







汉语拼音:réng jiù







  1. 就,便。

    《老残游记》第五回:“话説 老董 説到此处, 老残 问道:‘那不仍就把这人家爷儿三个都站死了吗?’”



  1. And the count of Anjou needed a crown, as he was an ambitious and accomplished knight, but only a younger brother of the king.


  2. But man is shaped by his selfishness, and his so-called spontaneity is within the field of his self-interest.


  3. The Bank of China branch in Shanghai is introducing the policy but its Beijing branch is keeping the rate unchanged.


  4. Some people may find this to be a commonplace event, but it is still a marvel to me.


  5. Instead its government continues to be able to borrow at extraordinarily low interest rates.


  6. Not all have been destroyed. The back part of the building is still too high.


  7. At one or two o'clock in the morning he would still be talking, untroubled, close to his fireplace, lively, often amusing.


  8. S. By the following year, however, each state had created its own observances , as had various nations around the world.


  9. And despite everything that had happened -- the abuse and her death -- I decided to enroll.


  1. 未来的爱仍就在那里!

    Future love still in there!

  2. 未来的爱仍就在那里!

    Future love still in there!

  3. 在梦里, 你仍就缠绕著我。

    In the dream, you were still twining me.

  4. 目前仍就应如何处理这类请求进行协商。

    However, consultations were still continuing on how such requests would now be handled.

  5. 他仍就比我们最近给他的评价好得多。

    Still, he was a lot more than what we've been giving him credit for lately.

  6. 但是鼹鼠仍就在伤心地看着他的空爪子。

    But Mole was still staring unhappily at his empty paws.

  7. 双方仍就他的文件初稿里的最新措辞犹豫不决。

    Both sides still balk at his draft document's latest wording.

  8. 双方仍就有待审议的修订的数量和范围存在很大分歧。

    The two sides continue to be worlds apart on both the number and scope of any amendments that would be offered as part of the debate.

  9. 小男孩长成了一个男人, 但仍就不懂女人为什么哭泣。

    The little boy grew up and became a man, still wondering why women cry.

  10. 小男孩长成为了一个男子, 但仍就不懂女人为何啼哭。

    The little boy and became a man timberland boots uk, still wondering why women cry.

  11. 小男孩长成了一个男人, 但仍就不懂女人为甚么哭泣。

    The little boy grew up and became a man, still wondering why omen cry.

  12. 小男孩长成了唯一男孩,但仍就不懂女宝宝子为甚么哭泣。

    The less boy and bearrived man, yet wondering reason women cry.

  13. 只是觉得一年来了又去了,而我仍就做着一成不变的事情。

    It's just that another year's come and gone and I'm still doing the same old thing.

  14. 尽管他们十分的愤怒,但仍就不想与英国军队发生暴力冲突。

    Even though they were very angry, they did not want to have a violent clash with English soldiers.

  15. 拆除工作也不是很彻底。这栋建筑的后半部仍就嫌高了点。

    Not all have been destroyed. The back part of the building is still too high.

  16. 然而只要经济仍不景气, 通货紧缩的风险就仍存在。

    Yet the dangers of deflation will lurk as long as the economy has so much slack.

  17. 否则,它们就仍将是可悲和无法实现的幻想。

    Otherwise, they will continue to be a sad and unattainable illusion.

  18. 把它仍在就好了。

    A Just leave the stuff.

  19. 他有时仍突然就出现了。

    He still pops up every now and then.

  20. 他有时仍突然就出现了。

    He still pops up every now and then.

  21. 老头儿还了礼, 就仍旧象先前那样, 自己往前走去了。

    The old man replied, and proceeded on his way as before.

  22. 没有此类行动,实现千年发展目标就仍将遥遥无期。

    Without such action, the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals will remain a remote possibility.

  23. 仅自然选择到底能产生多少种类似进程,就仍未查明。

    Just how much a process like this can be shaped by natural selection is unclear.

  24. 我们仍未就转会经费达成一致。

    We haven't agreed a transfer budget yet.

  25. 但他们仍未就谁控制安全部队达成一致。

    But they could not agree on who would control the security forces.

  26. 仍在就其他典型调查的组成部分开展工作。

    Work continues on other model survey components.

  27. 目前埃以双方仍未就大使返回日期达成一致。

    Currently Aye Ambassador to the two sides yet to agree on return date.

  28. 到目前为止,库克先生仍未就这些报道发表评论。

    So far, Mr. Cook has not commented on these reports.

  29. 目前,南苏丹和苏丹仍在就部分悬而未决问题进行谈判。

    Currently, South Sudan and Sudan are still negotiating on some outstanding issues.

  30. 目前仍在就如何清理其余来历不明的雷场展开讨论。

    Discussions continue on clearance of the remaining minefields of unknown origin.