












  1. The son, a steady respectable young man, was amply provided for by the fortune of his mother.

  2. 21If you refuse to give in, we will testify that you sent your maids away for there was a young man here with you.

  3. Be a youth person, a nation, a hope place of race, all gleam a dream in the heart, so be the time that we carry out a dream hard now.

  4. It had become clear that the young, in particular, were getting much of their news online.

  5. India's case was that of a 23-year-old who arrived in Hyderabad from New York.

  6. As well, young people's development of a work ethic and their attitudes to welfare appeared to be shaped by their families' experience.

  7. Going to bed earlier protects teenagers against depression and suicidal thoughts, New York research suggests.

  8. But those who insist it is St John, say that he is often portrayed as an effeminate young man.

  9. s Full of young people see the lower a woman, if he do not want to be shut out, so it is best not to get married.


  1. 游手好闲的青年人。

    shiftless, idle youth.

  2. 青年人的不老练

    the gaucheness of youth

  3. 青年人总是生气勃勃。

    The young are usually very active.

  4. 青年人的热情洋溢

    the ebullience of youth

  5. 青年人最肯学习。

    Young people are most eager to learn.

  6. 青年人最不保守。

    Young people are the least conservative.

  7. 他们大半是青年人。

    Most of them are young.

  8. 青年人不比我们弱。

    The young are not our inferiors.

  9. 他一贯提携青年人。

    He has consistently given guidance and help to young people.

  10. 青年人应该渴望知识。

    Young man should be thirsty for knowledge.

  11. 青年人不能忍受拘束

    Young men cannot brook restraint.

  12. 青年人的神秘的环旋舞

    Mystic Circles Of The Adolescents

  13. 青年人的思想可塑性大

    the ductile minds of youth

  14. 这对青年人彼此相爱。

    The young pair are in love with each other.

  15. 鲜艳色彩,青年人的追求。

    Bright color is young peoples pursuit.

  16. 青年人乐意接受新思想。

    Young people are readily pervious to new ideas.

  17. 香港的青年人非常幸运。

    The young people of Hong Kong are very fortunate.

  18. 本俱乐部欢迎青年人加盟。

    This club encourages young people to join.

  19. 这些青年人正在逐渐成熟。

    These youngsters are advancing towards maturity.

  20. 大多数暴力案犯为青年人。

    Most acts of violence were committed by young people.

  21. 这老人有青年人的精神。

    The old man has a youthful spirit.

  22. 用共产主义精神培养青年人

    Cultivate young people in the spirit of communism

  23. 青年人不应落后于时代。

    Young men shouldn't be behind the times.

  24. 这种舞很受青年人喜爱。

    This dance is popular with young people.

  25. 青年人应有远大的志向。

    Young people should have lofty aspirations.

  26. 这种报纸适合于青年人看。

    The newspaper is proper for young people.

  27. 青年人要敢想,敢说,敢做。

    Young people should dare to think, dare to speak and dare to act.

  28. 养老金富不了青年人。

    Pension never enriched a young man.

  29. 青年人要高瞻远瞩,放眼世界。

    The youth should look far ahead and aim high, and have a global outlook.

  30. 青年人要敢想,敢说,敢干。

    Young people should dare to think, dare to speak and dare to act.


  1. 问:青年人拼音怎么拼?青年人的读音是什么?青年人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:青年人的读音是qīngniánrén,青年人翻译成英文是 The young men and women; the youth

  2. 问:青年人市场拼音怎么拼?青年人市场的读音是什么?青年人市场翻译成英文是什么?

    答:青年人市场的读音是qīng nián rén shì chǎng,青年人市场翻译成英文是 youth market

  3. 问:青年人后备队拼音怎么拼?青年人后备队的读音是什么?青年人后备队翻译成英文是什么?

    答:青年人后备队的读音是qīng nián rén hòu bèi duì,青年人后备队翻译成英文是 Young Adult Conservation Corps



纯真,就是你的心 只想可拥有,快乐与自由 如今,背着沉重苦担 身心饥冷,仍独个支撑 穷途上坎坷不会生根 迎头暴雨从未会屈身 喔………………青年人 吃得苦中苦,你我定成为人上人 喔………………青年人 放开胸襟,与你阔步前行