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Treatment can be effective during the first 24 hours of infection, but plague is often mistaken as the flu.
治疗可以有效的在感染后第一个24小时,但鼠疫往往被错误的诊断为流行性感冒。Conclusion Diphacine na-salt was one of the best anticoagulant rodenticide against commensal rodent in Guangxi plague area.
结论敌鼠钠盐仍值得在广西家鼠鼠疫疫源地中继续应用。In ancient time, a mythological demon called " Nian" that lived under the sea would plague people once a year on the even of the new year.
正在古时分,一个神话恶魔叫“年”,依据住正在海边将每一年一次鼠疫以至对新地一年地人。Hemorrhagic fever is not a plague, caused by a virus but a rat by an acute infectious disease transmission.
出血热不是鼠疫,而是一种由病毒所致的经鼠传播的急性传染病。Septicaemic form of plague occurs when infection spreads directly through the bloodstream without evidence of a "bubo" .
败血性鼠疫在感染直接通过血流传播时发生,但无“腹股沟淋巴结炎”的迹象。Included in the medicine chest used for these experiments would have been anthrax, the plague, and brucellosis.
在这些实验中使用的药箱本来包括炭疽热,鼠疫,布鲁氏菌病。The existence of such independence is quite long, so the genotype of the plague strains as the differences in many points.
且这种独立性的存在已经相当久远,因而表现为鼠疫菌株间多位点的差异。Article 28. The body of a person who died of plague, cholera or anthrax must be disinfected immediately and cremated at a nearby place.
第二十八条患鼠疫、霍乱和炭疽死亡的,必须将尸体立即消毒,就近火化。Conclusion There was no plague recessive in coat-processor from coat market of Li county, Baoding city.