







汉语拼音:yǒng yuè









  1. 亦作“踊跃”。犹跳跃。

    《庄子·大宗师》:“今大冶铸金,金踊跃曰:‘我且必为鏌鋣。’” 汉 王逸 《九思·悼乱》:“惶悸兮失气,踊跃兮距跳。” 三国 魏 嵇康 《琴赋》:“ 天吴 踊跃於重渊, 王乔 披云而下坠。” 唐 张鷟 《朝野佥载》卷四:“ 周 夏官侍郎 侯知一 年老,敕放致仕。上表不伏,於朝堂踊跃驰走,以示轻便。” 元 范康 《竹叶舟》第二折:“俺也曾凤闕躋攀,龙门踊跃,马蹄驰骤。” 卢隐 《两个小学生》:“眼前一片白旗,上下飞舞,有如穿花蝴蝶活泼而踊跃。”

  2. 欢欣鼓舞貌。

    《诗·邶风·击鼓》:“击鼓其鏜,踊跃用兵。” 晋 刘琨 《劝进表》:“臣等各忝守方任,职在遐外,不得陪列闕庭,共观盛礼,踊跃之怀,南望罔极。” 宋 苏轼 《贺吕副枢启》:“ 軾 登门最旧,称庆无缘,踊跃之怀,实倍伦等。”

  3. 形容情绪高涨、热烈,争先恐后。

    三国 魏 吴质 《答东阿王书》:“耳嘈嘈於无闻,情踊跃於鞍马。” 唐 韩愈 《石鼎联句》序:“不知其有文也,闻此説大喜,即援笔题其首两句。次传於 喜 , 喜 踊跃,即缀其下云云。” 宋 梅尧臣 《五月十三日大水》诗:“纷紜閭里儿,踊跃竞学泅。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第六四回:“遇着急于筹款的时候,恐怕报捐的不踊跃,便变通办理,先把空白官照填了号数,发了出来,由各捐局分领了去劝捐。” 鲁迅 《朝花夕拾·父亲的病》:“我对于经霜三年的甘蔗之流也逐渐失了信仰,采办药引似乎再没有先前一般踊跃了。”



  1. If you will be at IMPACT this year, please attend one of the lab sessions and let me know what you think.


  2. Please do not hesitate to ask the instructors, in person or via email, for assistance.


  3. He was obviously not at all keen on the idea, and in any case he would not know how to go about discussing things with the police.


  4. Today we had a reading contest, I'm glad to see that everybody was trying very hard!


  5. Girls flocked to this program, and so did a few boys. Gibby was one of those.


  6. In one early class of ours, the professor even wrote to students who had not been participating to request that they speak up more in class.


  7. Then I would still have this consolation- my joy in unrelenting pain- that I had not denied the words of the Holy One.


  8. The Zimbabwe Election Support Network says it believes there was a fair turnout, but is still busy compiling its statistics.


  9. Make me to hear joy and gladness; that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoice.


  1. 投票踊跃。

    A large vote was polled.

  2. 踊跃的讨论

    a lively discussion.

  3. 出价很踊跃。

    Bidding was brisk.

  4. 欢迎踊跃参加!

    Welcome to join the seminar!

  5. 踊跃响应号召

    respond to a call enthusiastically

  6. 欢迎踊跃参加!

    Welcome to join the seminar!

  7. 盼望大家踊跃的参与。

    I hope that you will all participate.

  8. 她总是踊跃捐助穷人。

    She is always ready to contribute for the poor.

  9. 报名的学生非常踊跃。

    Their enrolments have risen by leaps and bounds.

  10. 欢迎大家踊跃提问题。

    Everyone is invited to get up and ask questions.

  11. 踊跃向国家交售油菜籽

    enthusiastically sell rapeseed to the state

  12. 来宾踊跃提出修行问题。

    Participants eagerly ask many perceptive spiritual questions.

  13. 不,通常他健谈,而且踊跃

    No, hes usually talkative, so enthusiastic.

  14. 他们马上踊跃投入了讨论。

    They jumped into the discussion right away.

  15. 在这个时候, 定货特别踊跃。

    Just about this time there was a rush of orders.

  16. 从早上8点以来投票很踊跃。

    Polling has been heavy since 8a.m.

  17. 他们马上就踊跃投入了讨论。

    They jumped into the discussion right away.

  18. 欢迎你们的踊跃参与和提问!

    We welcome your questions and active participation!

  19. 我们迄今收到的反应非常踊跃。

    The response so far to the competition is very promising.

  20. 今日,天和地先知先觉地欢欣踊跃。

    Let heaven and earth today make glad prophetically.

  21. 如今,我班同学踊跃参加投票活动。

    Today, my class students to participate in the voting activities.

  22. 广大教职工, 学生踊跃参与了捐款。

    The general teaching and administrative staff, the student participated in the donation enthusiastically.

  23. 热诚欢迎世界各国的大学生们踊跃参加。

    All university students throughout the world are cordially invited.

  24. 今晚的晚会大家肯定会踊跃参加的。

    I'm sure everybody will be eager to come to this evening's party.

  25. 歌手的杰出的声誉确保了她们踊跃的参与。

    The singer's extraordinary reputation ensured a surfeit of eager participants.

  26. 开始搞并不踊跃呀, 好多人在看。

    At first, people were not enthusiastic about rural reform, and many waited to see how it would work.

  27. 欢迎大学生、设计师及艺术爱好者踊跃报名。

    College students, designers and art lovers are welcomed.

  28. 会员参与一直非常踊跃,会员人数大幅度增加。

    Member participation has been great. Membership has increased considerably.

  29. 为什么公司踊跃地将其现金管理外包?

    Why are companies flocking to outsource their cash management?

  30. 员工们兴致勃勃,积极踊跃,每一个都不甘示弱。

    Employees in high spirits, and actively enthusiastic, each one not to be outdone.


  1. 问:踊跃拼音怎么拼?踊跃的读音是什么?踊跃翻译成英文是什么?

    答:踊跃的读音是yǒngyuè,踊跃翻译成英文是 eager; leap




【拼音】yǒng yuè 踊跃(yongyue)):形容情绪激烈,争先恐后 比喻做某事积极