




水、火、荒旱等所造成的祸害:水~。火~。~难(nàn )。~害。~患。个人的不幸遭遇:招~惹祸。幸~乐祸。破财消~。……



汉语拼音:kàng zāi






  1. 在遭受灾害时,采取各种措施,以减轻损失。



  1. "Our researchers are now working to develop stress-resistant crops that are drought-tolerant, heat-tolerant and saline-resistant, " he said.

  2. And the program will salute the rescuers heading for the devastated regions, trying to save lives.

  3. At the beginning of this year, Southern China suffered from extraordinarily severe ice disaster never happened in previous decades.

  4. Army frontline disaster, let us see the indomitable will to see the death and trial of strength between the unyielding.

  5. Urban hazard control and mitigation is one of key aspects for disaster reduction at home and abroad today.

  6. Strengthening the construction of agricultural infrastructure, and enhancing the capacity of combating disaster and ensuring production.

  7. This system enhances the speed and accuracy of the response and which is benefit for the calamity reduction and for work of rescue.

  8. It may also be troubled by unsettling questions about its level of pre-earthquake preparedness.

  9. Mr. Mei stated that the abnormal climate this year led to complex situation and arduous task of flood control.


  1. 抗灾指挥所

    incident command post.

  2. 抗灾救灾制度

    disaster relief system

  3. 抗灾指挥体系

    incident command system

  4. 抗灾能力建设

    construction of the ability to resist disaster

  5. 农业抗灾能力

    ability of agriculture to withstand natural disasters.

  6. 抗灾救灾工作

    work of fighting disasters and ensuring adequate disaster relief

  7. 提供抗灾救济的当代活动

    Contemporary activities in the provision of disaster relief

  8. 浅谈加强广东防震抗灾问题

    Brief Talk on the Precaution and Prevention Against Earthquake Disasters of Guangdong Province

  9. 论自然灾害资料在抗灾中的参考价值

    On the Referent Value of Natural Calamity Materials to the Disaster Relief

  10. 论水下隧道抗灾的生命力与优越性

    Discussion about the Vitality and Superiority of Underwater Tunnel in Disaster Resistance

  11. 当地群众和干部积极投入抗灾自救工作。

    But it left plenty of damage behind and residents and officials are just now getting to it.

  12. 机械化旱作农业技术对抗灾减灾的作用分析

    Dry Land Agriculture Technique of Mechanization for Fighting Natural Disasters

  13. 晋冀鲁豫抗日根据地抗灾渡荒述略

    A Concise Study of the Base of Resistance against Japan of Jin Ji Lu and Yu Fighting and Passing the Calamity

  14. 结构抗震试验是目前防震抗灾研究的必要环节。

    The structural seismic test is a necessary step in research of quakeproof and disaster preventing.

  15. 基于综合安全防护技术的突出矿井抗灾能力的提高

    Advance the ability to resist disaster of outburst coal mine based on compositive safe protection technique

  16. 农业机械是农业抗灾减灾的重要工具和物质保障。

    Agricultural machinery is an important instrument and material guarantee in preventing and alleviating natural disasters in agricultural production.

  17. 研究表明, 飞播灌木林树种组成具有很强的抗灾性。

    The research shows that the aerial shrub species have strong component against disasters.

  18. 杂交水稻制种遇冰雹灾害后抗灾夺高产的主要技术措施

    The Major Technical Practices for Achieving a High Yield of Hybrid Rice Seed Production after Hail Attack

  19. 联邦防灾抗灾局负责全国灾害管理和紧急情况总协调。

    The Federal Disaster Prevention and Preparedness Agency is responsible for disaster management and overall emergency coordination in the country.


  1. 问:抗灾拼音怎么拼?抗灾的读音是什么?抗灾翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抗灾的读音是kàngzāi,抗灾翻译成英文是 to combat natural disasters

  2. 问:抗灾室拼音怎么拼?抗灾室的读音是什么?抗灾室翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抗灾室的读音是kàngzāi shì,抗灾室翻译成英文是 Emergency Room

  3. 问:抗灾基地拼音怎么拼?抗灾基地的读音是什么?抗灾基地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抗灾基地的读音是kàng zāi jī dì,抗灾基地翻译成英文是 incident base

  4. 问:抗灾社区拼音怎么拼?抗灾社区的读音是什么?抗灾社区翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抗灾社区的读音是kàng zāi shè qū,抗灾社区翻译成英文是 disaster resistant community

  5. 问:抗灾设施拼音怎么拼?抗灾设施的读音是什么?抗灾设施翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抗灾设施的读音是kàng zāi shè shī,抗灾设施翻译成英文是 antidisaster facility

  6. 问:抗灾指挥所拼音怎么拼?抗灾指挥所的读音是什么?抗灾指挥所翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抗灾指挥所的读音是kàng zāi zhǐ huī suǒ,抗灾指挥所翻译成英文是 incident command post

  7. 问:抗灾指挥体系拼音怎么拼?抗灾指挥体系的读音是什么?抗灾指挥体系翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抗灾指挥体系的读音是kàng zāi zhǐ huī tǐ xì,抗灾指挥体系翻译成英文是 incident command system



抗灾 kàngzāi [fight natural calamities] 用各种方法抗御自然灾害 抗灾属于一种人力,为......所做出的贡献。