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汉语拼音:rú yuàn
传说中 彭泽湖 神的女婢名。
晋 干宝 《搜神记》卷四载: 庐陵 欧明 为 彭泽湖 神 青洪君 所邀,:“ 明 既见 青洪君 ,乃求 如愿 。使逐 明 去。 如愿 者, 青洪君 婢也。 明 将归,所愿輒得,数年,大富。” 宋 黄庭坚 《宫亭湖》诗:“灵君 如愿 儻可乞,收此桑榆老故丘。”
宋 范成大 《次韵子文雨后思归》:“万事安能尽如愿,且来相伴压糟牀。”《说唐》第二回:“若我如愿,必杀此老贼,方消我恨。” 鲁迅 《书信集·致黎烈文》:“此后也想保持此种油腔滑调,但能否如愿,却未详也。”
Commanders in Afghanistan repeatedly asked for support to deal with the reemergence of the Taliban, but these reinforcements did not arrive.
阿富汗驻军的指挥官多次请求增援,以反击卷土重来的塔利班,但始终未能如愿。She seemed puzzled and a bit frustrated that she had to be so insistent on her own demise.
她似乎很迷茫,也有些许落空,因为她不得不在自己的死亡方面非常坚持才能如愿。but Hareton received orders to lead up my horse, and my host himself escorted me to the door, so I could not fulfil my wish.
可是哈里顿奉命牵了我的马来,而我的主人自己陪我到门口,因此我未能如愿。However, the South Korean foreign exchange market does not always function as well as it should.
但韩国外汇市场却并不总是令人如愿地正常运转。He named the chemical found in the mould 'penicillin' and tried to make it pure to be a medicine, but was unable to do that.
他将霉里发现的这种化学物质叫做“青霉素”,而且试图将其提纯为一种药物,但未能如愿。You may feel ready to begin something new, and yet the pieces may not be clicking into place.
你感到你已经准备去去迎接新事物,但可能还不能如愿开始。After spending some time at home in Hunan province, he's back in town looking for a new job -- so far without success.
回湖南老家呆了一段时间后,他又回到城里寻找新的工作,但迄今为止也未能如愿。Recently I live up to my dream to have my own calligraphy exhibition.
最近,我如愿举办了自己书法展。At least, they used to be. Unfortunately, it has not quite worked out like that.