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元 张养浩 《山坡羊·渑池》曲:“ 秦 如狼虎, 赵 如豚鼠, 秦 强 赵 弱非虚语。”
The poor little Lizard, Bill, was in the middle, being held up by two guinea-pigs, who were giving it something out of a bottle.
她见到一群小动物和小鸟都守在外边,那只可怜的小壁虎--比尔在中间,由两只豚鼠扶着,从瓶子里倒着东西喂它。Results: 1. To obtain a complete set of images which had been enlarged of the guinea pig inner ear tissue. 2.
结果:1。获得了一套完整的豚鼠内耳组织连续切片放大后的图像资料。Conclusion: Eleven Formula Medicinal Liquid has no acute toxic and irritant effects in rabbits, and no allergic reactions in guinea pigs.
结论:十一方药酒对家兔皮肤无急性毒性和刺激作用,对豚鼠皮肤无致敏作用。When the original charges were dropped, they were then accused of using the children as human guinea pigs in an illegal clinical trial.
当最初的指控被抛弃之后,他们又被指控把这些儿童当作豚鼠,用于一场非法的临床试验。Results The group of cefoperazone sodium and sulbactam sodium for injection and sodium chloride injection had not evident allergy.
目的观察注射用头孢哌酮钠舒巴坦钠-氯化钠注射液对豚鼠的致过敏作用。Here one of the guinea-pigs cheered, and was immediately suppressed by the officers of the court.
这时,一只豚鼠突然喝起彩来,但立即被法庭上的官员制止了。With my tendon injury, I've had to be a guinea pig for a lot of these treatments.
因为我的伤病,我不得不像只豚鼠一样接受许多治疗。Cats and dogs, parrots and guinea pigs are excused behaviour which if seen in the children of the household might well end in assault.
猫、狗、鹦鹉和豚鼠的不好表现都是可以原谅的,但要是孩子们如此行为,那就可能要大受批评了。Objective To look for a simple and reliable method to establish and evaluate the model of the detrusor instability in guinea pig.