


1. 铅 [qiān]2. 铅 [yán]铅 [qiān]一种金属元素,可用作耐硫酸腐蚀、防丙种射线、蓄电池等的材料。其合金可作铅字、轴承、电缆包皮等之用:~刀(指钝刀子,喻才能微薄)。~球。指用石墨等制成的书写工具:~笔。~椠(铅粉笔和木……









汉语拼音:qiān dāo yī gē








  • 【解释】:铅刀虽不锋利,偶尔用得得当,也能割断东西。比喻才能平常的人有时也能有点用处。多作请求任用的谦词。
  • 【出自】:《后汉书·班超传》:“况臣奉大汉之威,而无铅刀一割之用呼?”


  1. na.
  2. 〈谦〉

  3. blunt but may be useful;A man of no ability can also achieve an undertaking sometimes.;When a blunt knife is used appropriated by chance, it can also cut things.

  4. >

  1. 在医学上, 割一股而保全身。

    In medicine, a limb may be lopped off to preserve the body.

  2. 海难的幸存者每割一小时就发出一次求救信号。

    The survivors of the shipwreck transmitted a distress signal every hour.

  3. 当时的中央政府软弱无能,一任宰割。

    China's central government was a mockery, capable only of feeble response.

  4. 犯罪者将被割去一只耳朵。

    The offender's ear was cut off!

  5. 我一只手仅仅割破了一点儿,另一只手的抽筋已经好了。

    My hand is only cut a little and the cramp is gone from the other.

  6. 玻璃把我的食指割掉一小块皮。

    The glass took a thin sliver of skin from my index finger.

  7. 联合收割机把庄稼绕田边割了一长条。

    The combine had cut a swathe around the edge of the field.

  8. 猎人割下一大块肉扔给他的狗吃。

    The hunter cut a big chunk of meat and tossed it to his dog.

  9. 猎人割下一大块肉扔给他得狗吃。

    The hunter cut a big chunk of meat and tossed it to his dog.

  10. 然后他割下一截绳子,走到船梢去套住鱼尾巴。

    He cut the rope then and went astern to noose the tail.

  11. 他拔开了酒瓶塞子,割了一大块鱼以及大蒜和肥肉。

    He drew the corks, and partook largely of the fish with the garlic and fat.

  12. 另一名员工试图割腕自杀, 现在医院安养。

    Another worker slit his wrist and was hospitalized.

  13. 唐娜我知道,但一想到被刀割进去,我就不寒而栗。

    Donna I know, but just the thought of being cut into I find really scary.

  14. 我只有一把小铅刀, 这么长。

    I have only a little lead sword, no longer than that.

  15. 一个星期后, 她的母亲用一把小型剃须刀割喉自杀。

    A week later, her mother cut her own throat with a miniature razor.

  16. 这个国家在战后被迫割让了一大片领土。

    After the war, the country was forced to concede a lot of their territory.

  17. 将带电和不带电的电线头上的包皮割去约一英寸。

    Cut back the covers of the neutral and live wires about one inch.

  18. 生活甚至是一瓶鸩酒,经常割破蛇得舌头。

    Even more life is the poisonous wine, which always snicks the snakes tongue.

  19. 生活甚至是一瓶鸩酒,经常割破蛇的舌头。

    Even more life is the poisonous wine, which always snicks the snakes tongue.

  20. 一年生黑麦草刈割利用后第二年长势情况比较研究

    Copmarative Study on the Next Year Growth of Lolium multiflorum Lam after Mowing

  21. 她正在割一个男人的喉咙。

    She is slitting a man's throat.

  22. 非常想在她脖子上割一刀

    Really wanted to draw a knife across her neck.

  23. 我割一片玻璃修补打破的窗户。

    I cut a sheet of glass to mend the broken window.

  24. 在手臂上深深割一刀, 手臂会血流如柱。

    If you got a deep cut in your arm, there's usually a gush of blood.

  25. 割让割让或放弃,如由条约规定的割让给另一国的领土

    a ceding or surrendering,as of territory to another country by treaty

  26. 一周年割面

    yearling face.

  27. 你必须割下一磅肉。

    You must cut off just one pound of flesh.

  28. 领土被割去了一块。

    A tract of territory had been sliced away.

  29. 他割下了一段电线。

    He nicked a piece of wire.

  30. 其中一个是女阴残割。

    One is genital mutilation.




铅刀一割,成语,典故名,典出《后汉书》卷四十七〈班梁列传·班超〉。汉 建初三年,班超上疏请兵,曰“昔魏绛列国大夫,尚能和辑诸戎,况臣奉大汉之威,而无铅刀一割之用乎?”。铅刀,铅制的刀。谓刀不锋利,比喻才力微薄。铅刀虽不锋利,偶尔用得得当,也能割断东西。比喻才能平常的人有时也能有点用处。多作请求任用的谦词。