




1. 作 [zuò]作 [zuò]起,兴起,现在起:振~。枪声大~。从事,做工:工~。~息。~业。举行,进行:~别(分别)。~乱。~案。~战。~报告。干出,做出,表现出,制造出:~恶(è)。~弊。~梗。~祟。~态。~色。~为。~难。~奸犯科……



汉语拼音:zào zuo









  1. 制造;制作。

    《汉书·毋将隆传》:“武库兵器,天下公用,国家武备,缮治造作,皆度大司农钱。”《百喻经·五百欢喜丸喻》:“今我造作五百欢喜丸,用为资粮,以送於尔。” 唐 高适 《贺安禄山死表》:“逆贼孤负圣朝,造作氛祲,啸聚吠 尧 之犬,倚赖射天之矢,残酷生灵,斯亦至矣。”《金瓶梅词话》第六一回:“我空痴长了五十二岁,并不知螃蟹这般造作,委的好吃。” 鲁迅 《三闲集·怎么写》:“如果他先意识到这一切是创作,即是他个人的造作,便自然没有一切挂碍了。”

  2. 指制造、制作之物。

    清 黄宗羲 《明夷待访录·奄宦上》:“今也衣服、饮食、马匹、甲仗、礼乐、货贿、造作,无不取办於禁城数里之内。”

  3. 伪造。

    《后汉书·宦者传·吕强》:“陛下不密其言,至令宣露,羣邪项领,膏脣拭舌,竞欲咀嚼,造作飞条。” 唐 寒山 《诗》之二四二:“人面禽兽心,造作何时歇。” 清 李渔 《闲情偶寄·词曲上·结构》:“实者,就事敷陈,不假造作,有根有据之谓也。” 瞿秋白 《文艺杂著续辑·鬼脸的辩护》:“敌人所造作的那些‘放火杀人’之类的谣言,正是要把这种鬼脸硬套在先进的工农头上。”

  4. 谎言,谣言。

    唐 无名氏 《洛神传》:“无信造作,皆 梁 朝四公诞妄之词尔。”

  5. 做作。

    宋 陈善 《扪虱新话·论俗人之俗》:“平日无佳论,而临事好造作,此俗人也。” 清 钱泳 《履园丛话·杂记上·裹足》:“天下事贵自然,不贵造作。” 老舍 《二马》第三段十一:“ 伊姑娘 一面招呼她们母女,一面顺手儿把帽子摘下来,戴上,非常的自然,一点没有显排帽子的样儿,也没有故意造作的态度。”



  1. In 1905 he began to paint with a new strength, his drawing becoming less mannered, the mood less melancholy.


  2. That thinking it a apotheosis as benignancy of Tang's annihilating Xia, was purely the Confucian fudge.


  3. And yet, there is one context in which economists talk about job scarcity in the same terms as an ordinary layman guilty of make-work bias.


  4. Even every one that is called by my name: for I have created him for my glory, I have formed him; yea, I have made him.


  5. Brian : I don't get it. You know I prefer girls with the natural look. Why would I want to go out with her?


  6. Such a rebirth is impossible as long as you continue to project or miscreate.


  7. If this karma is not fully formed, if the thought did not turn into action, then naturally the karma will dissolve.


  8. Heaven and Hell is the artificial heart and behavior. Do not be afraid of Heaven and Hell, we should fear is the heart of the bias.


  9. They argue that these exclusive residential developments are too isolated and artificial to establish such a link.


  1. 造作性障碍

    factitious disorder

  2. 一种造作的文体

    a mannered style of writing

  3. 吹牛空洞或造作的大话

    Empty or pretentious bragging.

  4. 他带着造作的微笑望着我们。

    He looked at us with a set smile.

  5. 喜悦, 安详且完全的无有造作。

    Joyous, serene, and totally uncontrived.

  6. 他们娇揉造作地整洁打扮。

    They mince and prim.

  7. 矫揉造作的, 关于或展示矫揉造作的

    Of, relating to, or exhibiting mannerisms.

  8. 一部人物平淡无味, 造作的小说

    a novel with flat, celluloid characters.

  9. 一部人物平淡无味的造作的小说。

    A novel with flat celluloid characters.

  10. 给某些造作果报,某些结果将跟进。

    Given certain volitional actions, certain results will follow.

  11. 她的谈话一点也不矫造作。

    Her talk was very unliterary.

  12. 使我们自此造作的迷惑里缓解。

    Relieve us of this contrived confusion.

  13. 含蓄的真情实感避免了过分的造作。

    And the modesty of real emotions avoids the excesses of those falsely created.

  14. 他的语言毫无造作, 完全是大众英语。

    His language is smooth easy colloquial and mostly vernacular.

  15. 穿着或讲话中夸张, 造作的风格或习惯

    exaggerated or affected style or habit, as in dress or speech

  16. 勉强地或造作地使某事物显得了不起。

    Try in a forced or unnatural way to make sth seem impressive

  17. 她通常不在下午七点造作业。

    She doesn't usually do her homework at pm.

  18. 你觉得为艺术和美所感动并不造作。

    You dont think its pretentious to be moved by art and beauty.

  19. 有种虚伪和造作,但也是一种平易的造作。

    There's a falseness, a craftedness, but it's a kind of folk craftedness.

  20. 现象是外在的生与主体的思的共同造作。

    Phenomenon is a joint creation of subjectivity and objectivity.

  21. 现象是外在得生与主体得思得共同造作。

    Phenomenon is a joint creation of subjectivity and objectivity.

  22. 自然和诗歌相结合的功能,而不造作。

    Functionality and poetry combined naturally, without being pretentious.

  23. 我们现在正在造作的, 亦会于将来成熟。

    Even now we are collecting Karma together for the future.

  24. 祸哉,那些在床上图谋罪孽,造作奸恶的。

    Woe to them that devise iniquity, and work evil upon their beds!

  25. 造作计算机化的存货和再定购商品目录。

    Operate computerized inventory record keeping and.

  26. 矫揉造作穿着或讲话中夸张,造作的风格或习惯

    Exaggerated or affected style or habit, as in dress or speech.

  27. 建筑用材,垫板材 室内造作材,模板,纸奖材。

    Construction package, interior fittings, temporary construction materials, pulp and uses same as Elka.

  28. 新作大马刀,后两把匠气过重,偏于造作。

    They are the newmade horse sword. The last two with heavy workmanships are very corny.

  29. 父亲买儿子建, 孙子造作家产, 重孙去要饭。

    The fatIT buys, the son buildings and his son begs.

  30. 意识是一种不造作的状态,它只是如是存在。

    Awareness is a state of not manufacturing anything; it is just being.


  1. 问:造作拼音怎么拼?造作的读音是什么?造作翻译成英文是什么?

    答:造作的读音是zàozuò,造作翻译成英文是 make

  2. 问:造作拼音怎么拼?造作的读音是什么?造作翻译成英文是什么?

    答:造作的读音是zàozuo,造作翻译成英文是 artificial

  3. 问:造作的拼音怎么拼?造作的的读音是什么?造作的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:造作的的读音是,造作的翻译成英文是 ghastly