




1. 壳 [ké]2. 壳 [qiào]壳 [ké]坚硬的外皮:鸡蛋~儿。壳 [qiào]义同(一):甲~。地~。金蝉脱~。……



汉语拼音:tuì ké







  1. 犹蜕皮。

    元 方回 《初夏》诗之四:“新蝉初蜕壳,穉菊始分椏。”参见“ 蜕皮 ”。

  2. 指遗骸。

    前蜀 贯休 《闻赤松舒道士下世》诗:“蜕壳埋金隧,飞精驾锦鸞。”



  1. An old crab grew restless. Finding himself stiff all over, he knew it was time for him to moult his shell.


  2. Snakes castoff and renew their skins .


  3. Study on Regulation of the Molt of Crustacean and the Application of Molt-Accelerating Hormone


  4. Techniques of exuviations in Euloma changshanense Lu (Trilobita) and its palaeoenvironmental significance


  5. Studies on the molting and growth of the young mitten crab


  1. 蜕壳后阶段

    postecdysial stages.

  2. 蛇会蜕壳换新。

    Snakes cast off and renew their skins.

  3. 笼养中华绒螯蟹的蜕壳与生长

    Molting and growth of Chinese mitten crab, eriocheir sinensis, raised in plastics cage

  4. 罗氏沼虾亲虾蜕壳僵死的原因探讨

    The studies on the reason causing parent Macrobrachium rosenbergii to death at exuviation

  5. 中华绒螯蟹幼蟹蜕壳与生长的初步研究

    Studies on the molting and growth of the young mitten crab.

  6. 老北京在蜕壳,尽管故宫的墙还是砖红色的。

    Old Beijing is in exuviate carapace, although the wall Imperial Palace still is of bricks red.

  7. 老北京在蜕壳,尽管故宫得墙还是砖红色得。

    Old Beijing is in exuviate carapace, although the wall Imperial Palace still is of bricks red.

  8. 螃蟹觉得不安了, 觉得全身太硬了, 自己知道要蜕壳了。

    An old crab grew restless. Finding himself stiff all over, he knew it was time for him to moult his shell.

  9. 甲壳类的生长包括蜕皮过程中外壳周期性的蜕壳。

    Growth in crustaceans involves periodic shedding of the exoskeleton during molting.

  10. 这些结果说明在蜕壳周期中能量代谢发生了变化。

    The results show that the energy metabolism changes during molt cycle.

  11. 蜕壳前后中华绒螯蟹幼蟹肝胰腺脂肪酸组成变化

    The Change of Fatty Acids Composition in Hepatopancreas of Juvenile Chinese Mitten Crab Before and After Molt

  12. 老螃蟹觉得不安了,觉得全身太硬了,自己知道要蜕壳了。

    An old crab grew restless.Finding himself stiff all over, he knew it was time for him to moult his shell.

  13. 他想寻一个窟穴, 躲了身子, 将石子堵了穴口, 隐隐的蜕壳。

    He was going to block up the mouth of the cave so that he could moult in secret.

  14. 他知道外面蜕壳是危险的。身子还软,要被别的螃蟹吃去的。

    He knew it would be very dangerous to shed his shell in the open because, with his new shell still being soft, he might be eaten up by other crabs.


  1. 问:蜕壳时钟拼音怎么拼?蜕壳时钟的读音是什么?蜕壳时钟翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蜕壳时钟的读音是tuì ké shí zhōng,蜕壳时钟翻译成英文是 eclosion clock

  2. 问:蜕壳激素拼音怎么拼?蜕壳激素的读音是什么?蜕壳激素翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蜕壳激素的读音是tuì ké jī sù,蜕壳激素翻译成英文是 eclosion hormone

  3. 问:蜕壳节律拼音怎么拼?蜕壳节律的读音是什么?蜕壳节律翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蜕壳节律的读音是tuì ké jié lǜ,蜕壳节律翻译成英文是 eclosion rhythm