




1. 弹 [dàn]2. 弹 [tán]弹 [dàn]可以用力发射出去的小丸;装有爆炸物可以击毁人、物的武器:~丸。子~。~雨。枪~。氢~。导~。手榴~。原子~。古代指以竹为弦的弓:“左挟~,右摄丸”。弹 [tán]用手或工具拨动而发射出去……



汉语拼音:dòng tan








  1. 亦作“ 动掸 ”、“ 动嚲 ”。动作;活动。

    元 无名氏 《赚蒯通》第一折:“吓得 项王 目瞪口呆,动弹不得。”《醒世恒言·蔡瑞虹忍辱报仇》:“﹝ 瑞虹 ﹞渐渐甦醒,只是遍体酥软,动掸不得。”《醒世姻缘传》第七回:“ 老晁 夫妇见了这们一个肘头霍撒脑浑身都动嚲的个小媳妇……怪喜欢的。” 老舍 《骆驼祥子》二:“这么大的人,拉上那么美的车,他自己的车,弓子软得颤悠颤悠的,连车把都微微的动弹。”

  2. 指劳动。

    马烽 西戎 《吕梁英雄传》第六八回:“ 张武叔 ,往年间一过正月十五,你就上地动弹上了,怎今年清明也过了,还有闲工夫串咧!”吕剧《李二嫂改嫁》第六场:“要是把她弄到手,再也不用我动弹。”



  1. As he spoke, he touched Buck's head, and although Buck was angry inside, he did not move.


  2. At last when he jumped, the man knocked him down and he did not move.


  3. 'My right hand was hit by shrapnel and didn't work, but I could move my left and I began to claw the earth away, ' he recalls.


  4. It was Bessie, I knew well enough; but I did not stir. Her light step came tripping down the path.


  5. Let' s just stall him for a while and may the Gods have mercy on him.


  6. I was trying to get up, but the sense of acute pain in my right arm and torso made my body motionless, then I passed out.


  7. There's veins on the feet, and then my heel's, like, pink, you know, and my Achilles' tendon -- that moves a little bit.


  8. And she was unable to move parts of her body.


  9. 'Well, well, ' said the Rat presently, 'I suppose we ought to be thinking about turning in. ' But he never offered to move.


  1. 动弹动弹!

    Stir yourself! ie Get moving! Get busy!

  2. 他不能动弹。

    He cannot move.

  3. 我动弹不了了。

    I could not move.

  4. 机器不动弹了。

    The machine has stopped.

  5. 相对动弹模量

    relative dynamic elastic modulus.

  6. 动弹不得的处境

    Be stuck in a situation

  7. 吓得不能动弹

    Paralyzed by fear.

  8. 醉得不能动弹

    drunk and incapable

  9. 我们好像动弹不得了。

    It looks like were stuck.

  10. 狗不肯动弹。

    The dog refused to budge.

  11. 动弹性模量

    dynamic modulus of elasticity.

  12. 我吓得动弹不得。

    I was too scared to move.

  13. 恐怖使我动弹不得。

    Terror paralyzed me.

  14. 土体动弹塑性模型

    dynamic elastoplastic constitutive model of soil

  15. 我们累得动弹不得。

    We were so tired we couldn't move a muscle.

  16. 坐着,别乱动弹。

    Be still and stop fidgeting about.

  17. 他因恐怖而动弹不得。

    He was palsied with terror.

  18. 他躺在那里动弹不得。

    He lay there, unable to move.

  19. 车里太挤,动弹不得。

    The bus was so crowded that nobody could move.

  20. 轮子着陆了, 没人动弹。

    The wheels touched the ground. Nobody moved.

  21. 她听见婴儿在隔壁动弹。

    She heard the baby stir in the next room.

  22. 他突然惊慌得动弹不得。

    Panic took hold of him and he couldnt move.

  23. 割线动弹性模量

    dynamic secant elastic modulus

  24. 我已经难以动弹,难以活下去。

    I can't move on.I can't live on.

  25. 竖向动弹性模量

    vertical dynamic elastic modulus

  26. 我打算起来, 却动弹不得。

    I attempted to rise, but was not able to stir.

  27. 我的腿麻了,动弹不了。

    My leg has gone to sleep. I can't move it.

  28. 我的腿麻了,动弹不了。

    My leg has gone to sleep. I can't move it.

  29. 我得腿麻了,动弹不了。

    My leg has gone to sleep. I can't move it.

  30. 不能动弹, 用以比喻无能为力。

    Be bound hand and foot


  1. 问:动弹拼音怎么拼?动弹的读音是什么?动弹翻译成英文是什么?

    答:动弹的读音是dòngtan,动弹翻译成英文是 move

  2. 问:动弹性拼音怎么拼?动弹性的读音是什么?动弹性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:动弹性的读音是dòng tán xìng,动弹性翻译成英文是 kinematic elasticity

  3. 问:动弹性模量拼音怎么拼?动弹性模量的读音是什么?动弹性模量翻译成英文是什么?

    答:动弹性模量的读音是dòng tán xìng mó liàng,动弹性模量翻译成英文是 dynamic elastic modulus



dòng tan(原注音错误,此处读音为轻声,详见商务印刷馆印《现代汉语词典》。广大读者需要注意了!这一段尤其需要注意)弹在此读 tan,别处大多数读二声或dàn,除个别词外。