







汉语拼音:míng mǎ








  1. 公开通用的电码(区别于“密码”)。如:这个电报可以用明码发出。

  2. 商业上指标明价格。如:明码售货。



  1. The organized nature of such rent-seeking, complete with a price schedule, is hardly surprising.


  2. The price of every item on sale will be displayed.


  3. Reception facilities for the free warranty repair, warranty period, can charge users a repair costs, repair costs should be stated price.


  4. In the absence of the base station, the phone will be free to choose one of the upstream channel signal launch codes.


  5. You can get in and out in 15 minutes during hours that extend into evenings and weekends.


  6. Forcing businesses to work with government to set price codes through the NRA.


  7. In so doing, it may employ all appropriate means, including diplomatic couriers, diplomatic bag, and messages in code or cipher.


  8. All commodities for beauty treatment can only be sold at marked prices.


  9. Prices of graves and cells for the storage of ashes shall be fixed reasonably and marked clearly .


  1. 未明码标价的商品

    unpriced merchandise.

  2. 正派商人做生意明码实价。

    Honest businessmen do business with net prices marked clearly.

  3. 所有商品都应明码实价。

    All goods must be with net prices clearly marked.

  4. 电信服务明码标价暂行规定

    Interim Provisions on Marking Prices for Telecommunication Services

  5. 将加密数据转换成明码数据。

    To convert enciphered data into clear data.

  6. 明码实价, 买卖公平的第一标志。

    It is the first symBol of fair Business to mark the prices clearly.

  7. 恐怕不能讲价,本店是明码标价。

    I'm afraid the prices are fixed in this store.

  8. 反明码标价规定的其他行为。

    Conducting other acts in violation of the regulations of marking prices expressly.

  9. 你怎么能给宝贵的生命明码标价啊?

    How can you put a price on life ?

  10. 计算机网络上中文明码通信安全性的研究

    Study on communication security of Chinese plain text in computer network

  11. 可选地,明码文本流可以基于图17的例3。

    Alternatively, the plaintext flow may be based on example3 of fig.17.

  12. 介绍海明码的原理和具体的构造方法。

    Explains the basic theory and the specific construction method of the R. Hamming redundancy code.

  13. 汉明码在大型传感器网络中的应用研究

    Application and research of Hamming code in large scale sensor networks

  14. 关于两类汉明码周期分布的几点注记

    Notes on period distribution for two classes hamming codes

  15. 在大部分西方国家, 商店明码实价, 不能讨价还价。

    In most western countries store prices are fixed and people cannot bargain.

  16. 如图24所示,认证流和明码文本流可以被组合。

    As shown in fig.24, an authentication flow and a plaintext flow may be combined.

  17. 明码实价是广告业走向规范服务的必经之途

    Clearly Pricing is the Inevitable Way to Standardization of Ad Services

  18. 图24是示出认证流和明码文本流的示例组合的序列图。

    Fig.24 is a sequence chart showing an exemplary combination of an authentication flow and a plaintext flow.

  19. 对在服务过程中销售的美容美发用品应当明码标价。

    All commodities for beauty treatment can only be sold at marked prices.

  20. 要合理确定墓穴和骨灰存放格位的价格,明码标价。

    Prices of graves and cells for the storage of ashes shall be fixed reasonably and marked clearly.

  21. 汉明码执行角完整得源代码可以直接使用得考验。

    Hamming code implementation in c. complete code can be directly used by the test.

  22. 汉明码执行角完整的源代码可以直接使用的考验。

    Hamming code implementation in c. complete code can be directly used by the test.

  23. 汉明码和多数选举在关系数据库数字水印中的应用

    Application of hamming code and voting in majority in the relational database digital watermarking

  24. 汉明码发生器4位得全部源代码可以直接使用得考验。

    Hamming code generator for 4 bit full source code can be directly used by the test.

  25. 汉明码发生器4位的全部源代码可以直接使用的考验。

    Hamming code generator for 4 bit full source code can be directly used by the test.


  1. 问:明码拼音怎么拼?明码的读音是什么?明码翻译成英文是什么?

    答:明码的读音是míngmǎ,明码翻译成英文是 plain code; with the price obviously marked...

  2. 问:明码坐标拼音怎么拼?明码坐标的读音是什么?明码坐标翻译成英文是什么?

    答:明码坐标的读音是míng mǎ zuò biāo,明码坐标翻译成英文是 Plain Coordinates

  3. 问:明码对话拼音怎么拼?明码对话的读音是什么?明码对话翻译成英文是什么?

    答:明码对话的读音是míng mǎ duì huà,明码对话翻译成英文是 clear session

  4. 问:明码文本拼音怎么拼?明码文本的读音是什么?明码文本翻译成英文是什么?

    答:明码文本的读音是míng mǎ wén běn,明码文本翻译成英文是 cleartext

  5. 问:明码申报拼音怎么拼?明码申报的读音是什么?明码申报翻译成英文是什么?

    答:明码申报的读音是míng mǎ shēn bào,明码申报翻译成英文是 Plain Message

  6. 问:明码电报拼音怎么拼?明码电报的读音是什么?明码电报翻译成英文是什么?

    答:明码电报的读音是míng mǎ diàn bào,明码电报翻译成英文是 Clear Message

  7. 问:明码地址录拼音怎么拼?明码地址录的读音是什么?明码地址录翻译成英文是什么?

    答:明码地址录的读音是míng mǎ dì zhǐ lù,明码地址录翻译成英文是 Plain Language Address Directory

  8. 问:明码地址系统拼音怎么拼?明码地址系统的读音是什么?明码地址系统翻译成英文是什么?

    答:明码地址系统的读音是míng mǎ dì zhǐ xì tǒng,明码地址系统翻译成英文是 Plain Language Address System




拼音:míngmǎ 释义: 1、公开通用的电码(区别于‘密码’):明码电报 2、商业上指标明价格:明码标价 | 明码售货。