




1. 弹 [dàn]2. 弹 [tán]弹 [dàn]可以用力发射出去的小丸;装有爆炸物可以击毁人、物的武器:~丸。子~。~雨。枪~。氢~。导~。手榴~。原子~。古代指以竹为弦的弓:“左挟~,右摄丸”。弹 [tán]用手或工具拨动而发射出去……



汉语拼音:qiāng dàn







  1. 子弹。

    茅盾 《当铺前》一:“乡下人自然懂得枪弹比石子厉害,而况区公所又要抓人,只好忍气吞声天天把冲坏了的田横埂修整加高。” 巴金 《灭亡》第二一章:“他底润湿的眼睛又看见大刀、枪弹、绞刑台、监狱底图画。”



  1. I felt his heart beating like the heart of a dying bird, shot with someone's rifle. . .


  2. This was the policy he was prepared to carry through when an assassin's bullet put an end to his noble ideal.


  3. But when I saw the door of the Humvee with some shrapnel and bullet marks in it I told him let's go, we'll be late.


  4. And to a bullet in her head, he took his bullet back to the Republic of Korea, met his biological mother.


  5. It only takes one cartridge of improper caliber or gauge to wreck your gun, and only a second to check each one as you load it.


  6. The bullet may remain in the body or pass through it. Therefore it is possible to have one or more wounds.


  7. Bullets which had rebounded from the cornices of the houses penetrated the barricade and wounded several men.


  8. The shot of a rifle loses its sharpness in the moist air, and its smoke moves in a tardy little cloud towards the green rise.


  9. Bullets from our wing gun ripped into the fuselage of the enemy plane.


  1. 卫兵用枪弹

    guard cartridge.

  2. 枪弹指示器

    cartridge indicator.

  3. 运动步枪弹

    sporting rifle cartridge.

  4. 将枪弹从中取出

    To remove the charge from.

  5. 这枝枪发射枪弹。

    This gun shoots bullets.

  6. 墙使枪弹偏斜了。

    The wall deflected the bullet.

  7. 枪弹射入他的身体。

    The bullet entered his body.

  8. 枪弹射入他得身体。

    The bullet entered his body.

  9. 枪弹穿入他得身体。

    A bullet entered his body.

  10. 枪弹穿入他的身体。

    A bullet entered his body.

  11. 伴随着卡车坦克与枪弹。

    With trucks and tanks and guns.

  12. 墙壁使枪弹偏离了方向。

    The wall deflected the bullet from its course.

  13. 枪弹击中墙壁,因而偏斜了。

    The bullet struck a wall and deflected.

  14. 枪弹打伤了他的肩膀。

    The bullet wounded him in the shoulder.

  15. 枪弹击中了墙壁,因而偏斜了。

    The bullet struck a wall and deflected from its course.

  16. 我们向敌人密集地发射枪弹。

    We peppered the enemy with our shot.

  17. 战火隆隆, 猩红的枪弹在狂呼

    War bells blazing in scarlet battalion

  18. 战火隆隆, 猩红得枪弹在狂呼

    War bells blazing in scarlet battalion

  19. 枪弹像雨点般打在汽车上。

    Bullets were spatting the car.

  20. 枪弹雨点般向攻击者射去。

    Gun shots volleyed at the attackers.

  21. 他的左臂上留有枪弹伤痕。

    His left arm bears the mark of a bullet.

  22. 他的武器也不一定是枪弹。

    Their weapons are not necessarily bullets.

  23. 枪弹雨点般地落在他们周围。

    Bullets rained about them.

  24. 他被枪弹击中,立刻就死了。

    He was hit by a bullet and died on the moment.

  25. 枪弹紧跟着他,但他比枪弹更灵活。

    The bullets flew after him, he was more nimble than they.

  26. 违法越界观光,小心枪弹扫光。

    Cross the border illegally to sightsee, beware the bullets that will wipe you out.

  27. 这支枪弹回到我的肩部。

    The gun kicked back into my shoulder.

  28. 这支枪弹回到我得肩部。

    The gun kicked back into my shoulder.

  29. 齐射一定数目枪弹得同时射击。

    A simultaneous discharge of a number of missiles.

  30. 齐射一定数目枪弹的同时射击。

    A simultaneous discharge of a number of missiles.


  1. 问:枪弹拼音怎么拼?枪弹的读音是什么?枪弹翻译成英文是什么?

    答:枪弹的读音是qiāngdàn,枪弹翻译成英文是 bullet; cartridge

  2. 问:枪弹木拼音怎么拼?枪弹木的读音是什么?枪弹木翻译成英文是什么?

    答:枪弹木的读音是,枪弹木翻译成英文是 bulletwood

  3. 问:枪弹论拼音怎么拼?枪弹论的读音是什么?枪弹论翻译成英文是什么?

    答:枪弹论的读音是qiāng dàn lùn,枪弹论翻译成英文是 bullet theory

  4. 问:枪弹检验拼音怎么拼?枪弹检验的读音是什么?枪弹检验翻译成英文是什么?

    答:枪弹检验的读音是qiāng dàn jiǎn yàn,枪弹检验翻译成英文是 cartridge inspection

  5. 问:枪弹痕迹拼音怎么拼?枪弹痕迹的读音是什么?枪弹痕迹翻译成英文是什么?

    答:枪弹痕迹的读音是qiāng dàn hén jì,枪弹痕迹翻译成英文是 cartridge marks

  6. 问:枪弹芋螺拼音怎么拼?枪弹芋螺的读音是什么?枪弹芋螺翻译成英文是什么?

    答:枪弹芋螺的读音是,枪弹芋螺翻译成英文是 Conus cylindraceus

  7. 问:枪弹鉴定拼音怎么拼?枪弹鉴定的读音是什么?枪弹鉴定翻译成英文是什么?

    答:枪弹鉴定的读音是qiāng dàn jiàn dìng,枪弹鉴定翻译成英文是 identification of bullet

  8. 问:枪弹创骨折拼音怎么拼?枪弹创骨折的读音是什么?枪弹创骨折翻译成英文是什么?

    答:枪弹创骨折的读音是qiāng dàn chuāng gǔ zhé,枪弹创骨折翻译成英文是 gunshot fracture



枪弹是枪械在战斗中用来攻击或防御,致使目标直接遭受损害的弹药,也是各类武器中应用最广、消耗最多的一种弹药。 现代军用枪弹主要用来杀伤有生目标,也可用来摧毁轻型装甲车辆、低空飞机、军事设施等目标。为了使部队所装备的各种枪械能对不同的目标进行射击,就需要大量各种不同用途的枪弹,所以枪弹的生产和补给在战争中是很重要的。 科学技术的发展促进了枪弹的进步。由于在现代战争中各种枪械仍然是其他武器难以替代的装备之一,枪弹的作用也就不容忽视。