







汉语拼音:ròu bó








  1. 徒手或用短兵器搏斗。

    田汉 《卢沟桥》第四幕:“我们没有精良的武器,只凭我们一点爱国热诚,跟敌人肉搏。” 管桦 《惩罚》四:“这是一场最后解决战斗的惊心动魄的肉搏,反抗侵略的人民与侵略者决死的拚杀!” 杨沫 《青春之歌》第二部第四一章:“在冰、血中,在肉搏中,人们前仆后继地斗争着。”



  1. At this North Carolina fastfood restaurant, the manager takes on a robber, grabbing his gun, wrestling with him in the kitchen.


  2. They'll mete out more damage than any other class, but will be very weak in melee situations, wearing only cloth armor.


  3. If you were a melee class, you could attack on them but never use special attacks like kick or backstab.


  4. The concluding stage of an attack in which close combat occurs with the enemy.


  5. The shoot-out in Chicago is part of a pattern of bold deals that are reshaping financial exchanges.


  6. Given their short range, their firers need to be well armoured and able to look after themselves in close combat.


  7. The infantry attacked the enemy position in an action that was soon reduced to hand-to-hand fighting.


  8. There's nothing tame about a battlefield of any era, and hand-to-hand fighting was still a major part of any engagement.


  9. The battle was ferocious, both sides thirsty to spill the blood of the enemy in hand-to-hand combat.


  1. 格斗,肉搏战

    a hand to hand fight.

  2. 肉搏大伤害攻击。

    Tigers Claw Melee attack that strikes your enemy for a large amount of damage.

  3. 他赤手空拳与敌人肉搏。

    He fought the enemy with bare hands.

  4. 打肉搏战需要技巧。

    Fighting hand to hand requires skill and technique.

  5. 打肉搏战需要技巧。

    Fighting hand to hand requires skill and technique.

  6. 我们知道我们会卷进肉搏战。

    We knew we would be in for a dogfight.

  7. 那时候他们正在进行肉搏战。

    At that moment they were fighting foot to foot.

  8. 军事对抗最高峰期间的肉搏战。

    Close fighting during the culmination of a military attack.

  9. 政治上的肉搏破坏了他的名誉。

    the meat grinder of politics destroyed his reputation or allied forces crumbled before the Wehrmacht meat grinder.

  10. 他们接受了打肉搏战的训练。

    They were trained to fight hand to hand.

  11. 他们接受了打肉搏战的训练。

    They were trained to fight hand to hand.

  12. 两个士兵肉搏, 直到一个重伤倒下。

    The two soldiers hand to hand until one fell badly wounded.

  13. 靠肉搏战决定了战斗得胜负。

    The result of the battle was decided in hand to hand combat.

  14. 靠肉搏战决定了战斗的胜负。

    The result of the battle was decided in hand to hand combat.

  15. 在肉搏战时所用的双刃短刀

    trench knife

  16. 他们已做好准备, 与敌人展开肉搏战。

    They are ready to get to grips with the enemy

  17. 我方战士英勇地同敌人展开肉搏战。

    Our soldiers bravely fought hand to hand with the enemy.

  18. 最后的一投,我一直努力拼抢和肉搏。

    That last shot, I kept battling and I kept hustling.

  19. 任何肉搏击中你都受到5点火焰伤害。

    Deals 5 Fire damage to anyone who strikes you with a melee attack.

  20. 两名总统候选人之间的肉搏似的激烈竞争

    a mano a mano between the presidential candidates.

  21. 同时, 他们还装备长剑, 以备近身肉搏。

    They also have swords to deal with enemies who come to close.

  22. 我军和敌军在城市里展开了肉搏战。

    Our troops were engaged in hand-to-hand battle with the enemy in the city.

  23. 在肉搏中,您必须与对手进行近距离战斗。

    To melee, one must be in close combat with their opponent.

  24. 两个战士肉搏起来,直到一个受了重伤为止。

    The two soldiers fought hand to hand until one fell badly wounded.

  25. 弩兵们同时还配有长剑, 以备近身肉搏。

    For use in melee Genoese Crossbowmen are also equipped with a long sword.

  26. 只有亡灵的部队拥有可以躲避肉搏伤害的虚无单位。

    Only a Necromancer's army has incorporeal creatures who can avoid damage in melee combat.

  27. 军事攻击中与敌人展开近距离肉搏的最后阶段。

    The concluding stage of an attack in which close combat occurs with the enemy.

  28. 装备精良盔甲后, 他们足以与重装骑兵近身肉搏。

    Their armour can be also be upgraded, allowing them to take on heavier cavalry.

  29. 弩兵被手持盾牌的重步兵保护着避免遭遇肉搏战。

    These crossbowmen are protected by a shield wall of heavy infantry from melee attacks.

  30. 在这场的凶险的肉搏中,我突出重围,来到报名窗口。

    In this dangerous of the Roubo, I tight encirclement, came to application window.


  1. 问:肉搏拼音怎么拼?肉搏的读音是什么?肉搏翻译成英文是什么?

    答:肉搏的读音是ròubó,肉搏翻译成英文是 fight hand to hand



“肉搏”是个多义词,它可以指肉搏(1937年赵树燊执导电影), 肉搏(汉语词语), 肉搏(1933年胡涂执导电影)。