




1. 抹 [mǒ]2. 抹 [mò]3. 抹 [mā]抹 [mǒ]涂:涂~。~粉(喻美化或掩饰)。~黑(喻丑化)。~子(瓦工用来抹灰泥的器具。亦称“抹刀”)。揩,擦:~拭。哭天~泪。除去,勾掉,不计在内:~煞。轻微的痕迹:“林梢一~青如画”……




1. 底 [dǐ]2. 底 [de]底 [dǐ]最下面的部分:~层。~座。~下(a.下面;b.以后)。海~。~肥。末了:年~。月~。到~。根基,基础,留作根据:刨根问~。~蕴。~稿。~版。图案的基层:白~蓝花的瓶子。何,什么:~事伤感。古同……



汉语拼音:yī mǒ dào dǐ






  1. 谓全部抹掉。

    明 袁宏道 《与张幼书》:“近日湖上诸作,尤觉秽杂,去 唐 愈远,然愈自得意。昨已为 长洲公 觅去发刊。然僕逆知 幼于 之一抹到底,决无一句入眼也。”如:事情好容易才有点眉目啦,可这一来又要一抹到底了。




  1. 一点魔法, 一抹阳光,

    A little bit of magic, a slice of the sun.

  2. 一点魔法,一抹阳光,

    A little bit of magic, a slice of the sun.

  3. 色调轻微的一抹颜色色调

    A slight trace of color a tinge.

  4. 脸上带著一抹微笑

    with a smirk upon his face.

  5. 天边只留下一抹残照。

    Only a trace of sunset glow remained on the horizon.

  6. 天鹅, 湖面上一抹闪光,

    Swans, a glint on the surface of a lake

  7. 那一抹幽静让人留恋!

    That one rubs peaceful let person be reluctant to leave!

  8. 傍晚最后一抹亮光消失了。

    The last of evening light was fading away.

  9. 一抹残霞渐渐在天边消逝。

    A few stray rosy clouds faded from the horizon.

  10. 要按质定价, 不能一抹平。

    The prices should be different, fixed according to quality.

  11. 埃克森脸上出现一抹微笑。

    A faint crease of a smile appeared on Ackerson's face.

  12. 一抹淡淡的羞涩泛上她的面颊。

    A dusky blush rose to her cheek.

  13. 天边有一抹淡淡的落日余辉。

    There was a faint afterglow from the sunset.

  14. 她的嘴角挤出一抹冷酷的微笑。

    A grim smile corner of the warrior's mouth.

  15. 我们?利萨重复道,带着一抹浅笑。

    We? Lisa repeated with the barest hint of a smile.

  16. 暴雨过后,天际出现了一抹飞虹。

    A rainbow presented itself after the storm.

  17. 暴雨过后,天际出现了一抹飞虹。

    A rainbow presented itself after the storm.

  18. 这是我寒假生活得一抹亮色!

    It was a dot in my Winter Holiday.

  19. 我发现河面一抹血迹 顺流而下

    I notice a slick of blood in the water around me that gets washed downstream.

  20. 初现的一抹晚霞斜映着花园。

    The early sunset was slanting across the park.

  21. 这坏消息给他们投下一抹阴影。

    The bad news cast a cloud on them.

  22. 红宝石般的色泽泛着一抹石榴红。

    Ruby red color with garnet hues.

  23. 这该死的周一到底是怎么了呢?

    Was ist nur mit diesem verflixten Montag los

  24. 潮湿的带有一抹微红的暮色降临了。

    A damp, reddish dusk descended.

  25. 相片给素色的墙面增添了一抹情趣。

    Pictures add interest to plain painted walls.

  26. 一抹浅笑掠过莉雅德琳女士的脸。

    A slow smile spreads across Lady Liadrin's face.

  27. 一抹绿色现文明, 还请足下多留情。

    A patch of green presents the civilization, a careful step should be considered.

  28. 那是由唇膏,脂粉以及一抹眼影构成。

    Theyre made of lipstick, plastic and paint, a touch of sable in their eyes.

  29. 喜欢蓝天,喜欢白云,喜欢你一抹明媚的微笑。

    Likes the blue sky, likes the white clouds, as soon as likes you wiping the beautiful smile.

  30. 在生命中是否闪耀著一抹探险的火花?

    Is there a spark of adventure in my life?

