







汉语拼音:mì zhī






  1. 蜂蜜。

    宋 苏轼 《岐亭》诗之四:“酸酒如虀汤,甜酒如蜜汁。”



  1. To end, there was an appropriately healthy pudding: Red jacket apricots, accompanied by White House honey sorbet.


  2. Used for reforestation, timber, as a nectariferous plant, and for weaving wicker baskets.


  3. THE fruits come in crowds into my orchard, they jostle each other. They surge up in the light in an anguish of fullness.


  4. Fruit smoothies (banana, berries, kiwifruit, peaches) with rice milk with a small serve of maple syrup and a pinch of cinnamon.


  5. Grown to protect embankments; used for timber, weaving wicker articles, and as a nectariferous plant.


  6. This dish is rich and delicious, it makes you feel happy &blessed after you tasted the honeyed ham wrapped with a piece of bun !


  7. A beekeeper, noticing that the bee gathers pollen and brings it to the hive, says that the object of the bee is to gather honey.


  8. Those aphids secrete some sticky, sugary liquid called honeydew, and this just globs the upper parts of the plant.


  9. Honey and lemon juice together in a bowl, transfer into a lemon honey.


  1. 蜜汁蒸鲈鱼

    Steamed Perch Filet in Honey Sauce.

  2. 蜜汁火腿如何?

    How about the Ham Slices Glazed with Honey Sauce ?

  3. 蜜汁凤鳝球

    Eel Ball With Honey Sauce.

  4. 蜜汁银雪鱼

    Cod Fillets with BBQ sauce.

  5. 蜜汁人参果

    Sweet potatoes in honey soup.

  6. 烟熏蜜汁肋排

    Smoked Spare Ribs with Honey.

  7. 蜜汁烟熏鸭肉卷

    Smoked Duck Rolls with Honey Sauce

  8. 介末蜜汁烩香肠。

    Honey and mustard glazed chipolatas.

  9. 蜜汁甘笋焖鹅腿

    Tajine of goose with cumin carrot

  10. 红醋栗与蜜汁果皮。

    Currants and candied peel.

  11. 蜜蜂从花中吸吮蜜汁。

    Bees suck honey from flowers.

  12. 孜然腰果及松露蜜汁

    Cumin scented cashews and truffle honey

  13. 蜜蜂在花中吸取蜜汁。

    The bees extract honey from flowers.

  14. 蜜汁甜心薯茄汁肠花

    Hot Dishes Honey Glazed Sweet Potato

  15. 这是加上糖汁的蜜汁火腿。

    It's a honey ham with a sweet glaze.

  16. 蜜汁局火腿配甜芥末酱

    Honey baked gammon ham with sweet mustard dressing.

  17. 蜜汁通过气孔和表皮细胞泌出。

    The nectar was secreted by stoma and epidermls.

  18. 蜜汁,蜜汁可以冲淡长棍里的咸味。

    Honey glaze. Honey glaze will cut the salt in the bread sticks.

  19. 荞麦煎饼配香焦,柠檬汁,和枫树蜜汁。

    Buckwheat pancakes with banana, lemon juice and maple syrup.

  20. 花瓣6,分泌蜜汁,比萼片小得多或者无。

    Petals6, nectariferous, much smaller than sepals or absent.

  21. 你快进快出吧 别浪费了太多蜜汁。

    But let's make it a quickie because you are wasting water.

  22. 水果冰沙配米浆,枫树蜜汁,和肉桂。

    Fruit smoothies with rice milk with a small serve of maple syrup and a pinch of cinnamon.

  23. 得意时,就像浸泡在蜜汁当中,甜蜜万分。

    When you are complacent, you seem like living in honey.

  24. 托杯钟状或杯状,通过分泌蜜汁的磁盘排队。

    Hypanthium campanulate or cupular, lined by nectariferous disk.

  25. 可按个人喜好再刷上李锦记蜜汁烤肉酱。

    Brush again with Lee Kum Kee Barbecue Sauce as desired.

  26. 柠檬汁参与蜂蜜一同放入碗中, 调成柠檬蜜汁。

    Honey and lemon juice together in a bowl, transfer into a lemon honey.

  27. 用于木材, 纺织柳条篮, 和作为一分泌蜜汁的植株。

    Used for timber, weaving wicker baskets, and as a nectariferous plant.

  28. 将柠檬蜜汁淋入苹果、秋梨块上,拌匀即可食用。

    Drizzle the lemon honey apple, Qiu block, mix well and serve.

  29. 球兰属的任一种植物,肉质叶,花朵通常分泌蜜汁。

    Any plant of the genus Hoya having fleshy leaves and usually nectariferous flowers.

  30. 蜂儿在吸允了花朵的蜜汁以后,嗡嗡地道谢着离开了。

    Bees sip honey from flowers and hum their thanks when they leave.