




1. 女 [nǚ]2. 女 [rǔ]女 [nǚ]女性,与“男”相对。古代以未婚的为“女”,已婚的为“妇”。现通称“妇女”:~人。~士。~流(含轻蔑意)。少(shào )~。以女儿作为人的妻(旧读nǜ)。星名,二十八宿之一。亦称“婺女”、“须……



汉语拼音:shì nǚ






  1. 古代宫中侍奉君王后妃的女子。

    唐 杜甫 《观公孙大娘弟子舞剑器行》:“先帝侍女八千人, 公孙 剑器初第一。” 唐 温庭筠 《郭处士击瓯歌》:“宫中近臣抱扇立,侍女低鬟落翠花。” 清 昭槤 《啸亭续录·苏麻喇姑》:“ 苏麻喇姑 , 孝庄文皇后 之侍女也。”

  2. 婢女;女仆。

    唐 谷神子 《博异志·崔玄微》:“有緑裳者前曰‘某姓 阳 ’,指一人曰‘ 李 氏’……各有侍女辈。” 清 吴骞 《扶风传信录》:“晨起, 仲仙 率侍女至 和桥观音堂 圣王庙 烧香。” 郭沫若 《星空·孤竹君之二子》:“他看见我们父亲的侍女,才满十五岁的 孟姜 --啊啊,可怜的 孟姜 !”

  3. 旧指从事服务工作的女子。

    田汉 《咖啡店之一夜》:“ 白秋英 --十九岁,咖啡店侍女。” 丁玲 《韦护》第一章:“什么工作我不可以做?衣装店职员也好,伽啡馆的侍女也好。”



  1. "If you are thirsty, " said the chambermaid, "get off your horse yourself, and lie down near the water and drink. I won't be your servant. "


  2. Evening, Hou Yi got the home, the maidservants to complain tearfully the matter which the daytime occurred.


  3. Only the nymph right next to Diana seems to stare him in the face.


  4. "Stay, " said the Princess. "Ask him if he will have ten kisses from the ladies of my court. "


  5. Jouvenel in his book, On Power, (1) points out the only form of wealth among Australian savages was their serving maids.


  6. And when her ladies asked her what she was doing, she replied with a smile that she was embroidering beautiful flames.


  7. The chambermaid smirked and went for a cap, but I laughed outright .


  8. I rang again and a maid with a sullen face opened the door.


  9. She is the most distinguishable of the handmaidens as she is the only one to have blonde hair.


  1. 与侍女调情

    to dally with the servant girl

  2. 侍女, 贴身丫环

    fille de chambre

  3. 瞧瞧月亮的侍女。

    Behold the handmaid of the moon.

  4. 侍女低头痴笑着。

    The maid lowered her chin and simpered.

  5. 两个侍女干净利落。

    The two maids were trim and comely.

  6. 檀香烫拉侍女图

    Openwork Sandalwood Fan with Pyrographs of Beauties

  7. 那侍女确实很会饶舌。

    The ladiesmaids tongue was sure to run nineteen to the dozen.

  8. 她是女王的一个侍女。

    She is one of the queen's attendants.

  9. 几分钟过后,那侍女回来了。

    The girl returned in a few minutes.

  10. 女佣印度本地的侍女或护士

    A maid or nurse native to India.

  11. 她通知侍女给她准备洗澡水。

    She instructed her maid to get her bath ready.

  12. 那位侍女压低下额傻笑着。

    The maid lowered her chin and simpered.

  13. 我和我的侍女也要这样禁食。

    I also and my maids will fast in the same way.

  14. 侍女看着我,眼中充满同情。

    The waitress is looking at me with pity in her eyes.

  15. 侍女马上会给你送酒来的。

    The maid will bring you your wine in a moment.

  16. 她担心旅馆里的侍女弄错了。

    She dreaded lest the chambermaid had been mistaken.

  17. 你又不是公主,不需要侍女照顾。

    You are not a princess, you don't need to be attended by a lady-in-waiting.

  18. 侍女还在哭,发出单调的抽泣声。

    The maid, still in tears, sniffed monotonously.

  19. 他们有两个仆人, 一个厨子和一个侍女。

    They have two servants, a cook and a maid.

  20. 她还喜欢把她的侍女当脚凳用。

    She also liked to use her maids as footstools.

  21. 这侍女便为之悲恸, 泪珠如夜露涔涔。

    Which makes the maid weep like the dewy night.

  22. 喜剧中出演轻浮少妇的侍女的小角色。

    a minor female role as a pert flirtatious ladys maid in a comedy.

  23. 侍女侍候他的饮食并满足他的各种欲望。

    Slave girls prepared and served his food and drink and attended to his every whim.

  24. 汉宫侍女暗垂泪,沙上行人却回首。

    Palace maid dark cry, but looking back on the sand pedestrians.

  25. 她也是所有侍女中个子最高的一个。

    She is also the tallest of all of the handmaidens.

  26. 她的随行人由几个护卫和侍女构成。

    Her entourage consisted of several squires and maids.

  27. 酒吧间侍女坚决地拒绝再给他添酒。

    The barmaid had positively refused to draw him any more liquor.

  28. 可是一般来说公主与侍女会睡在一块儿吗?

    But, will the princess and the servant sleep together?

  29. 这时候,一名天神侍女从远处走了过来。

    At this time, a god maid left over from a distance.

  30. 侍女端来一大碗热菜汤,还有酒。

    The girl brought in a big bowl of hot vegetable soup and the wine.


  1. 问:侍女拼音怎么拼?侍女的读音是什么?侍女翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侍女的读音是shìnǚ,侍女翻译成英文是 maidservant; maid; handmaiden




【注音】:shì nǚ/rǔ

【释义】:1.古代宫中侍奉君王后妃的女子。 2.婢女;女仆。 3.旧指从事服务工作的女子。 (1).古代宫中侍奉君王后妃的女子。 唐 杜甫 《观公孙大娘弟子舞剑器行》:“先帝侍女八千人, 公孙 剑器初第一。” 唐 温庭筠 《郭处士击瓯歌》:“宫中近臣抱扇立,侍女低鬟落翠花。” 清 昭连 《啸亭续录·苏麻喇姑》:“ 苏麻喇姑 , 孝庄文皇后之侍女也。” (2).婢女;女仆。 唐 谷神子 《博异志·崔玄微》:“有绿裳者前曰‘某姓 阳 ’,指一人曰‘ 李 氏’……各有侍女辈。” 清 吴骞 《扶风传信录》:“晨起, 仲仙 率侍女至 和桥观音堂 圣王庙 烧香。” 郭沫若《星空·孤竹君之二子》:“他看见我们父亲的侍女,才满十五岁的 孟姜 --啊啊,可怜的 孟姜 !” (3).旧指从事服务工作的女子。 田汉《咖啡店之一夜》:“ 白秋英 --十九岁,咖啡店侍女。” 丁玲《韦护》第一章:“什么工作我不可以做?衣装店职员也好,伽啡馆的侍女也好。”