







汉语拼音:shuǐ táng






  1. 池塘。

    元 王祯 《农书》卷十八:“水塘,即洿池也。因地形坳下,用之瀦蓄水潦,或修筑甽堰,以备灌溉田亩,兼可畜育鱼鳖,栽种莲芡。” 凌力 《星星草》第八章一:“从 看山楼 上向南望,是一片乡村景色,稻田碧绿,水塘清清。” 袁哲飞 《车从北京来·向红管天》:“﹝ 向红 ﹞在小水塘里养着蚂蝗、泥鳅,还有几只乌龟。”



  1. Another is at the edge of a pool of walking, one not careful, kick, fell down, but are on the edge of a man to help me get out.


  2. They have a sense of mischief. You know, if you see elephants down at the water hole flying around, you know. . .


  3. The whole family has had to transfer over from Kansas City. She's the little fish in the big pond of what seems to be sharks.


  4. Driving away from a party, he swerved off the road and down a bumpy track before plunging his Oldsmobile into a pond.


  5. At the edge of the woods there was a pond, and there a minnow and a tadpole swam among the weeds. They were inseparable friends.


  6. Rice is often grown in shallow puddles called paddies.


  7. Big lazy bear not happy, go home immediately used kegs, small fish in the reservoirs, the river referred to was a go.


  8. Take a simple pond immediately in front of a tee -- how often would we top the ball if the hazard were not there?


  9. In wet periods, when the water table was high, animals could easily drink from seepage ponds near the surface.


  1. 鹤薮灌溉水塘

    Hok Tau Irrigation Reservoir

  2. 薄扶林水塘

    Pok Fu Lam Reservoir.

  3. 大潭笃水塘

    Tai Tam Tuk Reservoir.

  4. 大潭上水塘

    Tai Tam Upper Reservoir.

  5. 黄泥涌水塘

    Wong Nai Chung Reservoir

  6. 大潭副水塘

    Tai Tam Byewash Reservoir.

  7. 大潭中水塘

    Tai Tam Intermediate Reservoir.

  8. 蓝地灌溉水塘

    Lam Tei Irrigation Reservoir.

  9. 那水塘陷入地表

    It was sort of a hollow in the ground.

  10. 水塘里全是鱼。

    The pond is alive with fish.

  11. 满是鳟鱼的水塘

    a pool alive with trout.

  12. 黄泥墩灌溉水塘

    Wong Nai Tun Irrigation Reservoir

  13. 清潭下灌溉水塘

    Tsing Tam Lower Irrigation Reservoir

  14. 水塘四周有小昆虫。

    There are gnats around the pond.

  15. 她喜欢绕水塘漫步。

    She enjoys lounging around the pool.

  16. 鹤薮水塘家乐径

    Hok Tau Reservoir Family Walk

  17. 水塘里长着许多莲花。

    There grow a lot of lotuses in the pool.

  18. 晚上,我们在水塘里放松。

    In the evenings, we relaxed in the pool.

  19. 哦!好凉, 水塘的水好凉啊!

    Oh! How cool, how cool the pool.

  20. 在水塘里,幼虫集中在一起

    In that pool of water, these larvae are concentrated.

  21. 夏季的水塘中,芙蓉盛开。

    Lotus flowers are in full BLOOMIN the pond in summer.

  22. 狗把自己浸入水塘里。

    The dog soused itself in the pond.

  23. 我向浑浊的水塘望去。

    I peered into the muddy water of the pond.

  24. 在花坛底部有个死水塘。

    There is a stagnant pool at the botom of the garden.

  25. 左大潭副水塘水掣房。

    Left Tai Tam Byewash Reservoir Valve House.

  26. 他们走到河流,水池和水塘。

    They fled to the rivers, to pools, and reservoirs.

  27. 甚至森林中的水塘也干涸了。

    Even the forest's waterholes dried up.

  28. 我的马在水塘前逡巡不前。

    My horse jibbed before the pond.

  29. 我得马在水塘前逡巡不前。

    My horse jibbed before the pond.

  30. 小蜗牛找了个水塘,喝了个饱。

    The little snail found a pool to drink enough water.


  1. 问:水塘拼音怎么拼?水塘的读音是什么?水塘翻译成英文是什么?

    答:水塘的读音是shuǐtáng,水塘翻译成英文是 pond; pool

  2. 问:水塘抽样拼音怎么拼?水塘抽样的读音是什么?水塘抽样翻译成英文是什么?

    答:水塘抽样的读音是,水塘抽样翻译成英文是 Reservoir sampling