




1. 衣 [yī]衣 [yī]人穿在身上用以蔽体的东西:~服。~着(zhuó)。~冠。~架。~锦还(huān)乡。披或包在物体外面的东西:炮~。糖~。肠~。中医把胎盘和胎膜统称为“胞衣”。姓。……



汉语拼音:yǒng yī






泳衣 [yǒng yī]
  1. 泳衣多指女性游泳时的专用衣服,也有男性泳衣。泳衣与体操衣不同,一般泳衣浸入水中不会下沉。泳衣一般多采用遇水不松垂、不鼓胀的纺织品制成



  1. way boys looked at her when she wore a bathing suit or a sheer blouse. As if it were undressing her with its eyes.


  2. And I came out, in my Speedos, European style, feeling like the Incredible Hulk.


  3. He said: "They are selling like hot cakes. We only officially launched four weeks ago but we cannot keep up with demand at the moment. "


  4. You'll also see him in the relays immediately unzip his suit and pull it off his shoulders and down around his waist.


  5. But from January, they will have to be made of more traditional forms of material although the exact details have not been made clear.


  6. It's about having the perfect body for you, specifically what you want to do with it.


  7. You know, usually wear swimsuit is also need maintenance of you know? ? When put on a swimsuit.


  8. For a country or beach escape, fine-tune your city duds as follows: Add a pair of jeans or shorts, a sun hat, a bathing suit and cover - up.


  9. His three teammates in the event, including Mr. Hall, who also wants them banned, suited up in similar attire.


  1. 泳衣及泳裤

    swimsuit and trunks.

  2. 去穿泳衣吧

    Go put your suit on.

  3. 丹尼穿着他的泳衣!

    Danny is wearing his swimsuit!

  4. 那你还穿个泳衣

    Says the doctor in a speedo.

  5. 别忘了带上泳衣。

    Don't forget your swimsuit.

  6. 别忘了带上泳衣。

    Don't forget your swimsuit.

  7. 让我拿上我的泳衣

    Yeah, let me just grab my suit.

  8. 丹尼为什么要穿上泳衣?

    Why is Danny going to wear his swimsuit?

  9. 她把泳衣的水挤出来。

    She squeezed the water out of her swimming suit.

  10. 为什么我要穿这件泳衣?

    Why did I wear this bathing suit?

  11. 我们的泳衣品种是最全的。

    Our range of swimsuits is the most comprehensive available.

  12. 我们得泳衣品种是最全得。

    Our range of swimsuits is the most comprehensive available.

  13. 这是我最喜欢的泳衣之一

    It's one of my favorite bathing suits.

  14. 我会穿上泳衣在海里游泳。

    I will put on my swimsuit and swim in the ocean.

  15. 只是件短裤,我忘了带泳衣。

    Just some shorts. I forgot my bathing suit.

  16. 我想买件泳衣。在哪能找到?

    I'd like to buy a swim suit. Where can I find it?

  17. 沙滩上的人们穿着各式各样的泳衣。

    People on the beach are wearing various kinds of swimming suits.

  18. 沙滩上的人们穿着各式各样的泳衣。

    People on the beach are wearing various kinds of swimming suits.

  19. 穿着水手服的男人和泳衣的女人。

    Men in sailor suits and girls in bathing suits.

  20. 早知道我就把泳衣带来了。

    I wish I'd known. I would have brought my bathing suit.

  21. 早知道我就把泳衣带来了。

    I wish I'd known. I would have brought my bathing suit.

  22. 你身上穿的那件泳衣好漂亮。

    You are wearing a very beautiful swimsuit.

  23. 我要穿那件粉色条纹的泳衣。

    I'm going to wear my new swimsuit the pink stripes.

  24. 她说是因为穿了别人的泳衣。

    She said it was from wearing someone's bathing suit.

  25. 我把你的泳衣也装进去吧。

    I'm packing your swimsuit.

  26. 我把你的泳衣也装进去吧。

    I'm packing your swimsuit.

  27. 因此, 孕妇泳衣绝对是必备的装备。

    So, the maternity swimsuit is a fairly essential bit of kit.

  28. 你是不是要穿这泳衣教我呢

    Will you do it in that swimsuit?

  29. 穿着泳衣拍照, 他快乐得像只蚊子。

    Hes happy as a mosquito at a swimsuit shoot.

  30. 一件好泳衣能让你挺胸抬头。

    A finemsuit really lets you strut your stuff.


  1. 问:泳衣拼音怎么拼?泳衣的读音是什么?泳衣翻译成英文是什么?

    答:泳衣的读音是yǒngyī,泳衣翻译成英文是 swimsuits; bathing costume


