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1. 荒 [huāng]荒 [huāng]年成不好,收成不好:~年。灾~。防~。备~。长满野草,或无人耕种:~芜。~地。开~。废弃:~废。~疏。~置。业精于勤,~于嬉。冷落偏僻:~村。~郊。~落(luò)(a.荒凉冷落;b.荒疏衰退)。~颓……
汉语拼音:liào huāng
Soil available N content is as follows: the new afforestation land farmland grain for green land natural grassland abandoned land.
土壤速效磷含量为天然草地退耕还林地退耕还草地耕地撂荒地;Planted grassland, revegetated grassland, cropland and orchard had a soil quality of grade 4.
人工草地、撂荒地、农地和果园土壤质量属于4级。There is also a drought in the region, and many farmers are unlikely to receive enough water to go ahead with the harvest.
本地区又正在经历一场干旱,由于缺水许多农场主不得不让土地撂荒,使得蜜蜂的食物来源得以增加。After all, put down barren years, and under the rubble, vegetable poor poor.
毕竟撂荒多年的地,又且在瓦砾堆里,菜地贫瘠的可怜。As farmers in Japan age, many have not been able to find successors and are abandoning their land because they can no longer work it.
日本农民日趋老龄化,许多人找不到接班人,而他们自己再也干不动了,他们的土地不断撂荒。The change of soil and vegetation with different years of leaving uncultivated
不同撂荒年限的草原农田土壤及植被的变化规律研究The community biomass of abandoned farmland and its effects on soil nutrition in the Loess Hilly Region of Northern Shaanxi, China
陕北黄土丘陵区撂荒草地群落生物量及植被土壤养分效应Extent Description and Index System of Sustainability Judgment and its Pattern of Cultivated Land Abandoning
耕地撂荒程度描述、可持续性评判指标体系及其模式To Probe into the Problems of Arable Land Wasting and its Quality Declining in Rural Areas at Present
The Status Quo, Causes and Countermeasures of Uncultivated Farmland in China.
A research on the sustainable or unsustainable judgment system of cultivated land abandoning
Abandonment of arable, far and dry arable first; near and paddy fields after.
To Probe into the Problems of Arable Land Wasting and its Quality Declining in Rural Areas at Present
答:撂荒的读音是liàohuāng,撂荒翻译成英文是 To let deserted land alone and not plough it....
答:撂荒地的读音是liào huāng dì,撂荒地翻译成英文是 abandoned field
撂荒 liàohuāng [(of fields) discontinue farming and let go out of cultivation; reclaim wasteland][方]∶土地不继续耕种,任其荒芜 减少撂荒面积 曾经耕种过的土地由于某种原因搁置起来,不再进行耕种。 随着时代的发展,“撂荒”一词越来越多的应用于房地产领域,意指开发商占地后,主要因为赢利的目的或者其他某种原因或动机,在规定期限内没有对地块进行开发建设利用,造成土地空置、荒芜的现象。“撂荒”现象盛行的逻辑很简单:土地闲置越多,房子供应越少,房价涨得越快;房价涨得越快,地价涨得越猛,囤地比盖房更有利可图。针对这一现象,国土资源部明文规定,因企业自身原因造成土地闲置一年以上不满两年的,必须征收闲置费;闲置两年以上的必须坚决收回。