




1. 追 [zhuī]2. 追 [duī]追 [zhuī]赶,紧跟着:~逐。~逼。~随。~光。~剿。~捕。~奔逐北。回溯过去,补做过去的事:~溯。~悼。~加。~认。竭力探求,寻求:~问。~寻。~究。~索。追 [duī]雕琢:~琢(雕刻)。古……







汉语拼音:nǐ zhuī wǒ gǎn








  • 【解释】:形容竞赛激烈,大家都不甘落后。
  • 【出自】:《新华半月刊》1960年第14期:“我们正处在一个你追我赶、飞跃向前的建设热潮中。”
  • 【示例】:他们~,捷报频传。
  • 【语法】:联合式;作谓语、定语;含褒义


  1. Polls come and go, as politicians like to say, but the two big parties seem to be trading fairly consistently at around six points apart.


  2. Nobody who saw the two teams sprinting through the Spring could conclude that there was a considerable difference between the two.


  3. Bela held on to the thing for a moment, then donned it, and raced with Miriya for one of the Skull's red VTs.


  4. Several Oriole in the green willow tweet merrily, his party fly egret catch-me eager for the sky with the companion.


  5. Tom and Jerry have chased each other to the top of a poll about which cartoon stars adults most enjoyed.


  6. They coordinate action strong, on the ice a speeding, if two swallows fly close to the ground, in, race each other, each other.


  7. While everyone else is playing catch-up, Apple could shake things up again with a more portable 7-inch iPad.


  8. Then make countries report their progress every few years and get countries to take competitive pride in their progress.


  9. After all the meticulous care, asparagus fern grow quickly, a 34 tender teeth starting a climb from under their feet.


  1. 生活在你追我赶的节奏里。

    We are living in a rushed rhythm.

  2. 研究小组正你追我赶, 想争先取得突破性进展。

    The research groups are competing to be first to make the breakthrough.

  3. 他们经常你追我赶地奔公共汽车站而去。

    They would often race one another to the bus stop.

  4. 让我猜猜,你想追我?

    And let me guess.Now you're my upgrade?

  5. 是啊,他们喜欢你,我赶他们出去。

    They like you. Let me get them out of there.

  6. 你要我赶做一顿饭给你吃吗?

    Do you want me to knock up a meal for you?

  7. 对不起,我不能在这儿陪你,我赶时间。

    I'm sorry I can't stay with you, time's really tight.

  8. 对不起,我不能在这儿陪你,我赶时间。

    I'm sorry I can't stay with you, time's really tight.

  9. 如果你要追我,我保证会跑得慢些。

    If you're willing to chase me, I promise to run slow.

  10. 你把我赶出来, 那可是你对我做的一件大好事。

    When you turned me out you did the best turn you ever did me.

  11. 我赶不上邮车了,但我派了一辆快车去追。

    I am too late for the post, but I send an express to overtake it.

  12. 今早你爸喝醉入院了你赶我走那会儿我本打算告诉你的

    Never make light of anyone getting drunk and reinforce the idea that this behavior is not an indicator of maturity.

  13. 为什么你要追杀我

    Why did you seek to kill me?

  14. 不好意思, 如果你再不规矩点儿, 我要叫警察来把你赶出去。

    I'm sorry, but I'm going to have you put out by the police if you don't act a little more proper.

  15. 我认为你应该先追我。

    I think you should woo me first.

  16. 你刚刚把我赶出来的。

    You just kicked me out.

  17. 你刚刚把我赶出来的。

    You just kicked me out.

  18. 我要钻进你的地洞里去,象赶一只老鼬鼠一般把你赶出来。

    I shall come down your burrow and chivvy you out like an old stoat.

  19. 是这样的,你的狗追我的猫。

    Well, your dog chases my cat.

  20. 是这样得,你得狗追我得猫。

    Well, your dog chases my cat.

  21. 你妈把我赶出来时,我想

    You know, when your mom kicked me out, I thought.

  22. 你要赶我走吗?

    Do you want to push me away?

  23. 我会追你到天涯海角

    I will hunt you down.

  24. 我在赶你的瞌睡虫。

    I was removing the sleep from your eyes.

  25. 好吧,你,你要赶我出门吗

    Fine. What, you you're kicking me out?

  26. 你要赶我走吗,罗宾少爷?

    You wish me to leave, master robin?

  27. 你会跳过来追我。

    You will leap for me.

  28. 如果,你将会离开我,我会追你到天涯海角。

    If, you will leave me, I will chase you to the ends of the earth.

  29. 我看你追的这些人和谁都没有联系。

    I don't think these guys you're tracking are connected to anyone.

  30. 请你帮我把羊赶进羊圈好?

    Would you please help me get the sheep within the sheepfold


  1. 问:你追我赶拼音怎么拼?你追我赶的读音是什么?你追我赶翻译成英文是什么?

    答:你追我赶的读音是nǐzhuīwǒgǎn,你追我赶翻译成英文是 race each other; try to overtake each other in f...



“你追我赶”是个多义词,它可以指你追我赶(中国成语名), 你追我赶(1964年李泽浩油画作品), 你追我赶(1958年叶明导演电影作品)。