh!I'm aunt gaby now?

  9. 现在叫我加布婶婶了?

    Oh! I'm aunt gaby now?

  10. 不,不是。是布克婶婶的。

    No, it isn't. It's Aunt Booky's.

  11. 我的童年是和婶婶度过的。

    I spent my childhood with my aunt.

  12. 我是萨莉婶婶最疼爱的外甥。

    I was aunt sally's favorite nephew.

  13. 叔叔婶婶们,还有我们的神父

    aunts and uncles from milwaukee.

  14. 我的叔叔和婶婶都是医生。

    My uncle and aunt are both doctors.

  15. 你不是跟你婶婶做了保证吗。

    I thought you made your aunt a promise.

  16. 我告诉你了,我想纪念我的婶婶。

    I told you, I want to honor my aunt.

  17. 那消息是通过我婶婶转告我的。

    The news reached me via my aunt.

  18. 那消息是通过我婶婶转告我得。

    The news reached me via my aunt.

  19. 穿着红色外套的女人是我婶婶。

    The woman in a red coat is my aunt.

  20. 我的叔叔和婶婶在温哥华。

    My aunt and uncle are in Vancouver.

  21. 我得叔叔和婶婶在温哥华。

    My aunt and uncle are in Vancouver.

  22. 一天,张华去看叔叔和婶婶。

    One day, Zhang Hua, see his uncle and aunt.

  23. 我的伯伯婶婶老是谈他们的病痛。

    My uncles and aunts just talked about their ailments.

  24. 梅萍婶婶是大超叔叔得妻子。

    Aunt Meiping is my uncle's wife.

  25. 梅萍婶婶是大超叔叔的妻子。

    Aunt Meiping is my uncle's wife.

  26. 我们和叔叔、婶婶及表兄妹们团聚。

    We get together with my aunts, uncles and cousins.

  27. 珍妮你的婶婶和叔叔会在家吗?

    Jane Will your aunt and uncle be home

  28. 那么,你对我婶婶的情况一无所知?

    Then you know practically nothing about my aunt

  29. 我婶婶的一个远房表亲的侄儿

    A distant cousin of my aunt's nephew twice removed

  30. 我婶婶是一家美容院的美容师。

    My aunt is a hairdresser in a beautiful shop.


  1. 问:婶婶拼音怎么拼?婶婶的读音是什么?婶婶翻译成英文是什么?

    答:婶婶的读音是shěnshen,婶婶翻译成英文是 father's younger brother's wife; aunt


