







汉语拼音:biǎo liàn






  1. Grand as the watch was, he sometimes looked at it on the sly on account of the old leather strap that he used in place of a chain.


  2. Now and then he took a gold pencil-case from his watch - chain and made an entry in the margin.


  3. He looked from face to face and chose Chavel, perhaps because he was the only man with a waistcoat fit to take the chain.


  4. When, in addition, I see a Chinese coin hanging from your watch-chain, the matter becomes even more simple.


  5. He had a large watch-chain and strong black dots where his beard and whiskers would have been if he had let them.


  6. Coolidge awoke to see an intruder go through his clothes, remove a wallet and unhook a watch chain.


  7. You can link a style sheet to a Web page by using a link element, as shown in the following code example.


  8. By 1900, almost every house had a clock, and nearly every well-dressed gentleman wore a watch on a chain tucked in his vest pocket.


  9. You can't find anywhere else such a complete collection of watch bracelets.


  1. 我的表链坏了。

    My watch chain was breaken.

  2. 这表链是金的。

    The watch chain is made of gold.

  3. 我从表链上解下手表。

    I detached my watch from the chain.

  4. 那是一条金表链。

    It was a gold watch chain.

  5. 桌上有一块安上表链得表。

    There is a watch and chain on the table.

  6. 这表链完全配得上那只表。

    The chain was even worthy of the watch.

  7. 线性表链式存贮结构的动态建立

    The dynamic creation for linkage memory structure of the linear lists

  8. 我已把表从表链上取了下来。

    I have detached the watch from the chain.

  9. 我的带表链的手表在写字桌上。

    There is my watch and chain on the writing table.

  10. 但是表链的另一端挂了什么呢

    But what was on the other end of the chain

  11. 他感觉到有人扯了一下他的表链。

    He felt a twitch at his watch chain.

  12. 版本2。2提供了串成注册表链的能力。

    Version 2.2 offers the ability to chain registries. These methods were recently added

  13. 那个胸口带上挂个表链的家伙是谁?

    Whos the guy with the Albert chain

  14. 版本2。2提供了串成注册表链得能力。

    Version 2.2 offers the ability to chain registries. These methods were recently added

  15. 漂亮的新综合精钢表链蝴蝶表扣闭合。

    Beautiful new integrated steel bracelet with butterfly clasp closure.

  16. 她一见这条表链,就知道一定属于吉姆所有。

    As soon as she saw it she knew that it must be Jims.

  17. 这条金表链是他亲爱得太太送得礼物。

    The gold watch chain was a gift from his beloved wife.

  18. 这条金表链是他亲爱的太太送的礼物。

    The gold watch chain was a gift from his beloved wife.

  19. 把你的表给我,我想看一下表链装在表上的样子。

    Give me your watch. I want to see how it looks on it.

  20. 她一看到着表链就认为非给杰姆买下来不可。

    As soonas she saw It'she knew that it must be Jim's.

  21. 飞机设备。带可变磁阻和转速表链的速度传感器

    Aircraft equipment. speed sensor, variable reluctance and tachometer chain

  22. 飞机设备。带可变磁阻和转速表链得速度传感器

    Aircraft equipment. speed sensor, variable reluctance and tachometer chain.

  23. 然后, 在本书的细致信息页面, 点击图书订正表链接。

    Then, on the book details page, click the Book Errata link.

  24. 这是一种密实的表链, 不像折叠扣那样会松散。

    This is a solid band, and will not stretch like most'folded link'bands.

  25. 这是一种密实得表链, 不像折叠扣那样会松散。

    This is a solid band, and will not stretch like most'folded link'bands.

  26. 表链佩戴在马甲或腰前的与怀表连接的短链或短带

    A short chain or ribbon attached to a pocket watch and worn hanging in front of the vest or waist.

  27. 此操作将覆盖所有所选网页得样式表链接。是否继续?

    This operation will overwrite all of the selected pages'stylesheet links. Do you wish to continue ?

  28. 此操作将覆盖所有所选网页的样式表链接。是否继续?

    This operation will overwrite all of the selected pages'stylesheet links. Do you wish to continue ?

  29. 德拉卖掉了自己的长发为吉姆买了一条白金表链。

    Alexandra sell their own long Jim, bought for a platinum bracelets.

  30. 青,我把我的表卖了一百法郎,把表链和坠子卖了三百法郎。

    To keep watch or guard, especially over a corpse.


  1. 问:表链拼音怎么拼?表链的读音是什么?表链翻译成英文是什么?

    答:表链的读音是biǎoliàn,表链翻译成英文是 watch chain; chain