


1. 条 [tiáo]2. 条 [tiāo]条 [tiáo]植物的细长枝:枝~。柳~儿。荆~。泛称条形的东西:~子。面~儿。便(biàn)~儿。金~。铁~。细长的形状:~形。~纹。~案。~几(jī)。~凳。~幅(直挂的长条字画)。苗~。身~……





汉语拼音:tiáo fú






  1. 直挂的长条字画。单幅的称单条,成组的称屏条。

    《林则徐日记·道光十八年闰四月十一日》:“早晨对客。饭后书联对、条幅、手卷、扇子等件。” 曹禺 《北京人》第一幕:“这面墙上悬挂一张 董其昌 的行书条幅,装裱颇古。”



  1. Print out the words "Defeat Resistance" and put it somewhere visible as you work. That will help remind you to be aware of Resistance.


  2. Some women carried banners reading "Italy is not a brothel" , and said Mr Berlusconi had demeaned women with his recent sex scandals.


  3. A Yushu man hires balloon hanging banners to look for his wife.


  4. 'This is such good news, ' said one demonstrator, 28-year-old Ken Zhang, who said he began days ago preparing T-shirts and banners.


  5. Doubleclick is the leading provider of banner ads, like the one at the top of this page.


  6. Photos of the event showed broken glass in the sales office, homeowners marching with banners and a phalanx of police watching over.


  7. No banner plus code can or will be placed with any other ad types, you will place no more than one banner plus code per page.


  8. The pretty Mouse Girl in a red dress on the lantern holds a band in her little hands, wishing all a Happy New Year.


  9. Large banners are put up, and students sign and make a commitment not to be in an abusive relationship.


  1. 条幅式照相机

    strip camera

  2. 垂直条幅木板门

    vertical strip door

  3. 条幅式侦察照片

    reconnaissance strip

  4. 条幅航带摄影机

    continuous strip camera

  5. 这个条幅墨色很润。

    This scroll is written in dark fullbodied ink.

  6. 在客人到达前准备条幅。

    Prepare the banner before the group arrival.

  7. 全自动条幅机条幅机我们最专业!

    Banner imprinterwe are the most professional!

  8. 骄傲地把条幅高高举起

    upheld the Banner proudly.

  9. 多点条幅式温度记录仪

    multipoint strip chart temperature record

  10. 哪里能印制大的布制条幅?

    Where can I print a large cloth banners?

  11. 赠展销会展现立柱条幅灯笼一个。

    One column lantern will be offered free at the exhibition.

  12. 举个例子来说,条幅广告很昂贵。

    For instance, banner ads can be expensive.

  13. 校园各处的大红条幅上都写着呢。

    That was written in the red scrolls everywhere on the campus.

  14. 我还挂上了生日快乐的大条幅。

    I put up the big happy Birthday sign too.

  15. 交易会现场广告祝贺条幅两个,拱门一个。

    Two congratulations scrolls and one advertising arch at the site.

  16. 设置门牌,设立指示牌,悬挂条幅和张贴布告。

    Set up room signs, direction sign, banners and poster.

  17. 过街天桥上都挂上鼓励步行和骑车得条幅。

    Crosswalks coat of paint to encourage walking and biking.

  18. 过街天桥上都挂上鼓励步行和骑车的条幅。

    Crosswalks coat of paint to encourage walking and biking.

  19. 预定广告飞行3天以上,广告条幅制作由本公司负责

    If time of reserved advertising time above 3 days, the advertising straps made at our expense

  20. 展示任何标志、告示、海报、条幅或广告宣传品的许可证

    Permit to display any sign, notice, poster, banner or advertisement

  21. 紫色的大条幅上, 泛着点点银光, 就像迸溅的水花。

    Dots of silver light float on the big purple scroll like the splashed spray.

  22. 紫色得大条幅上, 泛着点点银光, 就像迸溅得水花。

    Dots of silver light float on the big purple scroll like the splashed spray.

  23. 榆树一男子南湖公园内租气球吊条幅寻离家妻。

    A Yushu man hires balloon hanging banners to look for his wife.

  24. 这个疙涩得小咒语可以让条幅上得油漆闪动不同得颜色。

    This tricky little charm makes the paint on a banner flash different colors.

  25. 这个疙涩的小咒语可以让条幅上的油漆闪动不同的颜色。

    This tricky little charm makes the paint on a banner flash different colors.

  26. 还有就是艾菲尔铁塔上得条幅了, 都是这一类。

    Still having is the scroll on iron tower of moxa humble Er, it is this kind.

  27. 还有就是艾菲尔铁塔上的条幅了,都是这一类。

    Still having is the scroll on iron tower of moxa humble Er, it is this kind.


  1. 问:条幅拼音怎么拼?条幅的读音是什么?条幅翻译成英文是什么?

    答:条幅的读音是tiáofú,条幅翻译成英文是 scroll

  2. 问:条幅式地图拼音怎么拼?条幅式地图的读音是什么?条幅式地图翻译成英文是什么?

    答:条幅式地图的读音是tiáo fú shì dì tú,条幅式地图翻译成英文是 Strip Map

  3. 问:条幅式摄影术拼音怎么拼?条幅式摄影术的读音是什么?条幅式摄影术翻译成英文是什么?

    答:条幅式摄影术的读音是tiáo fú shì shè yǐng shù,条幅式摄影术翻译成英文是 Strip Photography

  4. 问:条幅式侦察照片拼音怎么拼?条幅式侦察照片的读音是什么?条幅式侦察照片翻译成英文是什么?

    答:条幅式侦察照片的读音是tiáo fú shì zhēn chá zhào piàn,条幅式侦察照片翻译成英文是 Reconnaissance Strip

  5. 问:条幅式航图观察器拼音怎么拼?条幅式航图观察器的读音是什么?条幅式航图观察器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:条幅式航图观察器的读音是tiáo fú shì háng tú guān chá qì,条幅式航图观察器翻译成英文是 Strip Chart Viewer

  6. 问:条幅式航空照片镶嵌图拼音怎么拼?条幅式航空照片镶嵌图的读音是什么?条幅式航空照片镶嵌图翻译成英文是什么?

    答:条幅式航空照片镶嵌图的读音是tiáo fú shì háng kōng zhào piàn xiāng qiàn tú,条幅式航空照片镶嵌图翻译成英文是 Strip Mosaic


